I'm so motivated right now! That last chapter got me all depressed, so I'm going to appeal to everyone's fluff-o-meter and right a happy epilogue. At least I'm going to make it fluffy. My version of fluff can be different from other people's version of fluff...whatever! I hope you all enjoy this because you now get to decide, after reading this of course, if you want another chapter or just leave it like it is and not touch a thing. Read and enjoy, people!

Come to Me

15 Years Later

Two lone figures walked through a cemetery that lay on the outskirts of Paris. It was a snowy December morning, but they didn't care. All they wanted was to find the two headstones that meant the most to them. The oldest of the two laid her delicate, pale hand on her rounded stomach, wanting to cry as she felt the little one kick. Her mismatched golden eyes stung with tears at the thought about why they were here. Looking over at her brother, she saw the tears that streaked down his tan cheeks.

The youngest felt his sister's eyes boring in on him, probably wondering why he was sniveling like a child, but he didn't care. The most important person in his life was gone. That person had died peacefully in his sleep 2 years ago. Just coming near his headstone, he felt like he wanted to collapse and cry out all of his pain.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, the sister smiled warmly at her little brother and took his much larger trembling hand into hers. He had hands like their father; long, slim, and musical. Pushing a stray chestnut curl out of her face, she led them on through the thickly snow-covered land. She knew why her brother was crying; it was the anniversary of his death. He had been there when she could not. He taught them both to love unconditionally because you would never know when that love could be taken away.

As tradition, they brought a bouquet of thorn less roses with black ribbons tied around each one. "This is how she liked them." he told them as they prepared them when they visited her. It seemed like that day 20 years ago happened only yesterday. She had died as soon as her brother was born. At least she got to say good-bye; something that her brother never go to do.

"Niquie, do you think Maman would've liked me?" he asked, breaking the comfortable silence between the two. He had always wanted to know if his maman loved him or not. He had been told that she had died soon after his birth, which he had always blamed on himself.

Dominique gave Charles a shocked look at the question. Would've Maman liked him or not? From what she remembered, Maman adored him for as long as she was alive! "My Charles, Maman loved you with all of her heart. And please stop blaming yourself for what happened."

"How do you know?" Charles asked, stunned at his sister's intuition.

"You used to cry about it when we were small; it's also written clearly on your face at the moment." Dominique giggled as Charles' face turned bright red; clashing with his white dress shirt and dark jacket. "Charles, Papa never told you how Maman died, did he?"

"No. Whenever I brought it up, his eyes watered and he would quickly change the subject." he responded with a heaviness that Dominique didn't know existed in him.

Sighing, Dominique knew that this was not going to be an easy story to tell; she had done the same thing to her brother, but not as obvious as Papa had done. "You know that Maman was very beautiful, right?" Charles nodded, " Well, she had a disease, it started with as 'c' but I was so little that I can't remember what it was called. Anyway, this disease slowly consumed her while she was pregnant with you. Originally, the docteur's prediction was that she would live a few months after your birth; he had predicted wrong. Her beauty began to fade rapidly, although Papa and I never thought any different of her; she was Maman and it didn't matter what she looked like. Along with her beauty, her health, her strength, and her wonderful dwindled down to almost nothing. She looked at you with so much love and adoration that you could nearly drown in it. She died with Papa and you by her side; I was standing by the door. I couldn't find the heart to enter while Papa was crying. Though, before she died, she sang a simple song that made her sound like the maman I loved."

Charles knew what that song was; it was engrained into his memory, even though no one had taught it to him.

Father once spoke of you, my Angel.

I used to dream you'd appear.

Now as I lay here beside you,

Please don't mourn.

"Brother, where did you learn that?" Dominique whispered. She, or their papa, had ever taught him that song! Is it you, Maman?

Shrugging his shoulders, Charles just continued to walk; strands of his black, wavy hair blew with the breeze. The two walked in silence until they reached the headstones they were both dreading and hoping to find. The tears began to pool once again in his Charles eyes, but he hastily wiped them away. What would he think of him if he saw him crying? Surely he would be disappointed him for being so weak.

Dominique sniffed as a few tears escaped her own golden eyes; her hand going back to her stomach, finding comfort in her child's kicks. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around her chest. Two, warm, strong, familiar arms that she had always sought comfort in.

"Nadir." she whispered to her husband.

"My darling Dominique," he replied softly; his thick Persian accent made her want to giggle, "Sorry I wasn't here sooner. How are you and our little one doing?"

"He insists on kicking me constantly."

"How do you know he isn't going to be a she?" Charles asked quietly. He was excited to become an uncle and he was hoping that the child would be a girl; an exact replica of his loving sister.

"I just know. Now, enough bickering. Let's go say hello to Maman and Papa." Dominique smiled, accepting the offer of her husband's arm. Nadir Khan looked down at his wife of 5 years; he never grew tired of looking into her mismatched golden eye, stroking her brown curls, or her bell like laughter. The first time he laid eyes on her was when she made her debut as the Prima Donna of the Paris Opera House; her only accompaniment was Charles on the piano and her father playing the violin. She was so beautiful, so full of life; he fell for her immediately. Her father, Monsieur Erik, was wary at, not because he was Persian, but because he wasn't sure if he was ready for his daughter to begin courting yet. But, after a few dinners with the patient man, they soon became friends.

