"Come back with me to the south pole to follow our engagement customs." Relieved Zuko readily agreed. He stood up and took off her mother's necklace, replacing it with his own.

-Chapter 2-

Waves crashed against the dark metal hull of the ship carrying the Fire Lord and his fiancée. Katara stared down at the water below her, the color of her eyes a reflection of the sea itself. Beside her stood a very annoyed firebender who was practically radiating heat in his anger. "I don't see why we have to go through with this." Zuko had broken a cardinal rule of staying on Katara's good side, don't ask stupid questions. For punishment he received a cool, questioning, glare. "I mean I know your dad, he likes me. Why do we have to go all the way down to the freezing South to make it official?" Katara glared at him once more,

"Zuko it's sounding like you don't want to marry me. If that's the case you should have.." before she could get truly upset she was cut off by warm lips crashing against hers. She laughed against them knowing that he was just complaining because he didn't like the cold. At this thought she rolled her eyes, after all he was the one who had an "inner fire" burning in him at all times. You'd think that his temper would keep him warm but no little Zuzu has to go around avoiding cold like it's the plague. He's gonna have fun at family reunions. Knowing full well she'd have to deal with his pouting if she voiced this thought she just wrapped her arms around his waist and enjoyed his returning embrace.

"LAND HO!" the scout shouted over the deck choosing to ignore Zuko's mutter of "More like Ice Ho!" she was home. After all the time away every time she came home she felt a rush of joy at the sight of her frozen childhood home. Seeing her brother and father running towards the newly built ice dock she gave an enthusiastic wave.

"SOKKA! DAD! UP HERE!" promptly forgetting everything Iroh had told her about etiquette she jumped into the water then brought up a wave to meet her halfway and take her swiftly to the shore. There she crashed into her brother and father in a pile of blue and white. Zuko calmly walked down the gangplank then walked over to help Katara to her feet. He shook the gloved hands of both Sokka and Hakoda.

"Welcome back son." Zuko went stiff did he know?

"Come on Sparky turn that frown upside down!" Zuko's scowl only deepened with that comment. Unwillingly he shivered. Dang I forgot how cold it gets down here. He heard gentle laughter and turned to see Katara grinning at him holding up a thick blue parka. He returned the smile and accepted both the parka and her help in getting it on. Hakoda gave him a good natured hug saying that now he looked like a real water tribe man. Sokka looked his sister over and noticing her new jewelry sent Zuko a suggestive look to which Zuko blushed slightly. Luckily for him only Katara appeared to have noticed. Then Zuko realized that Hakoda was looking at him intently and everyone seemed to be grinning too much.

"What?!" he asked annoyedly, had he turned into a platypusbear or something?

"So." Hakoda started casually. "You want to marry my daughter." Zuko was completely floored apparently bluntness runs in the family.

"H-How did you know.. Sir?"

"Son your relationship with my daughter isn't exactly a secret and that." He motioned towards Katara's engagement necklace, "Isn't her mother's necklace." Zuko blushed feeling idiotic that he thought Hakoda wouldn't notice, Of course he would he probably carved it for Kya himself.

"Well, you caught me. So what now?" Zuko asked honestly not having a clue about what happened next, Katara had pointedly refused to tell him, claiming that it "wouldn't be fair" and that it "would ruin the expression of shock and surprise on your face that I'm looking forward to" what she had told him left him with enough information to be nervous about it, but not enough that he actually knew what, exactly, he should be dreading.

Hakoda responded with a light of mischief dancing in his eyes, "Now, we let the games begin."

A/N So there you have it, a few of you were enthusiastic about this story so I decided that it was good enough to continue if only barely. Sorry for the late update on this, my computer has been a major spazzoid over the last month and its most recent favorite habit is to not allow me to save. So anyway read, enjoy and review,


Reviewers I'd like to thank

waterlit, SQUEE! You were the first reviewer of this story so here, virtual cookie for you! It's nice to know that my plots are interesting and don't seem bland or overused so thanks and let me know if I get to OOC with the characters I will try not to but it's nice to know if I'm crossing the line or not.

inuyashafiend, it's cool that even though you had only read the first chapter you think that this story will be good, thanks and I hope to hear from you in the future.

YolandaFriella Thank you so much for your review, I like to hear that people think that my writing is decent so thanks! And thank you for your encouragement in my continuation of this story, I hope to hear more from you soon.

Thank you all,
