Author : CS Augustoni

Disclaimer : Everything belongs to JK Rowling. However, what is not from the books is from my crazy imagination.

Résumé : Lucius is dead and for Draco to inherit, he must marry the heir to the Black fortune. The story is set during sixth year in Hogwarts.

Attention : This story contains man/man relations. Don't read if you don't like and click on the little red cross at the top of ur screen.

Characters : Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy

A/N: This is a first shot at the story, just to see if it's worth the time… Review what you think about it! Thanks



« I, Lucius Malfoy, here by give to my only son and heir, Draco Malfoy, the entire assets of the Malfoy fortune. He will inherit the Malfoy Manor and its contents, as well as the dozens of smaller homes the Malfoy Family possesses abroad.

He will also inherit the Family vaults, the shares and other objects kept within said vaults, in Gringotts Banks, Diagon Alley, London.

However, he must continue the Malfoy line. For that, to inherit all of above, he must marry and produce a heir with the heir of the second purest pureblood wizard family, the Black family. Only then, he will touch the totality of the Malfoy fortune.

Lucius Malfoy, Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire. "


"Such repartee Blaise"

"Wow", repeated the dark Slytherin.

"Fuck Lucius", cursed the young Draco Malfoy. "Even in death, he manages to ruin my life"

Blaise read over the piece of parchment still held in his hands. It was the last will of Lucius Malfoy. It had arrived an hour or so ago by owl. The boys had been relaxing in the snake's common room when the barn owl had swept in and landed on the armrest of the settee Draco was on. The blonde had opened the letter, paled like mad, then rushed to his Prefect quarters.

Blaise had run after him and both of them were know looking for a loop hole in Lucius's last request. He lay down the will on the wooden coffee table and sat himself down in one of the chairs in front of the roaring fire.

"This is all Potter's fault"

"How so Drake?" Trust Draco Malfoy to point a finger towards the Gryffindor.

The blond flung himself into the remaining chair and glared at the fire.

"He put my father in Azkaban. If he hadn't decided to play Hero at the Ministry, Father wouldn't have been so foolishly caught and given the Kiss. Yes, it's all Harry-fucking-Potter's fault."

Blaise said nothing, knowing better than contradict his best friend when he was in such a state. It would be suicide.

"Oh, he's going to pay for it. Not only does his stupid interference in my father's imprisonment oblige me to marry but now the Dark Lord will want to recruit me", ranted Draco, his face twisted by hatred and his eyes shining blue murder.

"But it won't change anything. You still need to marry to touch your inheritance", said Blaise.

"I don't need to in the immediate. My personal vault will last me for years but eventually, I will have to."

A long silence followed. Both boys where deep in thought, each trying to find a way to get around the arrangements. In the distance a clock stuck seven o'clock.

"Come on Draco, let's get a bit of dinner"

Draco didn't answer his friend but still got up and walked out of his rooms to the Common Room. The place was quite crowded, the other students waiting for their leader to go to dinner. Draco walked straight to the secret passage, Blaise on his heels. He didn't see his friend sending a secret message to the other teens, telling them to say nothing.

Nobody disobeyed, not wanting to suffer their leader's wrath. They all filed out of the dungeons, all walking like they own the place and their Slytherin masks of arrogance well set. They entered the Great Hall and all glared at the Gryffindor table, to noisy to their liking. Draco sat himself at his spot and the other filled in at his sides. No one asked him anything and they left him to his own.

Blaise filled up a plate of food and looked at his friend from the corner of an eye. The blond was merely glaring at his plate. He lifted his gaze to the other tables. The Ravenclaws where minding their own business, as they always did. They were the only house that seemed good enough to his eyes to actually talk to Slytherin students. Next there were the Hufflepuff students. The shame of Hogwarts, the rejects, like he called them. They had no talent, ambition or charisma.

At last came the Gryffindors. Their long loved enemies. The only house that seemed to think they were better than the snakes. The rivalry between both Houses was legendry and every year always seemed to bring the level up for the younger ones. So far, the fights had been even worse for the past years, thanks to Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy's disgust for each other.


His best friend's voice brought him out of his reverie.


"I'm tired. Let's go back to the dungeons."

"Sure, let's move."

