"Paul don't you have a house of your own? Just because you have no one to spend your lazy ass with, does not mean that you can lounge around eating up all my dad's food!" Jacob griped.
"Oh, Jakey, I'm so sorry. Yes I have a house, but your T.V actually works... and I don't have Doritos!" I could here him starting to growl. "Bring it kid! This will be the most fun I've had all day!" I closed the bag of chips and stuffed them under the couch pillow.
"Jacob." Sam came through the door. I sat back down frowning. Why does Sam always have to come in at the worst times?! I was about to have fun!
"No fighting. Paul, your turn for patrol." Jacob smirked, "Bye Paul." I glared at him, but got up... taking the chips with me, "Paul, don't take my chips!"
I laughed and ran out the door.
- - -
Paul, this area reeks of vampires. Jared thought.
I know... I thought happily.
Wanna go see where they are? Jared thought. I could almost picture his evil smile.
The hell I do!I yelled in my head excitedly.
We ran off through the forest at top speed.
- - -
When we reached a break in the trees we hid behind some bushes and counted up our competition. There was four, 'Damn! I'ma go get back up. Don't do anything stupid, Paul!' and he ran off. When I turned my head I saw a small little girl backed up against a tree. She turned her head slightly and spotted me. Her eyes met mine and I froze. One of the vampires snarled at her. I darted forward and ripped them all into shreds.
When I had finished and I lit the remains of the vampires, I turned to the little girl.
When I heard twigs snapping I turned my head and saw Embry, Quil and Jared in wolf form standing about five feet away from me.
I looked back at the girl. The expression in her eyes was very near painful to see. It was pure fear... "Excuse me?" I crouched down next to her.
"What?" she asked. Damn her voice was flat!
"Are you okay?" she looked up at me, "No." she whispered. "What's your name?"
"Isabella Swan." Her eyes stayed locked on me, "But I like to be called Bella."
I smiled, "Can you get up?" she shook her head. I picked her up easily and started running, hearing the others following quick behind.
- - -
Sam came out the front door, "Who's that?" I didn't answer.
"Well?" he started to shout. Bella hid her face more. I walked past Sam and into the house. "Paul, so help me, if you do not tell me who this girl is..."
I looked up, "So help you what?" I spat at him. His eyes went wide at my response. When I stepped closer to Sam, the house went silent, "You'll do what, Sam?" I whispered. He didn't say a word.
"Well?" I smirked and then laughed, "So the big bad wolf has nothing to say. Huh." I walked out the front door and finally went to my house.