Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Spirit Legends
Hello everyone! I'm Digidramon and this is 5D's Spirit Legends, the sequel to my previous fic Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Seven Spirits. I strongly advise you to read Seven Spirits before reading this, as the storyline will become much clearer.
This fiction is a rewrite of the 5D's anime to fit in with the events of Seven Spirits, however, the essential plotline is the same. New characters and events will happen, and certain events shown in 5D's will play out differently.
This fiction will cover the first season of 5D's only, from Episode 1 to Episode 64, though it will also overlap the six-month gap between Season 1 and Season 2. A note on the dates involved, my reasoning on the timeline is that 5D's takes place roughly thirty years after GX. For the purposes of this fiction, the second series Yu-Gi-Oh anime takes place in 1995, GX takes place from 2005-2008 and this fiction takes place in 2038.
On the whole, I will use dub terms and names in this, unless a dub name is completely ridiculous and I can't stand it. As for cards, I will use the TCG names normally, unless for some reason I prefer the original name. When I use an anime, manga, OCG-only or fan-made card, I will detail it at the end of the chapter, and when I use an anime, manga or OCG card, I will use the most-agreed on name for it unless I prefer another name.
All the Duels in this fanfic will use the real life rules, and the Traditional format will apply, meaning that all Forbidden cards are treated as Limited to 1. Turbo Duels will take place and all of them will use the original Speed World, the rules of which I will display now:
Speed World
Field Spell Card
Image: A section of racetrack shrouded in purple energy.
When you activate a Spell Card, other than a "Speed Spell", you take 2000 damage. During each player's Standby Phase, place 1 Speed Counter on this card (max 12). When you take damage, remove Speed Counters from this card for each multiple of 1000 damage taken.
(Speed World was first used in Episode 1 of 5D's by Yusei Fudo and Trudge/Tetsu Ushio. Speed World is a virtual card integrated into the mainframe of all Duel Runners, although Rex Goodwin has used a real copy of this card. Speed World cannot be removed from the field at all until the end of the Turbo Duel, as proven in Episode 17 by Yusei's Speed Spell – Gap Storm which did not destroy Speed World.)
So without further ado, let's get into the action and kick this fic into Hyper Drive!
Chapter 1: Heart of the Underdog
The island sat in the middle of the ocean, a filthy, industrial city-state, the very air poison, the earth black with soot and ash, the heavens pitch-dark from smog and smoke. The whole island was a ruin, ruined buildings all across its surface where the factories did not choke the earth. This was the Satellite.
Cracks ran through deserted roads and bared the abandoned subway system, which was shrouded in shadow. An engine roared in the tunnels as a fiery crimson Duel Runner rushed through them, its bodywork streamlined, a curved seat rising over its rider as he leaned back into the rough leather, gloved hands tight around the handlebars.
The rider wore a dark blue jacket decorated with amber gems over a black shirt and dark blue jeans. His lower legs were sheathed by dark brown boots and his hands coated by gloves of the same material. His head was covered by a streamlined crimson helmet, the visor translucent and covering his face from the nose upwards. His sapphire eyes were fixed on the path ahead as he swerved the Duel Runner around a corner, effortlessly evading several piles of rubble. A slight smile graced his lips as he revved the Runner's engine and rode over another pile of rubble.
Yusei Fudo rode the Duel Runner along the tunnels for another ten minutes before finally turning a corner and skidding to a halt beside a tattered light blue curtain slung across an old subway platform. As he dismounted the Runner and pulled off his helmet to reveal his black hair, gold streaks running through it, an excited laugh ran through the air as a young boy wearing a moth-eaten and filthy blue coat over a brown dress ran from behind the curtain, his long frizzy red hair covered by a yellow beanie hat.
"Yusei!" he called "how's the Duel Runner?!"
"Nearly fast enough, Rally," Yusei said with a slight smile as he wheeled his Duel Runner up onto the platform and leaned it against a table, sitting down on a battered stool and calmly connecting a cable from a laptop perched on the table to the Runner's console. He started to type on the laptop as three men stepped out from behind the curtain.
The first was a tall, slender black-haired man dressed in a white shirt, green sleeveless jacket and brown shorts, called Nervin. The second man was also tall, but was muscular, wearing a pale blue shirt over a green one and jeans, his chin coated in stubble and his hair hidden beneath a dark blue bandana, named Blitz. The third was short and fat, with messy brown hair, wearing a green T-shirt under a brown jacket, as well as jeans, named Tank.
"Nearly fast enough?" Nervin asked. Yusei nodded.
"I just need a better acceleration chip," he replied. Blitz grimaced.
"You aren't gonna get a better acceleration chip, Yuse," he said "those things are hard to get a hold of. Remember how hard it was just to get you the one you've got now?"
"Yeah," Yusei said "but eventually someone will throw one out." Blitz sighed.
