Change For Her

Chapter 1

Bella's POV:

Another day. I stood staring into the full length mirror, trying to make my curly brown hair sit right, and also trying to stretch out the time until I would have to clamber into my old red truck and head off to school. Ugh! I hated thinking about that! Any mention of school made me feel awful nowadays. It didn't use to be so bad. When I first started school here 3 years ago they would only tease me a few times a month, its worse now. Now, every day school life is a waking hell for me and there is one reason for this. The reason for all my torture I have endured over the past 3 years... Edward Cullen.

I arrived at school just like any other day and sat in the cab of my truck for a few minutes not wanting to get out yet because it was snowing and freezing cold. After a while I decided I could not put this off any longer and so I climbed out the cab into the cold and headed towards the main entrance of my personal hell. I was just about to reach the doors when a bunch of shadows jumped out from behind me. I whirled around to look at them. Bad idea! With my uncoordinated feet, I slipped on the icy path and fell straight onto my back, only to realise that I was staring into the faces of Edward Cullen and his gang, who promptly hit me with icy snowballs. They laughed and ran away as Mrs Cooper from reception came out to help me up.

"Are you Okay dear?"

"I'm fine thanks yeah."

I left without another word, I was definitely not fine. My top was completely soaking and so was my hair from being hit with the snowballs. I ran to the bathrooms and realised that I had a big cut on the side of my face that I must have gotten from the icy pieces of snow being hurled at me. I sunk onto the floor of the bathroom and cried. Why me! Why did they always have to pick on me! I hate Edward Cullen! I hate him! And now... he is going down.