Title: Time Heals Any Wound

Author: LizzyBennett

Story Summary: Alexander cheated and he wants back into Hephestion's favor, but has Hephestion finally had enough of Alexanders lies? What happens if Hephestion finds love in another's arms? Can Alexander get Hephestion back without pushing him further away? Or will Hephestion be lost to him forever? Alexander/Hephestion Hephestion/OC

Warning: I do not own anything, I do not profit over this. Please do not sue me, I am a broke high school student living off her parents and family. You won't win anything from me, but my cat socks and my pesky younger sister (Well you can have her if you want).


He stopped in his tracks as the site before him left him paralyzed. His breathe escaped him as he watched the man he loved in the arms of another. There on the bed Alexander was having sex with Bagoas, his servant and apparently his new bed mate. Alexander was so caught up in what he was doing that he did not notice the general standing there in utter shock until Hephestion dropped whatever was in his hands. Alexander leaped from the bed and hurriedly put on something, as Bagoas slumped onto the bed. Hephestion rushed out of the room and before he knew it he was being stopped by Alexander in the hallway.

Alexander grabbed his shoulder and stopping the shocked general in his tracks:

"Hephestion I'm sorry.."

"Alexander you owe me no apology, you are king you can do who or whatever you like. I have no right to stop you or tell you what to do." Hephestion managed to get out before trying to walk away from Alexander.

But Alexander grabbed his arm:

"Please Phai don't talk to me like that."

Hephestion eyes flashed with many different emotions as Alexander called him Phai. At the moment Hephestion felt Alexander had no right to call him anything other than Hephestion:

"Don't call me that." Hephestion said with a lot of emotion.

"Please Phai don't.." Alexander went to hug him.

"Don't touch me Alexander and don't call me that call me Hephestion or general." Hephestion said.

"Ph... I mean Hephestion can we talk about this?" Alexander sounded almost desperate, something only Hephestion could draw up in him.

"Alexander let's not do this tonight. I'm tired and I don't want to keep you from what you were doing." Hephestion sounded defeated all he wanted to do was leave Alexanders site. Hephestion moved to walk away again but Alexander tightened his grip on his arm:

"Let me go Alexander." Hephestion asked.

"Not before you know that I am sorry, I was just.."

"Horny?" Hephestion snapped.

"No," Alexander let the comment go he needed Heph to know how he felt about the moment,"I got lost in my desire for Bagoas, but you need to know that it means nothing to me, he means nothing to me. I love you no one else." Alexander looked in Hephestions eyes.

Hephestion was experiencing a lot of different emotions right now, and hearing that Alexander loved him was not helping neither one of them at the moment. Hephestion has been here with Alexander so many times before and each time Alexander declared his love for him and promised never to do it again and each time Hephestion believed him. This time was no different, Hephestion wanted to hug Alexander and assure him that he loved him too. But another part of him was tired of accepting Alexanders unfaithfulness and always running back to the king like some love struck schoolboy. Hephestion would not do it now, he would not be easily swayed and forgive Alexander so quickly. Not now, this time he needed to think, he was not ready to let Alexander win:

"Alexander let me go."Hephestion said with more power in his voice

"Hephestion didn't you just hear me? I said I was sorry." Alexander knew the drill if he said sorry Hephestion always forgave him and this time should be no different.

"I heard you Alexander, but it doesn't mean I have to accept it. Let me go, I am tired and I need rest." Hephestion said rather cold.

Alexander heard the hint of coldness in Hephestions voice but decided to ignore it:

"Am I going to see you in the morning in my chambers for breakfast? Alexanders eyes pleaded with the general's.

"No your not Alexander." Hephestion preyed his arm from Alexanders grip and walked away without looking back.

Alexander didn't move or speak. Now it was his turn to be in shock. What had just happened? Did Heph just walk away from them, from him? Was he going to forgive him or not? Turning around to walk back to his chambers, Alexander for the first time in many years felt uncertain about what tomorrow held.

Tell me what you thought.... Did you like it? Do you want me to continue? Is it good enough to even continue? This is my first historical Fan Fiction and I am a little nervous, but I write CSI:NY fan fiction and a lot of people like those stories and I like reading Alexander Fan Fiction so I figured why not. Anyway like I said I am in high school, so please don't hold too much against me.