A/N: This story popped in my head when I was zoning out in English lesson, I wasn't really paying attention. No wonder I suck at grammars.

Anyway, this story will be written in Bella's point of view, but the first chapter is written in a third-person point of view. This is an 'All Human' and 'Out of Character' story.

Oh, I almost forgot! I wanted to thank my new Beta, Zoe, for correcting all my mistakes especially the tenses. You rock Zoe!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters. They are all owned by Mrs. Stephenie Meyer!

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Chapter one

August 5, 1996

"She wants to play with me, not you!" A little bronze-haired child yelled, scowling at the russet-skinned boy in front of him.

"No! She wants to play with me!" The russet-skinned boy retorted.

The little girl watched them amusedly and shouted out, "I'd rather play with my Barbie than with the two of you!", but she didn't mean any of it.

The bronze-haired child took it seriously, got up angrily and ran back inside the house to tell on his brother. Then the girl walked up to the russet-skinned boy and said, "Do you want to play Barbie with me?"

The boy grinned widely and nodded eagerly.

"Thank you, Jacob! Too bad Edward is not here to play with us." Jacob frowned when she mentioned his brother, but smiled when she kissed him on the cheek.

Edward was watching in jealousy at the two of them from his bedroom window. He started pulling out his hair when he saw the little girl kiss his brother. He started throwing a tantrum and bawling his eyes out until his mom came in and asked him what was wrong.

He explained everything, from the small argument with his brother to the part where Bella kissed Jacob's cheek.

"Mommy," Edward asked, "can I beat up Jacob?"

His mom looked at him with wide eyes that turned from understanding to angry. Then she yelled out, "EMMETT!"

Edward looked at his mom in confusion, wondering what had made her so angry. Emmett, a boy who had a round face with dimples and dark brown hair, came in with a grin on plastered on his face.

"What did I tell you about fighting?" His mom asked sternly.

"I told you not to tell her!" Emmett whined at his brother, avoiding his mother's gaze.

Still, Edward looked at them in confusion but decided to go down and play with Bella and Jacob so that he wouldn't have to hear his mom giving his other brother, Emmett, a lecture.

Once he reached the backyard, he asked Bella if he could play with them. She responded with a 'yes'. He didn't bother asking Jacob because he was still angry with him.

"Okay, I don't want to play Barbie anymore since Edward is here. Let's play princess!" Both boys groaned, but played with her nonetheless.

"I'm going to be Princess Layla, Edward will be the scary dragon and Jacob will be my Prince who will come and save me!" She said excitedly.

"But why do I have to be the dragon?" Edward sadly asked.

She shrugged and said, "Because I like Jacob better. He played Barbie with me!"

Upon hearing this, Edward got up once again and tackled Jacob to the ground. Edward started wrestling Jacob and Jacob tried to do the same.

Bella looked at them annoyed and said out loud, "The Prince was supposed to hit the Dragon first, not the other way round! I'm going to tell Esme."

They both ignored her and Bella huffed and ran to the boys' house and went in. He saw their father in the kitchen when she walked by and bit her lip, debating who to tell. She gave up and went to the kitchen, since it was nearer.

"What is it, Bella?" Carlisle asked when he saw the facial expression on Bella's face.

"Jacob and Edward are fighting." She said quietly.

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Really?"

She nodded. Carlisle sighed, picked Bella up and put her on his shoulder, walking out of the house to check on his sons.

"Jacob! Edward! Stop!" Carlisle said when he saw the boys on the ground, now fighting for Bella's Barbie doll.

"Hey! Don't hurt her!" Bella said grumpily, when she saw one of the arms fall off.

Once they heard Bella's voice, they stopped fighting and ran to their father and Bella leaving the doll on the ground.

"Give me back my doll!" Bella cried, tears starting to well up in her eyes once Carlisle had put her down.

The two boys started panicking and rushed back to get the doll and bring it back to her. They both picked up the doll at the same time, and started pulling it from each others' hands.

Bella started crying and the boys stopped. They ran to her and started apologizing. She sobbed out, "I just want my doll back. Not the both of you fighting for it."

Jacob stood, took the doll and gave it to Bella. She muttered out a 'thanks' while Edward was rubbing her back.

Esme came out of the house with Emmett in tow, watching the kids intensely. Esme came up to Carlisle and put her arms around her husband's waist. Emmett whispered out a 'yuck' and went back inside the house to play with his action figures.

Carlisle sighed and said to his wife, "We've got to be prepared for when they're teenagers. Who knows what drama they will cause?"

Esme just rolled her eyes at her husband and went back to watching her kids and Bella play.