A/N: Soo, first story uploaded! Nothing much to add except that this story will be humor mainly, a bit angsty sometimes thought, depending on which mood I'm in. x3 This is also gonna be a multi-chapter story!

Pairing: Sasuke/Naruto - Plus some other minor pairings

Rating: M! Lemons to come, yaoi and some violence. Nothing to graphic though!

Anyway, on with the story!


"Listen up class! Attention!" Iruka's voice could barerly be heard through the loud chattering that was going on in class. Neither did he get any attention from any of the students, not like that was any news though. It didn't seem like he was ready to give up though.

"Students! Listen, I have something…" When three girls giggled at his lousy attempt his cheeks immediately turned crimson and he stopped in mid-sentence. He took one deep breath before raising his head to glare at the class. (Iruka's famous death-glare, mind you.)

"ATTENTION CLASS!" His roaring voice effectively cut off any other sounds and the class fell silent. Puzzled looks met his while he tried to regain his breath. Clearing his throat he continued to talk.

"As I where saying…" He didn't get any further than that before he was interrupted again. This time, not by the class, but by a totally different source. Kakashi came flying in trough the door (which now had an extra opening, in the shape of a perverted guy) like he had practiced his whole life to become as weightless as possibly. Except that he crashed into the other wall with, well, not so much grace. But then again, who crashed into a wall, face first, with grace?

Iruka's face that before had calmed reasonably was now fuming again the same time an unfamiliar voice could be heard through the extra hole in the door. "Pervert." One simple word explained what Iruka had feared. Kakashi had tried to "befriend" the new student, in a way that was not appreciated, neither from Iruka or the students. Not a smart move and before Kakashi had any say in this Iruka had already grabbed Kakashi by his ear and begun to drag him away.

Someone would think he never learned. Not even after crashing into a wall. And that says a lot, some may think!

"No wait! I couldn't help it! I'm sexually deprived! Iruuuukaa!" Kakashi's desperate voice echoed through the hallway but soon ebbed out as the distance increased, or it might be for other reasons that one might never find out.

"We might never see him again…" Class thought in union as they glanced after the furious teacher and perverted molester. Because even if Iruka always denied it, everyone knew he had feelings for said perverted man and they where even dating, if that's what you could call it. And somehow, Iruka always had to take care of his molester attitude. And it wasn't like it was anything new that Kakashi always tried to molest the new students, especially the new ones which were thought to be the 'innocent' ones.

What then caught everyone's attention where the blonde boy coming through the extra door. Looking ultimately bored out of is mind he stood in front of the class. "I'm new. Name's Uzumaki Naruto."

And this was the exact moment that the class fell completely silent... Cause damn! This boy was hot! Even the boy known all-too-well by the name Uchiha eyed him with an appreciative smirk, that he was careful not to let anyone else see that.

The boy in front of them had blond hair that could be described as honey and just about tickled his graceful neck in a way that framed his face, allowing one to really see the blue eyes. And those eyes! Even the clearest sea would have been jealous by the azure glint they showed. His baggy jeans fit maybe too-well to be true on the boy in a darker shade of blue which really showed the long legs he had. He also had a white shirt on, the two top-buttons undone, which created such a wonderful contrast against his tanned skin and light hair.

Just as the girls where about to ravish him straight on the spot Iruka came back, quickly hindering the lionesses in their advances, panting a bit from the fast speed he had used to return to class. Maybe. (Don't you all love double meanings?) With a short cough he turned to Naruto.

"Please take seat and then class will start."

With a simple nod his gaze searched for a place to sit before stopping at a vacant seat. Without taking notice of the class reaction he sat down... right next to the Ice prince himself, Uchiha Sasuke.


That's it for now! More to come and this was kinda like a proluge, but enjoy anyway! Please review!