
My name is Dreamcreator and this is my very first Kingdom Hearts story, so please be gentle with it. I thought about this story for many years and finally decided to type it up and post it up for everyone to read. If you read my profile, it will talk a little bit about my Spirit Gate series that I just started to post up right now.

This story will have SoraxKairi, along with Riku being paired up with some other character (You guys get to choose for me!) and my OCxOC. Just warning you right now. If you want other pairings too, just let me know, and I will and add them to the story.

I shall try to update this story as much as possible, but I have other stories that I am working on. If some of you are Yugioh fans, then you probably read some of my stories or if you like Superman then you can find some of my stories there too.

Okay, let's get on with the story!

Please read and review!

Thank you!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, just my original characters and the Spirit Gate.


Spirit Gate: Prophecy of the Skies


A celebration was going on in the lovely Radiant Garden. The buildings, the houses, and the shops were decorated with banners and strings showing off their bright colors, and oh so many of their lovely flowers. They ranged from the smallest of lilacs showing off their elegant nature, to yellow sunflowers being ever so proud, to the many lustful roses. The old gray cobble stone streets were filled with different people, crowding all over the planet.

People were gathered around, working so hard getting ready for the festivities, and watching the entertainers act. Jugglers that were juggling balls or men eating fire and spitting it back out with flames coming out from their mouths. Beautiful women dancing on the streets, causing everyone to stop (mostly all the men. This made all the women very angry). Street vendors, selling their goods to everyone that would buy them, for a price. People had to make a living somehow. Animals running all over the place just like all of the children that were playing on the grounds.

The many people either lived in Radiant Garden or they were the many travelers they came far and wide from different worlds to see this great celebration.

For they were all waiting for the main event. But we are getting ahead of ourselves here, are we not?

The children were playing in one of the many large fountains that inhabited the planet. The clean pure water was spraying everywhere making all the children giggle and dancing around in circles. Most of them were human, but you could tell that the rest were not. Some were animals, while others just looked strange and had mystifying powers. It did not matter to them, for they were children that still had their innocence and did not judge one another.

The younger ones were playing with some of the confetti and throwing into the air, making them laugh and trying to catch them. The older children scolded them.

"You're not supposed to the throw the confetti yet! You have to save some of it for the-"

"Now, now children. Settle down. There should not be any arguing on this fine and lovely day." said a womanly voice.

The children turned their heads to see, a figure draped in a red cloak. Black stitching went on the outline of the deep blood red cloak. It was loose, but tight enough to show that the figure was a woman of average height. The figure wore short red boots and their legs and hands were pasty white, very unnatural and ghost like as well. None of the children could see the figure's face, for it was covered by the shadow of the cloaks hood.

None of the children spoke as the figure went past them and sat down on the majestic fountain.

"There is no need to be yelling at the little ones. They were having some fun." She said, and then she looked down at the little ones, "You can throw as much confetti as you want." She said very kindly to them. The smaller ones cheered and started throwing the small little papers again in the air, making some of the older children upset. The woman chuckled.

"Let's not get angry on this fine day. To keep our tempers in check and not be angry, why don't I tell a story to all of you? To pass the time, while we wait for the main event to happen." said the Storyteller.

"Story!" shouted the children forgetting their little quarrel and they all gathered around the Storyteller. She chuckled at the sight before her with all the smiling and excited children waiting to hear the tale that she was going to tell them.

"Let us begin. Do any of you know what a Heartless is? Or what a Nobody is?" she asked them.

"Yes!" all the children shouted raising their hands into the air.

"I saw one!" said a small little boy no more the four years old.

"You did not!" stated a girl that looked like a fox. She was maybe at least six years old. "No one has seen a Heartless or a Nobody in years! Not since-"

"Okay, I saw a picture of one then! There, are you happy?"

"Children." said the Storyteller, wanting them to stop fighting. They did when they noticed that the Storyteller was not saying anything and that all the other children were glaring at them.

"Sorry." said both of them sheepishly. The Storyteller then continued.

"Do you know why, there are not anymore of these creatures around in Radiant Garden or on other planets?" she asked them.

"The Keybladers got rid of them! Every single one of them!" yelled a boy who was a duck.

"They even got rid of the big bad witch!" exclaimed another small boy who was green and had antennas coming out of his forehead.

"Shh! Don't you ever say her name again!" said a human girl. "You're not supposed to say her name ever!"

"I didn't say her name!" said the small green alien.

"But you mentioned her!"said another human boy.

"Children." said the Storyteller, getting the attention of all the small kids.

"You are both right, but there is more to that than meets the eye. Do you know why this day, this very important day, is being celebrated?"

The children looked at one another for a moment their faces blank, and then looked back at the Storyteller shaking their heads no.

"Then I shall tell you then. Do you want to hear?"

"Yes!" yelled all the children excitedly. The Storyteller chuckled.

"Very well then."

All the children sat down and waited for the Storyteller to begin the story.

"Long ago, when all the worlds were young, oh say just like all of you." She said slightly touching a small kitten child's nose and making them all giggle. They became quiet again so the Storyteller could go on with the story. She started again.

"Since everything was so young and just starting out, The Heavens wanted to create a place that all the souls could enter, when they left the living in order to go to Heaven in peace. Now the Heavens feared that the forces of Evil and Darkness would corrupt or steal the souls and keep them all for themselves, doing horrible things to them for all eternity."

"Both sides fought for many years until both parties finally agreed that they would create a place that would judge all the souls and not interfere with the two powerful entities in this young universe. They also created beings that would help with the judging but not interfere with the battle of Good and Evil. They were called Neutrals."

"Thus the Spirit Gate was formed, that the living could not see until they left the land of the living. And it has been like that and will always be like that till Armageddon."

"But dear children, our story does not start there."

"It doesn't?"They all questioned at once. The Storyteller shook her head.

"No, it begins many years ago with…"

So what do you think for the first chapter? I hope you liked it. If you were a little bit confused I apologize for that. I will explain more of it later on. Hopefully I can post up the next chapter soon to explain the story a little bit more.

Oh, who would you like for Riku to be paired up with? I was thinking about him being paired up with Selphie, but I don't know. You tell me. So when you review, just add what you think.

So please review!

Thank you!
