The Watcher – Prologue
The light of the full moon surrounded a cloaked figure, her face hidden in the shadows, revealing only a pair of deep, ocean blue eyes.
"I, Isabella Marie Fortunato-Delacour," the cloaked figure recited, "accept the duty of Watcher of the Unknowledgeable Mythicals with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind and with all my magic. As the daughter of Veronica Fortunato-Delacour, the late Watcher of the Unknowledgeable Mythicals, I take on all responsibilities in her place."
A bright light flashed and engulfed Isabella, the figure in the cloak. Soon enough, it went away, along with the Stone of Responsibility, leaving only a silver, metal circlet with a large gem in the center. Isabella picked it up and raised it to the crown of her silvery-blonde hair. It fit just right.
Author's Notes...
Some background on the story so that you guys won't get confused. This is obviously an AU fic and no, it's not AH either. This background will contain information mostly about Bella's family, because everything depends on her inheritance - and no, I'm not talking money or worldly goods.
Bella is an orphan, so she's pretty much on her own. She lives with her aunt, Verdonna, who happens to be a successful fashion designer. She's so busy with her job that she rarely spends time with Bella, but it's clear that she loves her niece. Bella's the only connection she has to her beloved older sister, Veronica. Verdonna is also a squib, a person born in a magical family but doesn't have any magical powers, which kinda explains why her job is situated in muggle fashion, not wizarding fashion. (Honestly, what kind of fashion does the witches and wizards have?? I have absolutely no idea...)
Now, Veronica Maria Fortunato-Delacour marries Pierre Delacour, and together had a charming little daughter in which they name Isabella Marie Fortunato-Delacour. Is it just me or does that sound a tad too long? *shrugs* I have a penchant for long names. Veronica had a job called 'Watcher of the Unknowledgeable Mythicals', which took her away from her family. The point of this job is to 'watch' over the 'mythicals', which will be explained, hopefully, in the first or second chapter. Pierre, on the other hand, was a painter. Not much excitement there. As for siblings, Bella has none, though she has a lot of cousins. (Those Delacours, they breed like rabbits.) =D
The Fortunatos (Bella's mother's family) are a part of Muggle (did I mention that I'm borrowing JKRowling's fantabulous world?) Italy's nobility. Her grandfather was the Duke of Arobele. And no, that's not a real title. I just made that up, obviously. If I had an ounce of creativity in me, it might sound better, but sadly, I don't. So tough. The title gets passed on to the eldest son of the current Duke to his family, but since the current Fortunatos are Veelas, there are no sons for the title to be passed on. So the title went to Bella's mother, the eldest in her family. And now she's dead, so the title goes to Bella. Anyone lost so far?
I know, *rolls eyes*, this might sound like another one of those stories where Bella's all pampered and super powerful and stuff. Well, she isn't, at least, not in this story. She might have magical abilities, the Watcher thing and the whole being a duchess thing, but that doesn't automatically make her powerful. She just happens to have powers in her arsenal. Am I making sense?
Oh, and did I mention that Bella's part Veela? No? Well, now you know.
More information that I think y'all should know, just to see which main characters are human, nonhuman, magical or nonmagical, or something altogether.
Bella, Bree and Nessa (this is not Renesmee)
Nonhuman (vampire, werewolf, etc)
The Cullen family, Denali coven and the Volturi – vampires, the young men in the Quileute tribe – shape shifters, the Delacours and the Fortunatos – part Veelas
Muggles (all human)
The students in Forks High who aren't the Cullens, basically
Okay, I think that's about it. I'll post the first couple of chapters, and if you guys like it, then good for all of us! Please, tell me your opinions.