"Not likely," Nervin said "acceleration chips go for a ton of cash, Yusei. No one would throw one out unless it was at least a decade obsolete." Yusei continued to type on his laptop for a while before leaning back and looking at his friends.
"I'll sort something out," he said, before he noticed the flickering TV behind them. His gaze fixed on the blonde-haired, violet-eyed young man in the picture, the man's white coat billowing around him in the breeze.
"Yeah… we were watching Jack dueling," Tank said "he just beat that Hunter Pace guy again." Yusei kept his eyes firmly focused on the image of Jack Atlas.
"Why… Jack?" he thought.
Blitz scowled "this is all about getting him back, isn't it? Why can't you let Jack go, Yusei?"
"He stole our hope, Blitz," Yusei replied "he stole Stardust Dragon."
"You're obsessed, man! It's just a card!"
"No," Yusei replied "Stardust Dragon is our hope of getting out of the Satellite, and I'm going to get it back." Behind him, Rally had a thoughtful smile on his face…
Several hours later, Yusei was still working on his laptop. Blitz, Tank and Nervin were crowded round him, while Rally had left a few hours before, saying he had something to do.
"Alright guys, look at this," Yusei said. He pulled up a map on the laptop, displaying the Satellite, New Domino City and the ocean between. A single glowing red line ran between the two islands. "So we have the Satellite, and New Domino City." He clicked and the map became a two-dimensional diagram showing the ocean floor. The glowing red line was revealed to be a pipeline under the seafloor. "Normally, the only way between Satellite and New Domino is a boat or by air."
"So what's the pipeline about?" Blitz asked.
"That's the pipeline sending the trash across from New Domino to be recycled in the Satellite. Normally it's flooded with junk, so you can't get through. Once a month though, they close it down for maintenance, which would give a three minute window with a clear path. All you'd need to do is access the pipeline and get through in those three minutes, and you're in New Domino City." As he talked, the diagram changed to display this point.
"So if you can get enough speed on your Runner, you could get through and reach New Domino," Nervin said.
"Exactly," Yusei said "they're closing the pipeline tomorrow at midnight, so that'll be my chance to get through."
"But you don't think your Runner is fast enough," Tank said. Yusei looked across at his Duel Runner.
"Not yet," he said "I might be able to do it, I might not." Suddenly the sound of footfalls began to echo down the tunnels and the four of them stood, suddenly wary as they looked out along the abandoned subway. Slowly a pale blue coat came into view and they relaxed, it was only Rally. He was clutching something in his hand.
"Yusei!" the young boy called "look what I got for you!" He thrust the hand holding the object forwards wildly and his older friends strained their eyes to see the object. Eventually they realized.
"An acceleration chip!" Nervin gasped "a brand new one! How'd you get that, Rally?!"
"It was lying in the street!" Rally called excitedly as he stopped in front of them, holding the chip out to Yusei, who took it and briefly looked it over. The younger red-haired boy leaned forwards, gasping for breath, hands pressed against his knees.
"That's impossible," Blitz said sharply "you don't find a top line accel chip lying in the street, Rally. Where'd you get it?"
"I'm… not… lying!" Rally panted. Blitz scowled.
"Rally, if you stole it, you'll bring Sector Security down on our heads! You're criminal marked for theft, remember?!" Rally grimaced, bringing a hand to the jagged angular yellow marker on his left cheek bitterly.
"That's enough, Blitz," Yusei said, turning to his Duel Runner and typing a command into the console. A panel beside the console slid open to reveal the electronic chip that he had been using, which he removed and replaced with the new chip. Closing the panel, he began to run several programs on his laptop, smiling slightly as the satisfactory results showed on the screen.
"Yusei, you can't just accept something so… ridiculous!" Blitz cried. Yusei fixed his friend with a slightly stern gaze.
"I trust Rally enough to believe him."
"You don't find anything so high-tech in the street!" Blitz protested. Yusei simply remained silent, instead focusing on his Duel Runner. Blitz opened his mouth to speak again, but realized it was hopeless and slumped down on the tatty, moth-eaten sofa opposite the TV, scowling.
The Sector Security outpost was gleaming and high-tech, filled with large monitors and computers perched on top of desks. Numerous technicians were seated at these computers, monitoring the incoming reports from all the assets of the authorities.
"Sir!" one of these technicians called up to a tall-well-built man seated behind a black steel cube of a desk "I've managed to get the identity of the thief who stole that acceleration chip. He's marked, name Rally Dawson." A slight smirk grew on the sergeant's face.
"Send a squad to bring him in," the man ordered…
The group had descended into a solemn silence, disturbed only by the tapping of Yusei's fingers on the laptop's keys. Blitz, Nervin and Tank were slumped on the sofa, while Rally was stood slightly behind Yusei, observing the work of his elder.
"This should do it," Yusei said "I'll run some tests tomorrow, but this new chip should give my Runner enough speed to get through the pipeline." Rally's lips curved into a great smile.
