I tried my best with writing this chapter. That's all you need to know.

Disclaimer – I do not own any of the following characters mentioned below; it all belongs to Mrs. Meyer. I just own the crappy plot.

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September 5, 2009 – BPOV

I took a deep, yet shaky breath and got out of my truck. I walked quickly inside the school, earning me glances from students who walked by. So they've noticed that Jacob wasn't with me.

"Bella, I can't believe you forget about the party, along with Jacob and Edward!" Alice Brandon said, a pout on her face. Oh crap. I'd totally forgotten about the party. Alice Brandon was one of my girl best friends since Elementary. I met her through Edward. She was exactly five feet tall, had spiky black hair and sparkling black eyes.

"Shit. Sorry, Alice, I forgot."

She smiled at me. "Don't worry, I'm having another one this weekend!"

I sighed. "And you want to dress me up for the party, don't you?" She nodded excitedly. "Fine, but please spare me the revealing clothes you always get me for your parties."

She rolled her eyes at me but nodded nonetheless. "Where's Jacob?"

"I don't know," I responded. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Uh-huh. Sure you don't." What the hell? She thinks I'm lying? But I can't blame her. Jacob was always at my side, literally.

"I'm dead serious, Alice. Everything changed yesterday." She showed me her infamous puppy dog eyes. "No, I'm not going to share what happened. Period."

The bell suddenly rang. "You're lucky that the bell is on your side today. But not tomorrow, I tell you!" Then she skipped to class, like nothing had happened at all.

I walked to my first period class and sat beside Edward. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey Bella," Jacob greeted me as he walked to his seat behind us. I nodded stiffly in return. I still felt a bit awkward from when he told me he was in love with me. It just seemed so wrong.

"So are you going to say yes to Jacob?" Edward asked quietly.

I bit my lip and looked behind me. Jacob was laughing with a girl named 'Nessie' behind us. I stared at him for some time. And now, I knew what my answer was going to be.

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During Lunch

"Hi guys." I sat down in between Jacob and Edward, who was talking to Alice and Emmett.

"Hey," they said at the same time causing Emmett to laugh like an idiot.

Emmett was Edward's and Jacob's brother. He looked more like Edward than Jacob. He had the same color hair as Edward, but his hair was curly. He had green eyes like Edward. And he was much more muscular and athletic than Edward.

"Um, Jacob," Jacob stared at me, smiling like he'd just won a million dollars, "could I talk to you outside?" I heard a sharp intake of breath and I saw Edward glaring at the apple on his tray. Alice and Emmett were looking at him with pity in their eyes. That was unusual…

Jacob tugged my hand and led me out of the cafeteria to the school hall. He leaned on the wall and asked me what I wanted to tell him.

"I've decided to give you a chance-," I started, but was cut off when he hugged me and spun me around; I was laughing real hard because his strong arms were tickling me. "Okay, okay. Put me down now."

He kissed my cheek before he put me down. "Okay, as I was saying, I've decided to give you a chance but could we take things slow first?"

He nodded and kissed my cheek one more time and we walked hand-in-hand inside the cafeteria. Everybody gasped when they saw me and Jacob together. I hid my face on his shoulder and he squeezed my hand in return.

"Wow guys," Alice yelled. "I'm so happy for you."

I blushed and muttered out a 'thanks'. I was guessing Emmett was stunned because he didn't say a single word. Then Edward stood up and left the cafeteria without saying anything. Emmett followed after him.

"What a mess," Alice said, grabbing her head like she was having a major headache.

I sat down with Jacob at my side and he started feeding me spaghetti. "Am I going too fast?" he asked. I shook my head and he happily started feeding me again. Wow, was this what it felt like to have a boyfriend?

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EPOV When he left the cafeteria.

I couldn't fucking believe this. They're together. I started banging my head on the wall and kicking some random lockers.

"Edward," I heard Emmett say; his hand on my shoulder. "Look. If you want to be with Bella, you've got to fight for her love and not just stand there muttering about how much of an idiot you are. I think we should tell Jacob the truth."

I snorted sarcastically. "And break his damn heart? No, I don't think so."

"He deserves the truth, Edward. It's been seventeen years! Don't you think it's time to tell him?" Emmett asked angrily.

"I know he fucking deserves the truth Emmett! But I know he won't believe us. He just started going out with Bella and the truth wouldn't stop them both from 'falling in love'."

Emmett just stared at me sadly. "Edward, I'm going to tell him once we get home." Then he started walking back inside.

"NO," I said when he was about to open the doors. "I'll tell him."