A/N: Hey guys, here is my new story. Unfortunately there is no Edward in this chapter but he'll come soon enough. Some characters may be a bit out of character but there is a reason behind everything.

Disclaimer: I don't own twilight or the characters



Every girl grows up dreaming about that one day. That one day when you tie yourself to the person you love the most in the world. It's supposed to be magical, memorable… incredible. For that one day all eyes are on you as you declare your love for prince charming. It's meant to be the most wonderful day of your life. Every little girl, adolescent and middle age spinster dreams of the day that they get to marry their mister right. That is every woman but me. I had never grown up wanting prince charming to sweep me off my feet, I never dreamed of flowers and wedding dresses… I didn't believe in love. I was a very pessimistic 23 year old. Not that I didn't have my reasons…I was in love in high school, but it never worked out. It ripped my heart apart so I gave up on mister right. That's until I met him. He's the most perfect man in the world. He's what dreams are made of. He made me believe in love again. Now I constantly dreamed of marriage; I wanted the white dress and the bridesmaids. I wanted the flowers and the cake. I wanted everything with him. That's why now I constantly found myself daydreaming of churches and gardens and… Mike Newton. Mike was the love of my life. He had perfect blond hair that spiked up all over his head. When I first met him 2 years ago he was cute with a baby face but over the past two years he seemed to mature physically. He wasn't cute anymore…he was hot. Not that it mattered to me. That's not what attracted me to him. It was his great sense of humour, his genuine kindness and his sincerity. Not to mention the fact that he didn't care about my uh…family. My stepfather was Phil Dwyer… yes the Phil Dwyer, ex baseball legend and now owner of the New York Yankees. For most of my life guys always chased after me thinking they could get close to Phil, you know fame and fortune by association. Mike didn't care about any of that though. When I first met him at the local star bucks he had no idea who Phil was, he didn't follow baseball. He actually liked me for me. He complimented me in everyway. He was my other half.

I was pulled from my internal monologue when I heard a loud bang on the door. A small groan escaped my lips as I reluctantly stood up from the comfy couch. I trudged slowly towards the door, as the person on the other side continued the insistent banging.

"I'm coming," I hissed, annoyed that they had ruined my daydream. I had a fair hunch of who it was before they snapped back at me.

"Well hurry up," a small tinkly voice snapped, confirming my hunch. I opened the door to find my small pixie-like best friend Alice. Despite my earlier annoyance I couldn't help but smile at her. Alice always had the ability to make me smile. She had been my best friend since high school and I adored everything about her.

"Hey Al, come in," I said motioning with my arm. She smiled and proceeded into my apartment sitting down on the spot where I'd just been. I closed the door behind me and then joined Alice, sitting at the opposite end of the couch. I looked at her and saw that glint in her eye…that glint that said she was definitely up to something and whatever it was I wouldn't like it.

"What are you up to?" I questioned. She turned to me and placed an angelic smile on her face. It was a smile that would melt even the blackest of hearts. It was a smile that caused every man to become instantly wrapped around her little finger. In high school every male, including some teachers, did exactly as she asked. Fortunately I seemed to be immune to her powers of persuasion so instead of falling for it I glared at her. "You know that smile doesn't work on me," I added. She stopped smiling and stood up, placing both hands firmly on her hips.

"It's nothing big. We're just going to a fancy dinner," I relaxed a little at this admission. At least she wasn't dragging me off shopping somewhere. However the way she looked now I wouldn't have argued with her even if we were going on a shopping spree.

"Ok," I smiled. "I'll go have a shower. Can you pick a dress for me?" I asked. I knew the answer immediately. Of course she would pick my clothes; she was basically my free personal stylist. I wasn't really in to the whole fashion thing, so Alice had been choosing my clothes for years. She bounded happily into my room, unable to contain the excitement that was clearly bubbling inside of her. It did seem odd to me that she was so excited about picking my clothes, considering she had done so for years, but I didn't dwell on that thought for too long. Instead I hurried into the bathroom and quickly showered not wanting to keep Alice waiting for too long. When I exited the shower I dried myself, wrapping the towel around my body before walking into my room. As I entered the room I glanced at the picture of me and Mike that sat on the table on his side of the bed. I let out a sigh of contentment feeling completely comfortable. "Can things get any better?" I asked inside my head. The simple answer was no, no they couldn't. I was in love and I was loved in return. That was all the really mattered.

