.This story has it's faults but whatever. Hope you like it.

I do not own the X-men or X-men evo. Just a fan!

C1: Stop it! Let me be!

Every time Kitty tried to sleep the memories of what he did to her came hunting her nightmares. He that said he loved her, he who promised to protect her was the one to hurt her more then any other had done before. She had not told anyone about what happened because she was afraid, not even Kurt or Logan knew about it.

Logan was out of town and Kurt was to too busy with Amanda. Kitty didn't really like Amanda that much, but she didn't say that out loud. That would hurt Kurt and that way she would never do that.

With with tears in her eyes she stood up from the warm bed and walked out the door. Her head hurt,

the bruising on her inner thighs hurt more then hell it self and she hadn't slept in two weeks so her mood wasn't the best. What she really needed now was something for the pain, something strong.

Tiptoeing down to the med-lab to steel some pain killers and then back up again after a trip to the kitchen for some water. In the med-lab Kitty tiptoed past Hank McCoy to the medicine cabinet, just taking some medication (god knows what.) and hurrying back.

Getting some soda from the refrigerator and picking up a book to read if she didn't get to sleep.

Thinking of a time she was happy was hard for her now. The only 3 people that could mack her smile was dead, away or busy.

She missed her real dad, but she knew he was happy even if he was gone. He had passed away about a weak before 4of July, and her mom had shut down compliantly. Her mother had to be taken to the hospital for it and Kitty had bin with her every day.

But it wasn't the dream celebration. Now she only had Logan to look up too, he was the one how became her guardian after her fathers testament said that if her mother failed to protect and be a clear minded guardian Logan would take over.

The book she had with her was one that Kurt said she had to read. It was a book with short vampire

love story's. With over 30 short story's of hot blood, midnight pleasures and inhuman passion.

It was titled Love Bites: Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2. She didn't find the first one sow she took n.2. What the hell, it's not like it continuous on on story's from the first book, right?

In entering her room she heard from down the hall that Kurt was talking in the phone. Yelling, she could tell even if she could not hear that much. She knew it from her instincts a feeling. She never liked him at an angry state because he would always seem so sad afterworlds. And he could get a little scary to.

Now she sat wondering if one of every was okay. Okay Kitty, what is can it hurt? You hurt already some small pills is not going to mack it worse, maybe only better....

Kitty took some of this some of that with some soda.

After a moment she started feeling dizzy, pain and she fell on the floor. Her eyes rolling back in her head and she was shaking like she had epilepsy. Then it all became black...