The smile was cut short as the sound of a helicopter passing over became apparent, followed by a searchlight shining down into the tunnels. Blitz, Nervin and Tank sprang to their feet in alarm.
"RALLY DAWSON!" the crackling tone of a loudspeaker enhanced voice cried down "YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR THE THEFT OF AN ACCELERATION CHIP! GIVE YOURSELF UP!" Blitz fixed Rally with a fierce glare.
"You did steal that chip!" he yelled furiously "damn it, Rally, why'd you have to do it?!"
"I was trying to help Yusei!" Rally replied, tears brewing in his eyes.
"Yeah, but now you've got Security on us!"
"That's enough," Yusei said calmly, tapping keys on his laptop.
"They're tracking Rally's marker, Yuse! We can't lose them and they'll be down here in a minute!"
"I'll jam the marker," Yusei replied, continuing to type one-handed while simultaneously picking up his helmet from the table and pulling it on over his head, leaving the visor retracted "you guys get some distance while I handle Security." He continued to type for another moment before finally standing and mounting the Duel Runner. He disconnected the cable linking it to his laptop, slinging the cable onto the table before activating the Duel Runner's engine and reversing it into the subway track, twisting it towards the nearest exit to the surface and gunning the engine, flicking his visor down over his face before finally revving his vehicle's engine and shooting away into the dark tunnels.
The squad of officers was quite small, consisting of one officer in the helicopter, two in a squad car and finally one riding a Duel Runner. The man riding the Duel Runner was wearing a blue and white riding suit, his helmet the same colours and the spikes of hair hanging over his forehead black. His skin was tanned slightly, enough to display he was not a Satellite native, and the Duel Runner itself was the same colours as his riding suit, with the addition of blue and crimson lights flashing across its bodywork.
His name was Trudge, and he was incredibly frustrated. He slammed a fist into his Duel Runner console, purely out of irritation at losing the suspect.
His sharp ears suddenly picked up the sound of a Duel Runner engine and his gaze was drawn to the nearby subway entrance. Surely it was impossible…
Then a flash of crimson leapt from the stairs, the rider of the Duel Runner's dark blue attire contrasting greatly with the fiery colour of his steed as he crashed down on the road and gunned the engine, shooting onwards. With a furious smirk growing on his lips, Trudge revved his own Runner and shot off after the Turbo Duelist.
Yusei noted the officer following him quickly and his mind quickly developed an opportunity. He continued on his path, allowing his friends time to escape the approaching Securities.
The chase continued onwards for roughly five minutes, before Yusei skidded to a stop in a ravaged car park beside a factory, turning his Duel Runner to face the oncoming officer.
The Sector Security officer stopped and faced Yusei as the Satellite resident raised his visor. The tanned man's lips curved into a smirk.
"Well, if it isn't Yusei Fudo," he sneered.
"Hello, Trudge," Yusei replied.
"Where's your friend Rally?" Trudge growled.
"He's long gone," Yusei replied "I have a deal for you. We have a Turbo Duel. If I win, then you forget everything that happened today." Trudge pondered this.
"What's in it for me?"
"If you win, then I'll say I stole the chip. A confession like that'll bag you a promotion to sergeant at least." Trudge considered for a few minutes, smirking as he saw the merits of the idea.
"Very well," he replied. Yusei smiled slightly and dropped his visor over his face. Trudge gunned his Duel Runner and prepared to move forwards, but the two officers in the squad car behind him began to protest.
"Trudge, this is against procedure!"
"Can it!" Trudge replied "get back to base at once!" The two officers snapped under the pressure of authority and got back in the car, driving away and vanishing into the labyrinth of the Satellite. Trudge smirked and calmly lined his Duel Runner up beside Yusei's.
"Let's get this show on the road," the officer growled, tapping a button on his console as Yusei performed the same motion. Instantly the emerald green form of a Spell Card flashed into view on their screens before twisting and vanishing from sight.
"Duel Mode engaged," the cool female voice of the Duel Runner mainframes chimed "Speed World activated." In response to the words, the two respective screens transformed, displaying the ten card spaces of each player field, along with the other ten spaces of the opponent's field and both Speed Counter displays essential to a Turbo Duel.
As Speed World activated, circles of shining white aura expanded from the Duel Runners and transformed the world around into a purple-tinged shadow of its true appearance.
"Autopilot standing by. Ready… set… Turbo Duel!"
Both Duel Runners instantly roared and shot forwards, engines howling with power as their riders forced them to the limits.
Yusei 8000LP 0SPC/Trudge 8000LP 0SPC
"I'll begin," Trudge said in his harsh voice, drawing a card "I set a monster and lay a card face-down." Both reversed cards appeared beside his Duel Runner.
"I'll end with that."