I turned my gaze to the dress that sat on my bed. It was a simple black dress with thin spaghetti straps. It was my favourite dress, it was simple yet elegant. Silently, I thanked god for Alice choosing this dress and not some skimpy alternative that I was sure hung somewhere in my wardrobe. I put on some underwear that I picked from the chest of drawers and then slipped on the dress, enjoying the feel of the silky material as it slid down my body. When I was dressed I called Alice. She was there within seconds a look of approval on her face.

"You look amazing Bella," she murmured. I couldn't help but smile at her praise. Alice looked me over and then said, "So for makeup I'm thinking we go natural". I gawked at her feeling shocked for a moment. Usually I would have to argue with Alice over makeup. However I decided not to push this point any further. I didn't want Alice to change her mind. She motioned for me to sit down on the bed and within ten minutes she was completely finished. She looked me over once more, smiling too herself. She handed me a pair of small heels and I placed them on my feet. Alice let out a small squeal as she clapped her hands.

"Perfect. Now let's go," she almost yelled, grabbing my arm, tugging me toward the font door. I searched for my bag and saw it lying on the coffee table. I grabbed it as we passed and then sped up so Alice was no longer pulling me. She let go of my arm and we both hurried through the lobby that led to the front doors. When we exited the doors I immediately spotted Alice's yellow Porsche.

"So where are we actually going?' I asked as we both entered the car.

"I haven't decided yet," she muttered avoiding my eyes. I stared at her, suspicion coming over me. Alice glanced over at me. "I… ok I want it to be a surprise," she shrugged.

"Uh, ok then," I muttered. Ten minutes later we arrived at Alice's apartment. When we entered the car park I noticed one of those old fashioned carriages strapped to two horses. I stared at it momentarily and then stepped out of the car. Alice did the same and we walked up to her apartment together. As we opened the door Alice let out a high pitched scream and ran full pelt toward the handsome man that stood just metres from us.

"Jas your back," Alice squealed and jumped into his awaiting arms. I turned away giving them a moment of privacy. Jasper Hale was Alice's husband, they had been high school sweethearts and 2 years ago they got married. Jasper worked for a big law firm so sometimes his work required him to travel for day's even weeks at a time. It was hard on Alice; she hated being away from him for any period of time. That's the reason for the passionate embrace. When I turned back and noticed they were still making out I let out a small cough reminding them that I was still actually in the room. They pulled apart and smiled at me.

"Sorry Bella" Jasper muttered as he placed Alice's feet back on the ground, but still holding one of her hands in his.

"I'm not. I've witnessed her and Mike making out enough times…its payback," Alice teased, winking at me. Being the totally mature person that I am I stuck my tongue out at her, causing us all to break into laughter. Once the laughter had died down, Alice looked at me and smiled, then stepped up on to her tiptoes to whisper something in Jaspers ear. Japer grinned and then nodded, walking past me.

"See you later Bella," Jasper called over his shoulder as he closed the door softly behind him.

"Hey Bella I'm going to go get dressed. Can you go to the bathroom and find my lipstick," Alice asked. I nodded confused by the events that had just occured. I walked into the bathroom and searched through the draws. When I heard the banging of the door I ran back to the lounge.

"Alice," I called. There was no answer. "Alice," I called again. Again there was no answer. I saw a piece of paper stuck to the door. I walked towards it, feeling slightly nervous. When I got to the door I pulled off the piece of paper and opened it to find Alice's neat writing.

Hey Bella,

Go down stairs to the carriage, it's for you.

Have fun tonight 


A wave of confusion crossed over me. "What the hell is going on?" I asked myself. I opened the door and hurried out to the carriage.

"Ms Swan?" the driver asked as I reached the horses. I nodded unable to speak and he got down from his seat. He opened the door and held his hand out to me. I placed my hand in his and he helped me step into the carriage. As we travelled down the road, the warm afternoon breeze blew my hair gently around my face. Finally the agitation from not knowing what was going on got the better of me and I leaned forward.

"Excuse me," I said to the driver, "do you have any idea where we're going?" I asked. The driver chuckled.

"Sorry ma'am," he answered, "but I've been told that I'm not allowed to tell you anything". I let out a small groan and leaned back letting the clapping of the horses hooves against the pavement soothe my irritation. I looked up at the sky taking in the setting sun. Finally we seemed to slow marginally as we approached Central Park. The setting sun cast a beautiful glow over the park, it was breathtaking. I stared, taking in the beauty that was before me. I was so preoccupied that I didn't notice that the carriage had come to a halt. I looked around the park searching for some explanation for why I was there. I found nothing. The driver of the carriage stepped down from his seat on the carriage and walked around holding his hand to help me down. I placed my hand gently in his and stepped down, stumbling slightly as my feet touched the ground. The driver looked at me tentatively and pulled out a blind fold. I shook my head.

