Dear readers,

I know it has been a long time since I last gave sign of life on and I am deeply sorry. I have been going through a very hard time in my life and I am far from seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Also due to an unfortunate turn of events, my USB dock as been stolen and thus all my most important files are now missing including the file of my story. I only have the edited copies on my PC so hopefully, in time and with the help of my notes, I will be able to pick it up but now is just not the time.

The whole story so far and the two chapters I had written are just gone. I mean, how dishonest are people ? It's only a cheap USB key! I'm still quite chocked because whoever took it as now a whole bunch of important and private files about me and many other thingsā€¦ It's a mess!

Anyway, I want to thank so much everyone who read and reads The Will. It's great to know that so many of you appreciate my work and again sorry for taking so long (again) to update. When the wind turns, I'll be back with my entire crazy imaginative mind back on track with this story.

Until then, all my love, my fellow Harry Potter freaks

C.S Augustoni