Yusei 8000LP 0SPC/Trudge 8000LP 0SPC
"My turn!" Yusei called as he drew. Their Speed Counters increased with electronic clicks (Yusei 8000LP 1SPC) (Trudge 8000LP 0SPC).
"I summon my Speed Warrior!" A glowing blue portal opened in mid-air beside him and a man clad in grey plastic armour skated out, wearing a brown bodysuit under the armour and a gas mask over his face (ATK: 900).
"What a typical monster for scum like you," Trudge laughed.
"I set a card," Yusei said. "Now, Speed Warrior, attack that face-down monster with Sonic Edge!" Trudge smirked; Speed Warrior could destroy his monster, but it didn't matter. "During the turn Speed Warrior is Normal Summoned, its points double during the Battle Phase," Yusei said. Speed Warrior glowed with energy (ATK: 1800) as he skated forwards and launched a vicious roundhouse kick that struck Trudge's face-down monster.
The monster was revealed as a brown and black furred dog with dark green armour coating its form, machine guns pinned to its sides (DEF: 800). The beast groaned and shattered into pixels.
"That was my Assault Dog!" Trudge laughed "and when it's destroyed by battle, I can Special Summon another from my Deck!" A glowing blue portal opened beside him and a clone of the destroyed monster ran out, easily keeping pace with its master's Duel Runner (ATK: 1200). Yusei gave a slight grimace.
"I end my turn," he said. Speed Warrior returned to his side (ATK: 900).
Yusei 8000LP 1SPC/Trudge 8000LP 1SPC
"I draw," Trudge said, doing so. Their Speed Counters increased (Yusei 8000LP 2SPC) (Trudge 8000LP 2SPC).
"I Release my Assault Dog to Advance Summon Handcuffs Dragon." Assault Dog dissolved into a sphere of blue light that reformed into the form of a brown-scaled Dragon, its four wings adorned with crimson membranes and its eyes the same crimson. Both its head and tail ended into loops of steel like those used in handcuffs, explaining the beast's name (ATK: 1800).
"Now I lay one card face-down and Handcuffs Dragon attacks your Speed Warrior!" The face-down appeared and the Dragon lunged for Yusei's Warrior with a hiss, and Yusei's face-down card lifted up.
"I activate Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!" the Satellite called "this negates your attack!" Trudge smirked and his own face-down from his previous turn appeared.
"I play the Counter Trap Wiretap. This negates your card and returns it to your Deck, and you cannot use that card until you draw it." The Scrap-Iron Scarecrow card vanished and Yusei placed it into his Deck, which shuffled automatically. Handcuffs Dragon continued its attack, clamping its handcuffs onto Speed Warrior's midriff and crushing the Warrior, who groaned and shattered.
The backlash struck Yusei, who grimaced.
(Yusei 7100LP 2SPC)
"I'll end my turn with that," Trudge said.
Yusei 7100LP 2SPC/Trudge 8000LP 2SPC
Yusei drew a card. Then their Speed Counters increased (Yusei 7100LP 3SPC) (Trudge 8000LP 3SPC).
"I activate Speed Spell – Angel Baton," Yusei said. "This Speed Spell allows me to draw twice, provided I have 2 or more Speed Counters." A blue-robed, blonde-haired female angel appeared beside him and he drew twice. "Now I discard one card." He slotted a monster card into his Graveyard and the angel vanished with a smile.
"What was the point of that move, Satellite scum?" Trudge said "every card in your Deck is just as shoddy as the trash you sift through for a living." Yusei stared him in the face as he picked out a card from his hand.
"Don't underestimate the power of our Decks, Trudge," he said "our monsters may seem weak at first, but their powers can cluster together to create far greater forces. I summon the Tuner Monster Junk Synchron!" A blue portal opened beside him and a short orange-armoured Warrior with a mechanical appearance flew from it, an engine attached to its back, a white scarf tied around its neck and a helmet shaped like a conductor's hat perched on its head (ATK: 1300).
"When Junk Synchron is Normal Summoned, its effect allows me to Special Summon a Level 2 or below monster from my Graveyard in defence position. I summon Speed Warrior!" The grey-armoured warrior reappeared, crossing his arms in front of his chest as his body turned blue, a signal of defence (DEF: 400).
"Another pathetic monster," Trudge jeered.
"I use the effect of Quillbolt Hedgehog in my Graveyard to Special Summon it since I control a Tuner Monster." An orange furred rodent with cute beady green eyes and bolts for quills appeared from a blue portal, curling up in defence and turning blue (DEF: 800).
"Three ridiculous creatures," Trudge laughed.
"I Tune Junk Synchron to Quillbolt Hedgehog," Yusei said "to Synchro Summon…!" Junk Synchron pulled on the ripcord set into his chest plate and his engine began to vibrate and roar. The Tuner became a sphere of fiery orange aura that rose into the air and faded from view before descending as three emerald green electronic rings that encircled Quillbolt Hedgehog, cutting it down to an orange framework that dissolved into two glowing stars. The stars aligned within the rings and were connected by a shaft of dark purple light that expanded to engulf the Synchro Summon in its radiance.
