24th. Prose. "Is it over? Did they stop the game...?"
-thirteen years old.
Estimation Score: 2
killed by mine explosion. uncredited.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: it was unfortunate that she would be the one to fall prey to the mine test- but someone had to. She had little chance of surviving anyway. Best it ended the way it did.

23rd. Ellivieve. "I-I can't breathe- I can't breathe!"
-fourteen years old.
Estimation Score: 4
killed by being kicked to death. credited to Sin.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: she was fair, but it was bad luck her starting plate was beside the one that exploded. It temporarily halted her from moving due to lack of air- and that was all the time he needed.

22nd. Cobalt. "Get away from her!"
-fourteen years old.
Estimation Score: 7
killed by being bashed with baseball bat. credited to Sin.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: a cocky, headstrong young boy who was close with Ellivieve. It's of good opinion that he was in love with her, so even when she was dead he had faith he could save her. Foolish, but admirable.

21st. Wyde. "He's following us-!"
-thirteen years old.
Estimation Score: 4
killed by being shot through the eye with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: it was later discovered that young Wyde requires glasses, which he dropped when he was ushered into the starting plate room. It's a little amusing that his eye would be the one targeted.

20th. Sparkle. "C-Cisqua I c-can't go on-"
-fifteen years old.
Estimation Score: 3
killed by being shot through the head with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: experts who examined last captured moments of her believe she could have indeed gone on- but was unwilling to. Such a slothful attitude towards the struggle will not be accepted in future games.

19th. Kringle. "God... I'm so tired..."
-seventeen years old.
Estimation Score: 5
killed by being shot through the throat with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: it was hoped that he would harbour a deep seated hatred towards his fellow students, but he really was like a big, harmless teddy bear. He made quite a splatter however, much to the crowd's delight.

18th. Kendra. "I-I'll give you the keys- I'll give you the-!"
-fourteen years old.
Estimation Score: 3
killed by strangling by copper wire. credited to Valera.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: viewers admit that their favourite moments concerning Kendra were when her eyes lit up when she found the keys. She truly believed she had a chance in that moment. What a shame.

17th. Matra. "P-Please don't hurt me! Please!"
-fourteen years old.
Estimation Score: 2
killed by strangling by copper wire. credited to Valera.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: sadly, Matra didn't comprehend the severity of the games until she was faced with senior Valera brandishing the copper wire. Too little, too late. Should have hidden better than merely sitting on the stairs.

16th. Ruby. "Why does it have to be so dark in here-?"
-twelve years old.
Estimation Score: 1
killed by fatal blow to the head from falling sandbag. uncredited.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: a sacrifice that sadly, had to be made to hone the use of traps in future games. Through her death however, we Gamemakers can ensure that you can never be too careful.

15th. Lock. "Where'd that bitch go-?"
-fifteen years old.
Estimation Score: 7
killed by shot through the chest with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: viewers had high hopes that Lock would overthrow his group of tributes and really shine. However, in the end it was proven that he was exactly as he seemed. A foolish, murderous dreamer.

14th. Xander. "You fucking bastard-!"
-sixteen years old.
Estimation Score: 8
killed by shot through the eye with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: though he definitely had the talent- he failed to use it, even in dire moments. Viewers still watch in suspense as he contemplated stabbing Sin as he slept. It's a pity. Perhaps the game would have ended differently if he had.

13th. Battler. "I've got to get out of here-!!"
-fifteen years old.
Estimation score: 7
killed by shot through the back and neck with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: the boy was riding on the strength of his friends to get him through the games, and had little confidence in his own abilities. This flaw led him to jump at anything and everything. Amusing, but not a good attribute.

12th. Valera. "...you can't kill me... not this easily..."
-eighteen years old.
Estimation Score: 6
killed by shot through the neck with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 2

Final Comments: she was the only real killer girl in the games aside from Cisqua and Maya. There was a brief period of time where we believed that she would win using the keys- but she grew lazy after two small successes. Shame.

11th. Tilly. "-why'd this crash here though-?"
-thirteen years old.
Estimation Score: 3
killed by shot through the neck with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: Tilly was fortunate to partner up with her friend Lola rather than her friend Adelaide. Then again, she wasn't much of a fighter at all- and certainly wouldn't have won in any situation. A genuine no hoper.

