Fire Dragon: Hello.  This is my second X-over that I'm posting.  I know, I know, I should finish Coming Back Home, but I decided to post this. Now, this is a V/U fic, but I will not make it seem like that until some time later.  So I hope you like it, and please read and remember to tell me what you think of it.

Disclaimer: I don't own BSSM or DBZ.

Dark Side of the Moon

Ch 1


"Good God! Not again." Vegeta rolled his eyes waiting in the dark room, fog all around him making the gloomy, almost frightening place look even more desolated.  Crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes, he waited for what he knew was going to happen.

"Please prince, help me." Implored a soft voice calm, but urgent, coming from a shadow.  A shadow that Vegeta had seen many nights before.

"Please prince of Vegeta-sei, help me." The melodious voice said coming closer towards him.

As Vegeta approached her, he could see the outline forming a girl. Her face deep with worry and sorrow. The mysterious girl had a white dress with gold in the bodice that hugged her curves just nicely.  In her forehead she had a tattoo of a golden crescent moon, but the strangest thing of all was her hair.  Her golden mane was in the weirdest style he'd ever seen.  A pair of 'Odangos' held her long hair, and two strings of golden hair fell to her ankles. But for Vegeta that was just what she was…a little girl.

"What do you want?" Vegeta growled.

"Your help.  Please prince."  She inclined her head to him and curtsied. The girl looked at Vegeta with innocent blue eyes that where like windows to her soul, something that made Vegeta shudder with disgust.  All the time was the same.  The same whiny girl asking him to help her, even the idea of helping was incredibly stupid to him.

"What's in it for me?" Vegeta crossed his arms in front of him waiting for her to speak.  When she didn't respond he did what he always did when he had this fricking dream.  He shrugged, turned, and left. However unlike the other times he didn't woke up immediately after he had departed.


He heard the small figure say behind him. Now that's something new…interesting.

"What?" Vegeta turned to face the little girl.  To his surprise the image of the girl waved and changed to the face of a woman around her early 20's.  Her face set into a serious expression that told him that she wasn't kidding.

"You heard me Prince of Vegeta-sei.  Power." The woman said to him. Vegeta could clearly see that the woman was the old version of the little girl, however her eyes where icy blue, she no longer had her hair in the 'odangos'   and was down flowing like a halo, but cut a little lower than her shoulders, bounded in a low ponytail.  Her dress had been replaced with tight black jeans and a black tank top.  Her peaceful, serene complexion   had changed to a cold, stoic expression that now adorned her beautiful face once filled with cheerfulness and joy, and the tattoo on her forehead was gone.

"What kind of power can you give me? I have all the power that I need!" Vegeta spat at her.

"Are you sure about that?" She said smirking. Showing some emotions on her features. "Would you change your mind if I told you that I could give you powers beyond anything that you could imagine?" She raised her hands holding what it looked like a small glowing crystal ball.

" I already told you that I have all the power that I need!" Vegeta said, this time not so sure of himself. 

"What? You're telling me that you're turning me down even when I am offering to give you the power to defeat Kakarott?"

 Now that got his attention. His head turned so fast that it looked like it would fall.

"What do you mean that you would give me the power to defeat that low-life, third class, good for nothing Saiyan Kakarott?" He blinked surprised, however very, very intrigued.

She smirked I got him! "I meant just that, so do we have a deal?"

Crossing his arms again Vegeta raised an eyebrow. "And what, pray tell, do I have to help you with to gain this power you're talking about? You're not gonna give me the power for nothing are you?  Remember something for something, give and take. I imagine that it is nothing simple…so, what is it that you want?"

The woman's smirk just widened. "Simple, you'll just have to help me to take over a world and kill some pesky Sailor Senshi." She said matter-of-factly.

Just the word kill was enough for Vegeta.  He hadn't killed anything after the destruction of Cell, and to be hones this 'peaceful' life was killing him of boredom.

"Well little girl, you got yourself a deal." He said, no matter if he was just going to kill some 'Sailor senshi' whoever they where.

So, did you like it? Should I keep writing or not? Please review. Ja

Fire Dragon.