"Clustering stars will call upon a new force!" Yusei chanted "Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Show yourself… Junk Warrior!"
The pillar of radiance faded away to reveal a mechanical warrior clad in violet armour, a grey and black bodysuit under the plates and golden decoration adorning his form. Junk Synchron's scarf was tied around his neck and his right arm was larger than his left, the fist clutching metal knuckledusters. Thrusters crowned his shoulders and crimson eyes gleamed in his face (ATK: 2300).
"When Junk Warrior is Synchro Summoned, he permanently gains attack points equal to the combined attack points of all Level 2 or below monsters on the field," Yusei explained "Junk Warrior, Power of Fellows!" Junk Warrior glowed with energy as Speed Warrior hi-fived him (ATK: 3200).
"What?!" Trudge spluttered.
"I told you," Yusei said calmly "Junk Warrior, attack Handcuffs Dragon with Scrap Fist!" Junk Warrior's thrusters ignited and he charged, smashing his fist into Handcuffs Dragon, which shrieked and shattered. Trudge groaned in pain as the attack struck him.
(Trudge 6600LP 2SPC)
Suddenly, Handcuffs Dragon reappeared and wrapped around Junk Warrior, clamping its handcuffs shut around the Synchro Monster, who groaned (ATK: 1400).
"When Handcuffs Dragon is destroyed in battle, it equips onto the monster that destroyed it!" Trudge laughed "and the equipped monster's points are decreased by 1800." Yusei showed no irritation at the setback, instead simply placing a card face-down on his field.
"I end my turn," the Satellite said.
Yusei 7100LP 3SPC/Trudge 6600LP 2SPC
Trudge drew a card with an unpleasant smirk. Their Duel Runners rounded a corner, their monsters simply passing through buildings around like ghosts. Their Speed Counters increased (Yusei 7100LP 4SPC) (Trudge 6600LP 3SPC).
"I discard Handcuffs Dragon, Assault Dog and Guard Dog to summon Montage Dragon!" Three orbs of glowing energy appeared before him and coalesced, becoming an immense purple Dragon with huge forearms like shields, its three heads crowned by silver masks and its wings spreading behind it as it roared (ATK: ?). "Montage Dragon's attack points are equal to the combined Levels of the monsters discarded to summon it times 300. I discarded the Level 5 Handcuffs Dragon, Level 4 Assault Dog and Level 3 Guard Dog, a total of 12 Levels and 3600 points." Montage Dragon glowed (ATK: 3600).
"Montage Dragon, attack the Satellite scum's Junk Warrior with Power Collage!" Montage Dragon roared and orbs of rainbow light formed in its maws before shooting forth as rays of energy that smashed into Junk Warrior, obliterating it. Yusei cried out as the attack washed over him.
(Yusei 4900LP 2SPC)
"I activate the Trap Card Warrior's Pride!" Yusei called "when a Warrior-Type monster is destroyed by battle, Warrior's Pride returns it to my field and it cannot be destroyed this turn!" Junk Warrior reappeared with a roar (ATK: 2300).
"Because the monster Handcuffs Dragon was equipped to was destroyed, it is Special Summoned to my side of the field," Trudge called. Handcuffs Dragon (ATK: 1800) appeared beside Montage Dragon. "Handcuffs Dragon, attack Speed Warrior!" Handcuffs Dragon lunged forwards and crushed Speed Warrior between its jaws.
"I end my turn with that," Trudge sneered "make your move, scum. My coffee's getting cold."
Yusei 4900LP 2SPC/Trudge 6600LP 3SPC
"I draw!" Yusei called. Their Speed Counters increased (Yusei 4900LP 3SPC) (Trudge 6600LP 4SPC).
"I summon Ghost Gardna in attack mode!" A pale white warrior with glowing green eyes the only thing showing from under the veil covering his face appeared, the separate sections of his clothing divided by a thin skeletal body structure clad in a dark brown bodysuit (ATK: 0). "Now I set two cards and end my turn!" The cards appeared behind Junk Warrior and Ghost Gardna.
Yusei 4900LP 3SPC/Trudge 6600LP 4SPC
"I draw," Trudge said. Their Speed Counters increased (Yusei 4900LP 4SPC) (Trudge 6600LP 5SPC).
The officer looked out over Yusei's field "Clearly this Satellite simpleton expects me to attack his Ghost Gardna and fall into a Trap, forgetting to deal with his Junk Warrior. Well, I'll show him that some brat with spiky hair mighta got me when I was some teen punk, but another one ain't gettin' me now!"
"Montage Dragon, attack Junk Warrior with Power Collage!" Trudge ordered. Montage Dragon fired its triple blast and Yusei smirked briefly.