They got up in sync, and gracefully walked towards the exit. As they passed the other students, Blaise noticed a smirk on Draco's face. He rolled his eyes. Trust Draco to still be able to make the large majority of the student body drool over him and make fun out of it.

They quickly made it back to the Pit, like they called it. The place was empty of students. They took their reserved places by the fire and Draco summoned the will.

"I've given this a bit of thought", he started.

"Here we go", said Blaise, leaning back comfortably in his armchair.

"Quiet Zabini. As I was saying, I've given this a bit of thought, the reason why I didn't eat at dinner. I've decided to dig in a bit. See my solicitor and talk about it with him."

"Good idea"

"As for Potter...I want to get him. Big time. Even if it's the last thing I ever do."

"By the way, where is Potter", wondered Blaise.


A rainy morning, somewhere in England. Six people were standing under the downpour, in a little cemetery.

Four of them where workers, busy gently lowering a nailed shut coffin. The mud was pilled to a side of the grave. The rain made it run down onto the gravel where the last two figures stood, soaking into their shoes.

A man, his face lines with grief was holding in his arms a broken young teenager, old beyond his years. Both followed the coffin down to its final resting place. The workers retreated a few feet away, giving them privacy.

"Harry, would you like to say something", said Remus Lupin, his voice hoarse. The young man in his arms pulled away from him and went to kneel by the whole in the ground. Lupin dug in his pockets for a tissue.

Harry ignored the wet ground and the muck. He only had eyes for the coffin. Inside lay his godfather, brutally assassinated a few days ago by no other than Peter Pettigrew, whilst on duty for the Order and fighting for his life and the lives of the other people he was with. Quick and painless. His tears ran down his face as he ran his fingers on the tombstone. It was black and he had asked for a stag a wolf and a dog to be engraved on it.

He turned his face to the sky, wishing the rain could wash him clean, not only wash away his tears. After a long moment he finally spoke.

"Padfoot, I swear on my life", he said, his voice breaking with the emotion. "On my life, that I will hunt down that bastard and kill him. Then I'll hunt down Voldemort and kill him too, so you, Mum and Dad can all be at peace forever."

A hand grabbed his shoulder and gently pulled him to his feet.

"It's time pup", he said.

He waved forwards the workers. They made the cross and started shovelling the earth over the coffin. Harry and Remus waited until the grave was full before turning away. They made their way out of the cemetery and portkeyed back to number 12.

Once they arrived in the kitchen, Remus left Harry to his self. They both grieved in their own way. Night came and the young wizard finally exited is late godfathers room to find something to eat. He found is last parent sitting in front of a plate of food. One was ready for him. Neither spoke, neither ate.

Remus excused himself and went up to his room. Harry waited a while then followed. He was on his way up the stairs to his desolate bedroom when he suddenly changed his mind. He made his was quietly back down to the landing, swung a black cloak around his shoulders and Apparated to Godric's Hollow graveyard.

It was late and nobody heard or saw him appear out of thin air. He quickly walked up to the main gate. He was about to push it open when he caught sight of a figure already inside the cemetery and froze.

He counted the rows and his heart stopped. The person was by his parent's graves and next to theirs was Sirius's fresh one. He decided to climb the wall. He jumped down and landed as lightly as a cat. He drew out his wand and advanced like a predator. As he got closer, he made out the frame of a small man and when the moon came out from behind a cloud, a silver hand reflected its light.

This time not only his heart stopped but also his brain, his breathing, everything.

Peter. Peter, the man who had betrayed his parents and sold them to Voldemort to save his worthless life. The same man, who had killed his godfather on the battle field a mere week ago, dared to come and grief on their tombs.

Rage rolled over him in massive waves. This man had ruined his life and now he had taken his last parent. And he was going to die tonight.

Harry moved again, this time letting his senses take over. He felt in power, adrenaline flowing through his body mixed with fury and murder. He purposely stepped on a fallen twig and made it snap under his weight.

"Wh-who's there", squeaked a startled Peter. Harry hid behind one of the ancient trees. From his point of view, he clearly saw the bastard scramble for his wand and point his into the darkness. The complete other way from where he was standing, by the way. Harry moved quick and fast. Next thing Peter knew, he felt a wand jerked under his chin, painfully sticking into his throat. A hand moved as fast as lighting and pulled his wand hand into a lock.

