So another story, out of the millions from my head. This one has actually been bothering me for a while. And yes, it is another crossover, between the Host and Hetalia, weird I know, but it's kinda fun. I hope you all like it.
I don't own anything.
Dancing Burns was a well know healer, not as well know as some, but he had a good deal of well known things going for him. He was usually the man who placed Seekers in bodies. They were important so he was important. He had been one of the first few on the plant, and it didn't take him long to supply enough Seekers to get to where they were now.
Of course on order of the Seekers, he had a new patient, a beautiful blond man, lingering around the late teens early twenties range. For the time being, that man was all Dancing Burns had to worry about. He remembered the condition he had received the poor human in. Mangled and bloody. The beauty was lost under the gore.
Now of course was the man was stunning, golden blond locks hanging over his face, with a single hair that seemed to stick up no matter what. He was a beautiful tan complexion in Dancing Burns mind, he wasn't too tan and he wasn't too pale either. With broad shoulders and chest that rose and fall with each breath he slowly took in.
He hadn't moved much since his crystal sky eyes opened in the middle of Dancing Burns operating on some factors. The gaze was lazy and hazed, clouded with pain and confusion. He didn't thrash out or anything, like the Seeker and assistant had thought he would. Dancing Burns knew better, though the fall wouldn't really kill him, but it wasn't something he could easily walk away from. He wasn't surprised when the man was looking at him blankly, trying to figure out what was going on in his fogged mind.
Nothing was really done other then a small conversation.
"Hey…doc?" The stranded and hoarse voice sounded from the man.
"Hm?" He had answered calmly, signaling the Seeker to hold off just a little while longer, with a voice like the current on, the man wasn't going to do anything soon.
"It hurts." It was a weak response, like the person hated to admit they were actually in pain. His blue eyes were desperately trying to figure out what was going on.
"I know, I know." Dancing Burns said calmly, signaling the assistant to get the Sleep spray. "I'll make it stop I promise." With a nod and a spray the man was gone, and he hadn't moved since, the Seekers made sure of that.
Dancing Burns was surprised the Seekers were placing a regular Soul into the man. He had heard about what had happened to Wanderer. Surely if this was to round up more people, it would be better if it was a Seeker. Not that Dancing Burns thought they were bad, but they were known for wiggling about in a way that got thing done. They can't be like normal Souls, they have to some force…just a touch of immoral behavior, but it was for the better of the community.
Still, glancing at the tall man on the table, laid on his stomach and enough Sleep stray in his system to keep him down for a while. The canister that held the soul that would be placed in him in the safe clutches of the assistant, Dancing Burn knew his Calling, healing and placing, it was simple. He had done it so many times before, why was this one so different. Was it because this person was a wild human, something few people ever saw any more.
"Gentle Ocean…if you would so please." Dancing Burns said motioning his assistant to come closer. "You know what to do right." The boy nodded, preparing to hand his higher up the Soul inside. Dancing Burns gently took the scalp and cut at the neck with great care. "Now please." The silver ribbon was handed to him. Helping the ribbon slip into the hole and disappear.
Dancing burns cleaned and healed the room, placing the Scar cream on it, watching as the whole thing become a soft pink blur. His job was done for the most part.
This is just the Prologue, so there is more to come. Hoepfully everyone will like this, I think this can really go some where. So something really quick so its understood, this is what I think at least. The Souls are mainly just in the US and spreading out slowly, so not very people out side of the US know about Souls. I'm only saying that because, it didn't seem like they were everywhere in the world just yet. I don't know if you all took it that way, but that's how it is in the story.
Please RxR