"I activate the effect of Ghost Gardna," he said "allowing me to redirect the attack to my Gardna." Ghost Gardna flew in front of the blast and was blown to pixels. "Now I activate Defence Draw to negate that damage and draw a card." He did so calmly.
"What was the damn point?!" Trudge snarled "you're wasting my time, you bastard Satellite scum!"
"When Ghost Gardna is destroyed," Yusei replied "I can select one monster of your and it loses 1000 points until the End Phase. I choose your Montage Dragon." The Dragon whimpered (ATK: 2600).
"It'll be back at full power when your turn comes around!" Trudge growled.
"That's why I'm activating the Trap Card Counterattack Beacon," Yusei said "I can only activate it when a monster I control is destroyed by battle with your monster. First it raises the attack points of a monster I control by 500 and then that monster must battle your attacking monster. I'm raising Junk Warrior's power." Junk Warrior glowed with energy (ATK: 2800) and then it charged towards Montage Dragon, readying its fist...
"Junk Warrior!" Yusei called "destroy it with Scrap Fist!" Junk Warrior smashed its fist down on Montage Dragon's central head, forcing a howl of agony from the beast's maws before it shattered. Trudge snarled in rage.
(Trudge 6400LP 5SPC)
"You'll pay for that you Satellite scum!" Trudge ranted "I end my turn by summoning my Search Striker!" A strange being clad in a dark blue trench coat appeared, with high-tech laser rifles for arms and a power pack strapped to his back (ATK: 1600). "Next turn I'll summon my Torapart and Tune it with Search Striker to give this Satellite scum a surprise he'll never forget!"
Junk Warrior's points returned to normal (ATK: 2300).
Yusei 4900LP 4SPC/Trudge 6400LP 5SPC
"I draw!" Yusei called, doing so. Their Speed Counters increased (Yusei 4900LP 5SPC) (Trudge 6400LP 6SPC).
"I summon the Tuner Monster Nitro Synchron!" A small red propane tank with bulging yellow eyes appeared from a portal, its arms ending in big yellow gloves (ATK: 300). "Now I Tune Nitro Synchron to Junk Warrior to Synchro Summon...!"
Nitro Synchron's pressure gauge rose into the red and it vibrated, dissolving into a crackling sphere of orange aura that rose into the sky and descended as two emerald green rings that encircled Junk Warrior reducing it to an orange framework that became five glowing stars. The stars aligned within the rings and were connected by one beam of crimson light that expanded out to fill the Synchro Summon...
"Clustering minds will now become a new force! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Blaze on, Nitro Warrior!" Yusei chanted.
The Synchro Summon faded away to reveal an emerald-green skinned demonic warrior with blazing red eyes, body clad in armour of black rock and great horns crowning his skull. A jet engine formed his tail, roaring with power as Nitro Warrior took flight beside Yusei's Duel Runner (ATK: 2800).
As he looked at Nitro Warrior, Yusei briefly remembered someone he had known who also used the fiery Synchro Warrior, whose entire Deck was built around his spirit of fire...
But the moment passed and Yusei focused on the Duel.
"When Nitro Synchron is used to summon a Nitro Synchro Monster, I draw one card," he said, doing so. He smiled briefly as he saw it.
"I activate Speed Spell – Speed Energy to increase Nitro Warrior's points by 200 times my Speed Counters!" Nitro Warrior glowed with destructive energy (ATK: 3800). "Now, Nitro Warrior... attack his Search Striker with Dynamite Crunch!"
Nitro Warrior's jet engine ignited and he charged at Search Striker...
"If a Spell Card is played while Nitro Warrior is on my field, he gains 1000 points for his first attack during that turn!" Yusei called. Nitro Warrior glowed with energy (ATK: 4800) and smashed its fist into Search Striker, reducing the monster to pixels. Trudge snarled as the damage struck him.
(Trudge 3200LP 3SPC)
The officer slowed down, falling behind Yusei with a fierce snarl, slamming his fist onto his Duel Runner console.
"I'll end my turn with this face-down card," Yusei said, slotting it into place. The card appeared behind Nitro Warrior. Nitro Warrior's points returned to normal (ATK: 2800).
Yusei 4900LP 5SPC/Trudge 3200LP 3SPC
Trudge drew with a bitter snarl. Their Speed Counters increased (Yusei 4900LP 6SPC) (Trudge 3200LP 4SPC).
"I summon Pursuit Chaser!" Trudge growled, slashing the card into place violently. With a wail of sirens, a bizarre monster that looked like a hovering wheel-less police motorcycle with two mechanical arms ending in spotlights flew from a portal beside him (ATK: 1400).
"Now, Handcuffs Dragon, attack Nitro Warrior!" the officer shouted angrily. The Dragon hissed and flew at Nitro Warrior, but was smashed down by a blazing fist. Trudge grunted as he took the backlash.
