Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are not mine. They belong to J.K. Rowling.

Claimer: Julie and Vilde are my characters.

Hope you enjoy!

The rest of the OWL's went by smoothly. Well, History of Magic wasn't really a good subject for the two girls, but it wasn't so for either of the people in those classes. But all the others seemed to go pretty fine. Right now, the C-trio (Vilde, Julie and Lily) were sitting in Three Broomsticks, trying to figure out what to do with the last day at Hogwarts. All three of them were sad, but they would see each other again in around two and a half month.

But they knew they would miss each other so Vilde said: "Look, guys. We could just meet in Diagon Alley and stay at the inn for the last weekend, then." Julie nodded. "Good idea, Crazy, right Charming?" "Definitely, Cookie," Lily said, and they all started giggling.

As they walked to the train, Lily turned. "I know you want to sit with the Marauders, but I gotta go find Marie. I'll find you later, though," she said, and Vilde and Julie nodded, and went to find the Marauders' compartment.

The four boys looked up as Vilde and Julie walked inside. "Oh, so you did decide to join us?" Sirius said and grabbed Julie's arm and dragged her down beside him. "Duh," she said, and kissed him on the cheek. Vilde raised an eyebrow and sat down beside Remus. James looked at the door. "So, Lily didn't come then?" he asked. Vilde smiled to him. "Don't worry, James. She'll come around," she said and James smiled to her. "You really think so?" he asked. "No," she said and James' smile fell. But Vilde wasn't done. She then said: "I know so." James smirked, and they started talking about Quidditch.

"Oh, we really have to join the team next year, Cookie," Vilde said to her friend, who was now leaning against Sirius' chest. She nodded. "Definitely. I'm gonna try out for the beaters," she said, and Sirius huffed. "What?" Julie snapped. "You're too thin and small. Are you sure you'd be best at that?" he asked. Julie seemed both flattered and annoyed at the same time. "Thanks for calling me thin, but I think I can handle the job," she half-snapped and half-smirked. Sirius smiled to her as he gave some nickels to Pettigrew and again the rat paid the woman with candy for some Chocolate Frogs he handed over to Sirius again.

Ten minutes later, the compartment opened, and Lily walked in and sat down beside James. He smiled to her, and she narrowed her eyes. "I wouldn't be sitting here unless I had somewhere else to sit," she snapped. James smiled. "Sure you wouldn't, sure," he said, and Lily turned towards her two girls. "They're pathetic. I don't see how you can hang with them," she said, mostly directed to Julie, who was actually dating one of them.

"Of course you don't, Lily. But you will eventually. Just you wait," Vilde said and Lily threw a frog at her. "Why thank you," she said, succeeding in aggravating Lily more. Vilde and Julie both laughed, and soon James, Sirius, Remus and Pettigrew laughed as well. Lily looked at all of them, trying to bite back a laugh of her own, not quite succeeding, and in the end giving up and joined the six others as well.

The train stopped too soon, and the seven people walked out of the compartment and onto the platform. They all said their goodbyes there, and as Remus walked up to Vilde, he said: "I don't care if you like hugs or not. You're getting one from me." Vilde smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, and everybody looked shocked as she did the same. Julie smirked at the two of them, and Vilde knew that next year, she would go through the toughest O.M.M the world had ever seen.

Remus: Oh, wow.

Vilde: I know.

Julie: So weird, and sad, and awesome!

Sirius: I like this. But it is a bit sad as well. He doesn't belong to me anymore.

James: Eh, he never did, Padfoot.

Lily: Shh! You're ruining the moment.

Severus: Moment? What moment? I'm just glad it happened.

Pettigrew: Oh, wow. I'm in on the chat this time!

Me: Okay, what the hell are you talking about, guys?!

Everybody: The story is finished!

Me (sweat-drop): Eh, okay… And why do you refer to my story as a 'he', Sirius, James?

The two boys backing away, saying: Eh, no reason…

Me, rolling eyes: Oh, whatever. This is really it, guys! I'm gonna start on the new one as soon as possible, but I have some other stories I have to finish. Hope you enjoyed :D