What if you could write a letter to any Maximum Ride character you wanted, and have them write you back?
Okay, so this is an idea I got from Brittany(Adrian'sLittleDhampir), but she did it for Twilight.
What, exactly, is this? Well, it's simple. You guys, -points to you- write a review and send in letters to ANY Maximum Ride character you want. You know, like fan mail. Then I deliver the letters and you'll get a reply! Simple as that.
Iggy: This will probably send her all over the world.
Me: Yes...probably. Oh well. So, if some of you are confused, and just so I can make this longer, I'll do a quick recap.
Okay, yousend me a review to this story. In your review you can write a letter to any Maximum Ride character(Max, Fang, Iggy, Dylan, Ari, Jeb, Ter Borcht, etc.)and I'll deliver them, and in the next chapter you'll get a reply. So, like this:
Dear Iggy,
You are a failure.
Let's say that is your letter. So, in the next chapter I'll give Iggy that letter, and he'll reply like this:
Dear Lucy-Fern,
Shut the fnick up.
You can say anything, but please keep any cursing to a minimum. That's not my favorite-est thing in the world.
Still confused?
Well, if your not, then send in a letter, then you confused people, check back here soon and you'll catch what's going on.
So, what are you waiting for?! Write your letter to a MR character!