(Trudge 2200LP 3SPC)
"Now Handcuffs Dragon equips to Nitro Warrior and reduces its points!" Trudge laughed. True to form, Handcuffs Dragon appeared again and wrapped around Nitro Warrior, who groaned and tried to struggle (ATK: 1000).
Yusei smiled "I activate my Trap Card, Equip Shot. With this, I select a card equipped to one of my attack position monsters and equip it to one of your attack position monsters, then those two monsters battle. I'm sending Handcuffs Dragon over to your Pursuit Chaser!" Nitro Warrior wrestled Handcuffs Dragon off of its body and hurled it at Pursuit Chaser. The Dragon locked onto its master's monster and Pursuit Chaser glowed with crimson aura (ATK: 0), while Nitro Warrior's power returned to normal (ATK: 2800).
"Nitro Warrior, end this duel with Dynamite Crunch!" Yusei called. Nitro Warrior charged and smashed Pursuit Chaser into scrap with its fists. Trudge roared in frustration as the attack's power hit him.
Yusei 4900LP 6SPC/Trudge 0LP 1SPC
Trudge's Duel Runner skidded to a stop with steam pouring from its engine and the word 'LOSER' flashing up on its screen. Yusei spun round and faced the defeated officer as he staggered off of his Duel Runner.
"I beat you," the Satellite said "now Security forgets everything that happened tonight."
"Fine," Trudge spat "I'm a... man of... my word." Satisfied, Yusei turned his Duel Runner and gunned the engine, shooting away as Nitro Warrior faded away beside him. Trudge looked after his opponent with pure loathing...
Roughly an hour after the Duel came to a close, across the ocean in New Domino's notorious Daimon Area, another crimson Duel Runner had appeared. The people of the area stopped to look at the travel-worn Runner, noting the numerous scratches along its bodywork and the dirt caked firmly to its wheels. The Runner was even more streamlined than Yusei's, with an arrowhead point ending its bodywork and flame patterns decorating its surface. Two armrests extended from the seat, containing the handlebars and on the left armrest, the Turbo Duelist's Deck, held firmly in his Wrist Dealer.
The rider himself wore a long ragged black leather coat similar in style to those often worn by hero characters in the Matrix film trilogy, over a pair of old and torn black jeans and a crimson shirt. His helmet was a fiery orange and his visor covered his face right down to his chin, like a traditional motorcycle helmet. The Duel Disk forming to the card panel in front of him was a custom model, with a crimson red and orange flame pattern forming its decoration, the Deck compartment shaped like a lion's mouth and the card panel like a dragon wing with feather patterns.
The Hybrid Duel Runner drew greater attention and more people crowded around to watch, forcing the Turbo Duelist to slow down slightly in order to prevent injuring them.
"I guess you can't come into Daimon on a Runner like this without drawing attention," he thought well... at least I haven't seen her yet." Almost unconsciously his right hand moved from its rest to brush against his chest before quickly returning to grip the handlebar. His eyes remained fixed on the street ahead despite his instinctive reaction to his thoughts.
The crowds followed him until he reached a run-down, abandoned and weed-infested tenement building, four stories tall. Calmly dismounting his Duel Runner, he disengaged his Duel Disk and attached it to his Wrist Dealer gauntlet before activating his own special function, an alarm warning him if the Runner was meddled with. His own modifications made his ride unable to activate without his Duel Disk attached, but it was best to be cautious in the Daimon Area. Finally he locked the Runner to a fairly sturdy post beside the building door and walked inside, pulling off his helmet only once the building door closed behind him.
His face once revealed was fairly handsome, that of a man barely out of his teens, with chestnut brown hair that barely brushed the turned-down collar of his coat, his eyes a dark chocolate brown, their depths full of loss and pain. His skin was well-tanned, almost burnt by a harsh sun, and his cheeks were dark with stubble.
This was Julian Mikuro. This was a man who had saved the world, yet one who had lost almost everything to do so.
He calmly walked over to the shabby desk piled high with numerous fast food wrappers and slowly cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the fat man in the greasy shirt and jeans behind it.
"Yeah?" the man grunted through a mouthful of cheap hamburger.
"I'd like a room for the night," Julian replied.
"Tough," the man replied "I ain't sellin' today. I ain't in the mood. Bruce... show this gentleman out." A hulking man in a shabby old suit stalked over from his position by the far wall and Julian glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.
"Tell me... does Bruno duel?" he asked.
"Yeah," Bruno said.
"In that case, I'll duel him. If I win, you sell me a room. If I lose, I'll leave you in peace."
"Very well," the man behind the desk grunted "but Bruno ain't ever been defeated by scum like you." Julian kept his expression cool as he activated his Duel Disk and turned to face Bruno.
"Bruno hasn't met someone like me before," he replied...
