So people listen I made some changes to what classes Edward has. I switched his gym period with his science period. Just wanted to let everyone know, I didn't want to cause confution. Well enjoy!

Mandi's POV

The changing room was fulled with talk of the new students. I really didn't pay much attention to them. I opened my gym locker, and changed into a pair of blue shorts, a black tee-shirt, some sneakers, and a navy sweater. I walked out to the gym. I spotted Jerry, who had already changed and was waiting for me.

" Omg! Some of the new students are in this gym class. " He said in a very girly voice.
" Omg! Stop talking like that before I punch you in the face! " I told him in a very cute voice.
" Sorry, but on my way here that was all I hear from the girls. "

I shook my head. I took out a hair tie from my pocket and gave it to him. He pulled my hair into a side ponytail, leaving my bangs to hang in my face.

" I don't get what the big deal is. So what they're new. " I told him.
" I think it has something to do with the fact that they're good looking. "
" Are you say we don't have good looking people, here? "
" Hosently, no. I mean besides us. "

We laughed at that. We walked over to our gym station. We are supposed to line up by last name. But why would I stand so far away from Jerry? His last name is Cruz and mine's Wade. No, too much of a big difference. I noticed that Edward guy from earlier today was standing in our gym station. I bump Jerry's arm. He looks at me, and I nod toward Edward. He gives me a I dont know look, that you usually get from him. I shook my head at him.

Edward POV

They made me change. I never understand why they made students take this class year after year. They made us ran a mile out on the track today. I had to go at a slow pace, for me. I watched the others students. Some ran ahead of most of them were having a hard time keeping up to me. I saw her again, Mandi. Her name was Mandi. She was doing cartwheels and still running ahead of most people.

Mandi's POV

The run was fun. Most people don't like running, I love it. After running I went back to the locker room. I changed back into my jeans, but I didn't really feel like changing my shirt. I know gross, right? Well, I didn't sweat that much. When the bell rang I walked to my locker, and picked up my books for my last two classes. I walked into science feeling, well? I don't know how I really felt but I felt okay like. I saw gina sitting at around lab table.

" How was gym? " She asked me.
" Very good. "
" So I'm really getting sick of hearing all those girls drooping over the new students. It makes me want to punch someone in the face. "
" Well, don't. you can't afford to get in trouble again. "
" You're sounding like my mother. "
" I know, right? Scary "
" Yeah, Jason scary. "

Gina looked at the doo and shook her head.
" Here we go again. "

She said. I turned to see Edward enter the room. Why is he in so many of my classes? Jerry walked over to us.

" Looks, like I have a new lab parnter. " He told us.
" Just great. " I said.

Ususally we did labs in pairs of four, combating two groups of two. And we normally worked with Jerry. So, well you can guess. I mean you can guess, right? I thought so.

" I hate new people! " Gina said with such hatred.

We went back to sitting down.

" Okay, class today a new lab. In the boxes you will get there are fifthteen rock. Tell what rock type they are and the name of them. Due by Thursday, if you finish early get started on the homework assigement. "

Gina and I walked over to Jerry, and pulled our chairs next to his lab table.

" So lets get started. " Gina says, with such fake joy. I shake my head at her. I pick up the first rock. It had a glassy feel to it, but it had a black coloring to it. Before I even had a chance to think about it, Edward spoke.
" It's obsidian. "

The three of us looked up at him with very strange eyes. Wow it actually spoke.

" The rock is obsidian, its an igneous rock. "
" We know that. " Gina said. " We just thought that you didn't speak."
" Well, I do talk. " He told us.
" Anyways lets get back to work. " I said.

We finished the first part, and then stopped. Well, because we only got part one of the lab.

" Mandi, you wanna come over after school? " Jerry asked me.
" I can't, really wish I could, but I can't. "
" Why not? " Gina asked me.
" I have to pick Isemay, and after I drop her off at home, I have to get to work. " I told them.
" You always work. " Gina muttered, and frowned. Jerry ellowed her. " Ow. "
" Anyways, I should be getting some time off some. " I told them.

Edward's POV

Science was interesting. We worked on a rock lab. I knew all the anwsers to them. I had done this lab about millions of times before. After finishing I was listening to what the rest of my group was saying, while my head was turned away. They were talking about their plans after school. Mandi said something about someone named Isemay, who she called Ise.

Poor Ise. Having suck a horrible mother like me. I keeping trying my hardest, and I justed picked up an extra shift, so...

I stopped listening after that. I couln't believe it. Was she being true full, in what she just said? She can't be a mother. Well teenage pregnancy had increased in the years few years, so it was possible. The bell rang and I walked to my math class.

Please, write a review. Please tell if you have any request for me. Tell me what hate about the story if you hate.

Well, see all you until the next chapter, I'll try to see if I can have it written in the next four weeks, if I don't have to stay after school so much!