"Oh but you know me Peter", hissed a cold voice in his ear.

"Let me go ! You don't know what danger you're putting yourself in. You don't know me", threatened the traitor. He tried to get out of Harry's grasp but failed miserably.

"Oh I know what you are. You see our paths have crossed a few times, have they not?", smirked Harry. He applied a pit more pressure onto the rat's neck.

"I don't know what you're talking about, let me go", Peter began begin. Harry laugh wickedly into his ear.

"Dear me Peter, you will never change. And I reckon I can refresh your memory. Do you remember James and Lily ? Their graves are just at our feet. See, they died fifteen years ago because a piece of filth betrayed them..." Harry got no response from the man, only a fit of shivers.

"And then of course, you have heard of Sirius Black? Oh, you must have. He was sent to Azkaban but he was innocent. He escaped and came to find me a few years ago. He died a week ago. He got killed by his former school friend. You."

"How do you know all this ?", whispered the Animagus, completely flabbergast by all the information the person knew.

"Because I'm the main victim. And know you're going to pay for having made me miss the first day of school because I had to come and berry my godfather."

"Ha-Harry ? "

"Very good Pettigrew", said Harry. He suddenly had an idea. "If you remember well, you own me a life debt Peter." He got no answer from the murderer, for the man knew he had no chance in surviving this encounter with his former friend's son. He was going to die and there was nothing he could do. Harry gave him a kick in the back of the knee. He wanted an answer. Finally, he got a shaking nod.

"Good, now this is what's going to happen. You're going to point your wand at yourself and cast the Killing Curse. Then I will bring you're worthless body to London so Sirius's name can be cleared. But first I want you to write and sign in your blood that you did kill all those Muggles and betrayed my parents."

"If that's what you want", replied a resigned soon to be dead Death Eater.

Harry let go of Peter and quickly cast a security bubble around both of them. No one could leave, nor Apparate out. He transfigured a quill and scroll of parchment that he handed over to the small man. Peter took it with no comment and began writing down is declaration, with Harry's want pressed against his neck. When he was finally done, Harry retrieved the scroll and carefully made a copy of it. Then he hid both copies on himself.

"You know what to do", he said.

Peter nodded and turned a surprisingly steady wand towards his chest. In fact, it seemed as if the silver hand Voldemort had given years ago was acting on its own accord. The silver hand turned the wand to face the man's heart.

"Avada Kedavra", Peter whispered. An acid green beam of light shot out of his wand and hit him. He fell over on his back, dead.

Harry watched everything. He took Peter's wand and set fire to it, the ashes carried in the darkness and the rain that wall still pouring down. He grabbed the body by its clothes and Dissaperated to the Ministry of Magic.

He arrived in the middle of the Atrium. The place was a empty of souls. The only sound to be heard was the sodt tinkling of the water pouring out of the massif gold fountain. Harry let go of the body and clearly placed the scroll on the stone ground beside it. He then threw his wand and cast a spell that destroyed any trace of himself being in contact with Peter.

With a crack that echoed in the empty Atrium, Harry made his way back to Grimmauld Place. As he opened the front door, Lupin came rushing down the stairs, relieved to see him home again.

"Harry", he cried. "Where have you been? I was so worried."

The teen opened his mouth to answer when all that happened during the evening sank in. He felt his stomach turn and he bolted to the toilets. He was vomiting his whole week's worth of meals, when Remus came in hand put a reassuring hand on his back, as he held his dark hair out of the way. The wolf whipped away the sweat and the bits of sick that had dribbled down his pup's chin, when it was all out.


"Pettigrew...he's dead."

Lupin stared at Harry with big eyes. He sat down heavily on the cold bathroom floor beside de teenager.


"An hour ago, give or take. I was back at the graveyard when I saw a figure already inside. I recognized him because his silver hand shone in the light of the moon. He was", Harry cut of, the emotion rising in him again. He felt his eyes burn. "He was by their graves Moony! He dared to visit them, when he killed them all." The tears fell.

"Shh...What happened next ?"