Bruno staggered back and fell to one knee, embers burning on his clothes from Julian's winning attack. The bodyguard was gaping in shock at his defeat, his loss to this shabby, rough-looking duelist.
"That's one room for the night then," Julian said, calmly placing his cards back into his Deck and deactivating his Duel Disk. Then he pulled a wallet from his jeans pocket and flipped it open, calmly tossing some cash onto the desk before turning and walking towards the staircase in the back wall...
Card Stats:
Assault Dog
EARTH/ Beast/Effect /Level 4/ATK: 1200/DEF: 800
If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Assault Dog" from your Deck.
(Assault Dog was first used by Trudge/Tetsu Ushio against Yusei Fudo in Episode 1 of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's. Creative credit goes to the writers of 5D's.)
Speed Spell – Angel Baton
Normal Spell Card
Image: A blonde-haired angel in a blue robe similar to the one shown on Graceful Charity, with a green crystal held before her.
Activate only while you have 2 or more Speed Counters. Draw 2 cards. Send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard.
Speed Spell – Speed Energy
Normal Spell Card
Image: A spiralling blast of azure energy, with an unidentifiable being inside it.
Activate only while you have 2 or more Speed Counters. Increase the ATK of 1 monster you control by an amount equal to your Speed Counters x 200 until the End Phase.
(The above Speed Spells were both first used by Yusei against Jack Atlas in the special episode of 5D's, which has not been dubbed yet. Creative credit goes to the writers of 5D's.)
Counter Trap Card
Image: A laptop displaying a map, a pair of headphones and a white telephone lying on a table.
Activate only when your opponent activates a Trap Card. Negate the activation and effect of that Trap Card, and return that card face-up to the owner's Deck and shuffle it. Your opponent cannot activate any cards with the same card name until they draw that card.
(Wiretap was first used by Trudge/Tetsu Ushio against Yusei in episode 1 of 5D's. Creative credit goes to the writers of 5D's.)
Warrior's Pride
Normal Trap Card
Image: Shield Warrior leaping from a burst of light in a field, with several swords stuck into the ground around him.
Activate only after a Warrior-Type monster was destroyed by battle. Special Summon that monster. It cannot be destroyed during this turn.
(Warrior's Pride was first used by Yusei's manga counterpart against Sect in chapter 1 of the manga. Creative credit goes to the writers of the 5D's manga.)
Counterattack Beacon
Normal Trap Card
Image: A warrior in crimson armour facing another in azure blue armour. The azure armoured warrior is surrounded by blazing flames.
Activate only when a monster you control is destroyed by an opponent's attacking monster. Target one monster you control gains 500 ATK and must battle with the opponent's monster. (Damage calculation is applied normally.)
(Counterattack Beacon was first used by Yusei against Jack Atlas in Episode 5 of 5D's. Creative credit goes to the writers of 5D's.)
Digidramon: Well, that was a decent 800 Life Points version of the first Duel of 5D's, wasn't it? I put Junk Warrior AND Nitro Warrior in just because they're both such epic cards!
Akiza: Digidramon does not own Yu-Gi-Oh of any sort; it all belongs to Kazuki Takahashi.
Jack: Well, Digidramon doesn't deserve to own anythin' like Yu-Gi-Oh. So far he's written one story about some vigilante brat who got his own girlfriend killed and only beat the bad guy 'cause he got lucky with a card a much better duelist gave him.
Yusei: That's enough, Jack.
Digidramon: That's right Atlas, shut it. Seven Spirits was a lot deeper in plot than that, and I see you still love mentioning Julian and Kelsey. What, haven't learned from the time Flamvell Nidhogg almost kicked your sorry backside in a live Duel?
Jack: I won that Duel, remember?
Digidramon: Only because I let you luck out and get Salvation Dragon – Savior Dragon to Synchro Summon Savior Demon Dragon and beat Flamvell Nidhogg with it. Besides, Julian did not 'get lucky' with Flame Avatar Vulcan, he was always destined to use it and he used it to defeat Primal Deity Khaos in a very skilful manner. Besides, Vulcan's Synchro Chant was epic!
Jack: It rhymed!
Digidramon: I beg your pardon?!
Jack: Synchro Chants do not rhyme. Poems rhyme. Songs rhyme. Synchro Chants are meant to represent a higher form of verbal art, and they do not use silly childish rhymes!
Digidramon: I'm sick of you. Crow, Featured Card please.
Crow: Today's cards are Junk Warrior, Montage Dragon, Counterattack Beacon, Wiretap and Warrior's Pride!
Rally: I choose Counterattack Beacon as Today's Featured Card! It's a very useful Trap Card if you can play it right!
Digidramon: So there you have it. Next time, Julian has a very unpleasant blast from the past as he faces a duelist he thought was long gone after their last encounter in Seven Spirits! With the duelist in question using a terrifying and powerful new Deck, can Julian defeat this opponent?
Find out in Chapter 2: Zombie Master!