10th. Lola. "-he killed her! Tilly! Tilly! Hendrix he-!"
-thirteen years old.
Estimation Score: 4
killed by shot through the eye with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: it was a popular theory that Lola would turn out to be a "killer little girl", but in all reality she was riding on the back of her brother's strength. While a useful tactic, this slowed his chances of survival down greatly. The games are no place for family.

9th. Hendrix. "-get away from my sister-!"
-eighteen years old.
Estimation Score: 10
killed by shot through the eye with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: the highest scoring of all estimates, and yet he killed no one- and didn't even put up a struggle. Most viewers found this to be a total waste, and complained that he didn't put up much of a fight. I suppose some brother's merely shut down once they see their sisters die.

8th. Boxen. "P-Please... Cisqua... what are you-?"
-sixteen years old.
Estimation Score: 6
killed by being bashed with baseball bat. credited to Cisqua.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: viewers enjoyed Boxen's creative nature. Though most of his ideas were rejected by Cisqua, his moments of carving became somewhat of a trademark. Particularly once he began to cry and couldn't carve properly.

7th. Recklo. "D-Don't- I-I don't wanna-"
-fifteen years old.
Estimation Score: 7
killed by being bashed with baseball bat. credited to Cisqua.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: a complete fake, Recklo was hardly a fighter. He must have been a close friend with Sin for him to survive so long without being disposed of for his uselessness. He had the potential, but he certainly was all talk and no walk.

6th. Cisqua. "b-but... they said you loved me..."
-sixteen years old.
Estimation Score: 4
killed by shot through the chest with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 2

Final Comments: Cisqua was a crowd favourite. Though none of the tributes caught on, she had never planned on sticking to an alliance, only using them for her own gain. She was a good liar, but sadly- Crux's eyesight could see through more than just distance.

5th. Adelaide. "-y-you're going to kill me-?"
-twelve years old.
Estimation Score: 1
killed by shot through the neck with crossbow. credited to Sin.
Kills: 0

Final Comments: the weakest of all, and yet she made it as far as fifth place. Viewers admitted to disliking her for "being in Holden's way" and Mayans agreed that they had hoped for more romance, and Adelaide was a definite wall. Her death was welcomed, but too late.

4th. Sin. "SEE YOU IN HELL MAYA-!"
-fifteen years old.
Estimation Score: 9
killed by stake to the stomach. credited to Maya.
Kills: 3

Final Comments: along with Crux, Sin had been the main favourite to win the games. However Sin's sanity began to dwindle after he lost his pack- and he became increasingly more stubborn and arrogant. The difference between the two, is apparently love.

3rd. Holden. "I don't want to kill you... just die..."
-fifteen years old.
Estimation Score: 7
killed by shot through the neck with crossbow. credited to Crux.
Kills: 1

Final Comments: Holden's actions through the first three quarters of the game were boring to viewers- and his only main charm was how dearly Maya seemed to love him. But when he pushed that love away in favour of his sister, that's when all hope for his redemption was lost.

It is by pure luck that he lasted so long. Or Maya's determination.

2nd. Maya. "...please... be safe..."
-sixteen years old.
Estimation Score: 5
died of a collaborative effort, final being asphyxiation. Credited to Holden.

Kills: 1

Final Comments: truly a tragic heroine, Maya thrilled audiences from the moment with the more than apparent love triangle she commanded. She talked to herself, came up with ideas and was constantly running and evading things by pure luck.

Her fans were thrilled by her dying moments. She went down like Juliet might have done, had Romeo been the one asleep and Juliet dying. The Trial Game's very own tragedy.

1st. Crux. "-Maya?! Maya please- DON'T LEAVE ME HERE -!"
-seventeen years old.
Estimation Score: 9
Kills: 12

Final Comments: aside from the actual winner, Crux was the crowd top favourite, had the most sponsors, the most skill- and that wonderful tragic touch we all yearn to watch bloom and madly die.

Though his love was not recognised, the collective of viewers agreed that his love was more deserving than Maya's for Holden. May this Romeo find his happy ending he so sorely deserves in the next life with his Juliet.