Charles on the other hand, not so much. Nadir could tell that he was jealous for taking his sister away from him; she was the only mother he had. At the beginning, the two boys never seemed to talk. The only time they did was when it was proper and polite to do so. Then the day came when he had found Charles crying in front of Madame Christine's grave. Nadir had originally came to tell the madame that he had just proposed to her daughter and he thought she deserved to know. Most of Charles' words were incoherent, but his sorrow was clearly visible. At first, Charles had tried desperately to defend himself, saying that he wasn't crying, but his big brown eyes showed it clearly. The two sat before the marble grave for hours, just simply talking. To simply put things, Charles was the best man at the wedding.

Charles smiled warmly at his sister; she always seemed to be so cheerful, no matter what happened. Even when Papa had died, she remained calm and collected. He always thought it was because she had witnessed Maman's death that she was able to take it, but he had been wrong. Dominique, at the time, was pregnant with her first child, but she had suffered a miscarriage at the same time Father had passed peacefully in his sleep. She had locked herself in her room for days after the funeral. Nadir couldn't even get her out!

Now, as he stood in front of his papa's grave, Charles couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sadness well up inside him. Since he had no real mother, he always looked up to his father; to teach him, to love him, to care for him. He had taught him everything he knew. The day he died, he had been complaining that he was tired and wished to get some rest. "I'll see you all when I wake up." but he never did. Charles was the one who had found him, wondering why his father was taking such a long rest. Finding him lying in his bed, looking so peaceful, he could have sworn that he was sleeping, but his chest neither rose nor fell. They had buried him next to Maman; it rained all day. Charles had never felt so alone after he died. He of course had his sister, but she had her own family and problems to worry about. That was until he found Joanna. They had met when Charles was watching the ballerinas practicing at the opera when she had fallen and twisted her ankle. After helping her with her ankle, the two had begun seeing each other more and more. She was an orphan who had been taken in by his Aunt Meg and was being taught ballet. She had beautiful corn-silk hair, violet eyes, and fair skin. He had proposed just last weekend.

Dominique bent over, as well as a pregnant woman could, and split the roses up. Half for her maman and half for her papa. "Hello, Maman, Papa. It's just me, Charles and Nadir,"

"Don't forget my soon-to-be niece." Charles butted in, laughing as Dominique smacked him playfully.

"Anyway, it's Papa's birthday today and we all wanted to wish you a happy birthday. That, and this is the last time I'll be visiting for awhile. My due date is just a few weeks away!" she squealed, wrapping her slender arms around her husband. She truly wished that her maman was there to help her. To give her tips on how to properly raise a child. Yes, she did help raise child, but this was her child they were talking about! She had her papa's help raising Charles and now, she had no one but her loving Nadir and her dear brother.

"We also wanted to come by and say bonjour to you too, Madame," Nadir said, being as respectful as possible, "I've heard many great things about you. You have an amazing daughter and son. I'm sorry we haven't met earlier."

"You mean you don't count the time you found me?" Charles interrupted. He and Nadir were now practically brothers and when Nadir had found him at his mother's grave, he thought for sure that Nadir had tried to talk to her.

"I don't because I was there to comfort you, my friend. Besides, this is my first formal meeting with your mother. And I'm very glad to see you once again, monsieur. We've all missed you terribly since you left us."

"We have missed you, Father. And I wish to thank you, Maman, for always watching over us. I'm also sorry for not visiting in such a long time; I'm engaged now! Can you believe it?" Charles smiled broadly at the thought of his graceful Joanna waiting for him at her flat. "As scandalous as it sounds, she's pregnant too"

A gasp escaped Dominique's lips, "Where has my innocent Charles gone to?" As usual, he just merely shrugged it off and listened carefully to the wind rustling through the trees; it almost sounded like someone, or something, was singing through them.

"We all love you very much and we will visit again as soon as possible." Dominique whispered quietly, a stray tear rolling down her cheek. Wiping the tear away, Dominique softly sang,

She alone could make his song take flight.

Only they could make the music of the night.

And with that, the small group who had entered the cemetery made their way out of the dreary, cold place, but not before they had caught a glimpse of a gorgeous young woman with chestnut curls that bounced with every step; her full, red lips spread out into a smile. And a handsome man, with a familiar deformed cheek, held her around her waist; his thick black hair tickled the girl's nose.

"We love you, too." they whispered and quickly walked off; their figures fading with each and every step.

Okay, this is totally optional: do you want another chapter that will reveal what Dominique's baby will be or Charles' wedding or just leave like it is? I want your honest opinions on this story! It's fluffy with a tinge of angst in there, which really is never a bad thing to have in there. I honestly do love the reviews and I know that the chapters are dreadfully short, I should know, I write them, but I try to make them as enjoyable as possible. Erik will give you big hugs if you review!