"Uh, I've been told that I'm meant to blind fold you miss," he murmured. I glared at him.

"No…no way," I said shaking my head. "I'll fall flat on my face." All the frustration and irritation seemed to come out in that moment. I hated surprises. The driver smiled nervously.

"Uh, that woman, the pixie-like one, said that if you said that I should call her." He handed me a phone. I took it from him and placed it to my ear.

"Alice, what the hell is going on?" I asked, annoyed.

"Bella stop being difficult, please. You'll find out everything soon. Please," she pleaded. I considered it for a moment and eventually gave in, I couldn't argue with Alice.

"Fine," I sighed. "But if I fall I'm holding you personally responsible." Alice let out a tinkling laugh and then hung up the phone. I handed the phone back to the driver.

"Ok do it," I murmured, suddenly nervous. He did as I asked and tied the blindfold around my eyes. I took in a deep breath and waited to be led down the pathway. I expected the driver to be the one who would be helping me but when someone else arrived it was apparent he wouldn't.

"Have a nice night ma'am," the driver said to me, laughter in his voice. I waved in his general direction and then heard the sound of the horses walking slowly down the road. I gulped suddenly nervous that I was with an unknown person. I waited for the person with me to say something but they never did. Instead they placed a hand on my back leading me down the path. I walked tentatively, concentrating on every step. I stumbled a few times but every time the person steadied me. Even though the person was unknown I felt comfortable with them… there was something strangely familiar about them.

When we finally slowed I let out a sigh of relief. I had managed to walk the whole way without falling. Somebody placed two hands on my shoulders and I smiled knowing who it was immediately. They placed their lips to my ears and I shuddered slightly.

"Close your eyes Bella," he murmured. I nodded my head and he slowly untied the blindfold. His hands left my shoulders and I frowned at the loss of his touch. He grabbed hold of my hand instead. "You can open you eyes now," he said lovingly. I did as he asked and gasped bringing my free hand to my mouth. The sight before me was just as I dreamed. Mike was down on one knee a ring box in his hand. The setting sun bounced off his body causing him to glow.

"Isabella Marie Swan, when I first saw you I knew that I would spend the rest of my life with you. You are my life, I love you," he gulped before continuing. "Will you marry me?" He smiled up at me. I nodded.

"Yes," I whispered. He stood up.

"Yes?" he asked, nervously

"Yes," I smiled. He smiled back at me and placed the ring on my hand before sweeping me into his arms lifting my feet off the ground. We both laughed as he spun me around. When he placed me on the ground he crushed his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips unable to contain my joy. He pulled away but held me close, my cheek resting on his chest.

"I love you Bella," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

"I love you too," I replied, looking at the ring that now occupied my left finger. It was simple yet elegant with a small diamond. It suited me perfectly. Silently I wondered if Alice helped him pick it out. I came to the conclusion that she must have. We remained like that for several moments just enjoying the feelings of happiness that coursed through us. Eventually I lifted my head to look at Mike who was staring down at me.

"Let's go, I want to show off my amazing fiancée," he whispered. My heart pounded at being called his fiancée and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I nodded at him and he removed his arms from around me, taking my hand. We walked hand in hand down the pathway. When we got to the end of the path I noticed the same carriage waiting for us again. I looked at the driver and smiled at him. He nodded politely as he held the door open for me. Mike helped me into the carriage before entering himself. When we were both seated he placed his arm over my shoulder holding me close. I rested my head on his chest, feeling completely content. When the carriage started moving slowly, I remembered something that I'd forgotten earlier.

"Hey," I said realisation suddenly dawning on me, "I thought you had to work away this weekend," I asked curiously. He smiled cheekily down at me.

"Well I did… I had to go ask your dad for permission," he replied. "Trust me it was hard work. I was terrified that he was going to shoot me," he admitted, swallowing hard. I laughed and strained my neck to place a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you for all this it has been perfect," I whispered.

"You're perfect," he replied, placing his lips to mine.


So I hope you liked the chapter. Haha so I guess people weren't really expecting Mike to be Bella's fiancé.

Please review. They are greatly appreciated and encourage me to write faster.

I hope you like the story and you continue reading.