"I caught him from behind. I told him he had a life debt to fulfil. I made him confess on paper that he had killed all those Muggles and betrayed my parents. Then I told him to turn his wand against himself. Oh God..." Harry quickly put his head back over the toilet. He threw up again but only acid. His throat was burning at the end of it.

He didn't dare look back at Remus. He had disgusted him, he knew.

"Remus, say something. Please", begged Harry.

"I...I can't thank you enough Harry", said the wolf before pulling the dark head into a huge bear hug. Harry was so surprised by his reaction that it took him a few moments to respond to the embrace. "You've done nothing wrong Harry. Peter had a debt towards you and he had no choice. And with all the horrors he's done, he didn't deserve better. Thank you so much."

"He won't hurt anybody now", said Harry against his mentors neck.

"He won't. Now, let's go get some sleep. Dumbledore sent me an owl whilst you were out. He sends his wishes and hopes to see you soon back at the school."

"I'll be back soon, don't worry", replied Harry with a small smile.


Hermione and Ron were working in the library on the pile of homework the teachers had given them. And it was only the first week back!

Ron dropped his quill and pushed back the book he had been using. If he worked anymore, he would scream. Surprisingly, Hermione followed the movement.

"How do you think he's doing", she whispered to her best friend.

"I don't know. We've had no news from him. Dumbledore would have called us if something had happened", answered Ron, his face lined with worry for his best friend.

It was just after dinner. The two best friends were sitting at their reserved table since first year. Sirius had been buried earlier in the day but no one had been asked to come. Dumbledore had asked everyone to leave Remus and Harry in peace.

Hermione closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind. But all she could see was Harry's face when he had opened that letter from Dumbledore, the day before they went back to school. She hadn't seen him since.

Ron and herself had refused to tell the school where their friend was. The rumors were flying. Some said Harry had been transferred for his safety, others that he had gone into a special training program. The most dramatic students, aka Hufflepuff, had even said he was dead. Nothing had been leaked from the staff either. After all, Sirius Black was still wanted, nobody knew of his innocence now did they? The young Gryffindor had barely thought the later that a flutter of wings made her open her eyes. It was an owl carrying a special evening edition of the Daily Prophet. Ron snatched the paper out of the birds' beak and his eyes nearly came out of their sockets when he read the first page.

"Bloody hell", he cried.

"Ron! What's going on?", demanded the bushy haired girl. The scenarios were already playing in her head. The red head handed him silently over the paper.

"HOLY CRIKETS", yelled the witch, breaking the silence not so silent anymore of the library. She looked up, expecting to see Mme Pince, the librarian, rushing over and throwing the pair of them out. But the librarian herself was reading her own copy of the Prophet.

"BLOODY HELL", yelled a third person. Both Gryffindors turned as one in their seats to look for the source of the curse. Two tables down sat a livid Draco Malfoy and a completely bewildered Blaise Zabini reading the front page of the paper too.

Peter Pettigrew found dead- Sirius Black innocent

Post mortem pardon given by Ministry

Earlier this evening, Peter Pettigrew's body was found in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic, in London.

No one knows or can explain this act. The alarm was given when a group of Aurors return from a mission and Apparated right in front of the body.

Peter Pettigrew had been presumed dead, killed by Sirius Black fifteen years ago. The primary examination of the body has revealed a missing finger on one hand, the very one that had been found at the scene of the explosion Black was presumed to have set off and killed 12 Muggles.

A parchment was also found by the body's side. It is a declaration written and signed in Pettigrew's blood, on which he confesses having been the Secret Keeper of the Potters and selling them to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, 15 years ago and also being the murderer of the Muggles that died the same night when he set of a explosion that blew up a whole street.

This information has there for cleared Black's name, as post mortem honour. He was in fact an innocent victim, looked up in Azkaban for 12 years. Sirius Black, stated the member of the Order of the Phoenix present at the scene, was sadly murdered by this very man a mere week ago. Sirius Black was the last representing member of this long and powerful family now extinct.

Black had escaped Azkaban Prison three years ago and...

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, both wearing the same expressions. How could this have happened ?

"We have to go see Dumbledore"

"Let's go". They gathered their books and fled the library. In their haste, they didn't see Zabini follow them closely.


Sooo...this is the first chapter of a new story that i hope will stick. What do you guys think ? : )