This is the first thing I've ever written. Hope you guys like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Darkest Powers.


Chloe POV

Derek and I were sitting on the back porch at the safe house. His arm was wrapped around my waist and I was leaning against him. This had to be the happiest I've been in quite some time. Well I can't say that. I've been rather happy with Derek for the past, well, almost two months now.

And I can still remember the day we told each other how we felt. I smiled at the memory.

I was sitting in my room thinking of what I was going to do. We'd been at the safe house for almost two weeks and we still didn't have much of a plan for an attack on the Edison Group. And still no word on my aunt. The only good thing that seemed to have happened was Liz found me.

"Do you want a Derek update?" Liz asked sitting on my bed, Indian style.

The first day she came back to me she'd scared the crap out of me. I was sitting in the living room, staring into the dining room, at Derek. Liz had popped in beside me and said "See something you like?" and giggled, while I jumped and almost fell off the couch. After that she would come to me and tell me when Derek was talking about me or anything that had to do with me and him. She told me things, honestly, more often than I would have thought. So I was excited to hear about what she had to tell me now.

"Heck yes!" I said turning to her with a stupid grin plastered on my face.

"He's having an argument with Simon."


"You, of course. I wouldn't be telling you anything unless it had to do with you."

"True." I said stretching the word out. "So what are they saying?"

"Well, surprisingly it isn't anything like the other day. Simon has cooled down and isn't even mad at Derek anymore. Now they are arguing about Derek saying anything to you. Simon wants him to, but Derek thinks you'll reject him."

"Well that's just super. Think I should go say something to him?"

She shrugged. "Maybe. It's up to you."

I nodded. "Well, I'm going to go talk to Derek. But you aren't going to follow me, missy."

Liz made and X with her index fingers and placed it over her heart. "I'm going to see what Tori's up to. Tell me about it later." And then she disappeared.

I checked Derek and Simon's room first. They weren't there. So I decided to head downstairs to look for them. I didn't have to go far. They were in the living room, still arguing. When they noticed I was standing in the doorway they shut up and looked at me.

"I want to talk to you Derek." I glanced at Simon. "Just you."

Simon gave me a knowing look and walked out of the room, leaving me with his brother, the amazing green eyed werewolf I fell in love with.

"What do you want to talk about?" Derek asked. He seemed nervous. That was definitely an odd sight. A nervous Derek.

I took a deep breath and then said it, sealing my fate for well, forever. "I love you Derek."

He gaped, his mouth hanging open before he snapped it shut. He looked like he was going to say something then stopped. He was completely lost for words.

I'm sure I was turning some shade of red or pink. This wouldn't be so…odd, I guess, if he would say something.

"Derek?" And that's when the panic set in. What if Liz was wrong?

I was about to say his name again when he rushed at me, pinning me between his large body and the wall.

His forearms were resting against the wall on either side of my head and he was just inches away from me.

I reached up and touched his cheek. He turned his head into my hand and sighed. I moved my hand to his neck and pulled him down to me so I could kiss him.

His lips were soft and for being such a strong guy he was gentle, but the kiss was still passionate and filled with unspoken emotion.

When we broke apart he leaned down and pressed his forehead to mine. "I love you too."

I will never forget that day. Or my first kiss. And since then I've gotten plenty of kisses like those. Some were even better.

"Hey Chloe." Liz said from behind me. "Dinner's done."

I looked back to her and smiled. "Okay, thanks."

Derek looked down at me though his curtain of black hair. "What?"

"Liz. She says that dinner is done."

"Oh. Let's go." He said as we stood up together. We walked to the dinning room hand in hand.

After dinner Andrew called us into the living room to talk. He told us that there was going to be more supernaturals coming to join us in the next few days and that after that we would start planning and training for our attack.

"Derek are you going to be okay with other werewolves in the house with us?"

"Depends. How many and can I trust them?"

"Two. Jacob and Arik. They're friends of mine, so I trust them."

"I guess I will too."

"There will be four others joining us too. Lindsey, a necromancer. Stephanie, a witch. Logan, a sorcerer and Melody a half demon with many skills."

"Like what?" Simon asked.

"Well she's a Volo for starters. But she has learned many things that I would have not thought possible for a half demon born of a specific kind. She's learned how to use fire, like your friend Rae. She's practiced medicine, quick healing, a special demon skill she has. She has mastered things that I thought only water demons could have learned. Like an Expiso, she can sense danger or chaos rather. And depending on how hard she focuses, she could read your mind. Basically she's learned more than any half demon possibly could have."

"I don't like her." Tori said flipping her hair over her shoulder. Her hair had gotten longer. She wouldn't trust anyone with the scissors to do more than trim it a little so she just let it grow.

"She's a valuable asset to our team right now and a good friend of mine so you will treat her with respect Tori."

She grumbled 'fine' then slumped back against the couch. Tori only sounded jealous of this girl who could do so much.

"So when will they be arriving here?" I asked, genuinely interested in when were would get to meet these people. Especially Melody.

"They will be arriving sometime tomorrow."

"Great." I said enthusiastically.

"For now just do whatever you've been doing for the past couple months and tomorrow we'll start training."

We nodded and left the room to do our own things. Andrew went to the library to continue reading a book he started three days ago, Simon went to play a computer game in the office, Tori went to watch TV and Derek and I went up to his room.

"Are you really going to be okay with two other werewolves here?" I asked as Derek sat down on his bed and pulled me down with him.

"I guess I have to be. I won't be comfortable with them here because they aren't a part of my pack but they can help us so I'm glad that they're coming."

"Well that's good."

"Yeah. I'm glad at least someone can feel so reassured that tomorrow is going to go well."

I smiled at him. "I can feel that way because I trust you. I don't know why you don't trust yourself."

"I'm learning to trust myself, but it's only because I have you." Derek said before kissing me.

When we broke the kiss I was lying on my back with Derek over top of me, again. This wasn't the first time that'd had happened and it wasn't going to be the last time either. I smiled up at him.

"One of these days we're going to get caught like this and there isn't going to be anything anyone could say to make this situation less awkward for that person."

He leaned in a kissed me again. "Too bad." he breathed against my lips before rolling over to my side, placing his arm over my waist and pulling me closer to him.

So how'd I do? Reviews would make me feel better about my story.