It's a short introduction (by my standards); but it's what I got for now. You'll understand as you read along. The idea for the beginning came from a friend of mine, so there are no misunderstandings. EDITED: I had almost everyone who has read this tell me that it was confusing, so I decided to do something about it, there's only one new paragraph, but I hope it helps clear things up for you.
There were barrels with lit fires within, the flames reaching towards the clear, open sky that held the full moon that was just now showing itself over the horizon. The sun was on it's final descent, disappearing as it did every dusk. And as the Fire tribe knew, with the falling of the sun, came the rising of the wildness within them. There were mock howls and laughter from the moderately small group of teenagers and adults wishing to watch the teens on their way off. There was minutes where the adults just watched as the sun fell fully behind the trees, their eyes knowing of what would happen next and their hearts beating either unsteadily, or with wisdom. The teenagers were all within the makeshift circle made of the iron barrels, hands raised in the air, dancing and singing to whatever song was being sung on the microphone by one of their own: Their packs own voice would be the only voice they would listen to this night, and not one of them attempted to sing something terrible that would grate on the nerves of everyone around them...except one blonde boy, but he is a different story. This was the turning of their lives, a new beginning, and a given happiness. They had worked hard to be seen as mature enough to take this next step forward.
A woman with blonde pigtails and and large eyes stood in front of a group the rowdy teenagers. She looked years younger than one would believe she was, brown eyes darting from one movement to another; painted lips scowling, and skin fairly pale. Finally, she lost her patience with the teenagers, her eyes closed in irritation and her fists clenched in annoyance.
"Listen up, brats!" It drew no attention, all of the younger people to excited and pumped to listen to one voice over what seemed hundreds of others, though honestly less than even thirty. She snarled, cueing her partner to bring up a bottle of sake, putting it in the blonde's hands. The blonde took a long draw from it, and then screamed at them again. "SHUT UP!" Suddenly, she was focus of attention; not a word going through the small crowd except a growling voice shouting 'Hey!'. She would have a talk with that idiot later… "You all know why you're here." She was forced to pause as they began cheering; the amount of noise they were making was ridiculous! She glared at them all until they settled. "And now you're done; so get the hell out and figure out what you want to do with your lives!"
Instantly, there were sounds of disappointment and joy. Some immediately rushed to the edge of the woods while others slowly moved to follow those rushing forward. Some stayed where they were. There was one group in particular that she watched: a golden-haired, sun-tanned boy with sky-blue eyes; a raven-haired, pale boy who was being dragged by said blonde; a green-eyed, pink girl who was screaming at the blonde to drop the pale boy. They were going to be the end of her… Quickly following up behind the three, were another three. These teens appearances were drastically different from the colorful group they were approaching: one with long, brown hair with lilac-colored eyes was following up behind an excited brunette female, who was being dragged by an exuberant boy dressed entirely in green with large, obsidian-colored eyes. If anyone knew anything about mercy; they were not going to travel together… aw, shit.
--------------------------Lee P.O.V.----------------------------------------------
"Sakura! Sakura, hello! Naruto, Sasuke; are you all ready for our greatest adventure yet?" I was practically shaking with excitement! Surely, they all felt the same as well. We were now considered adults in the eyes of our pack; we shall be leaving our home for the first time in 18 years. It was truly amazing!
I nearly bowed backward as I was tackled by the youthful blonde.
"Better believe it!"
He pulled away from me to make a playful swing at my face which I returned; the play fight went on until I was not even sure if we were playing anymore, but was having to much fun to care. After only a short time, I was pulled away by Neji, my companion and rival, and Naruto was hit over the head by Sakura. Three years ago, I had been sure that my only goal once we had been set free would be to win her heart; but I now knew that that was not my wish; I was going to search for my true mate! Sakura, as loyal and protective as she is, is not who I had thought she would be for me; and I am okay with that. Hopefully, both of us shall be able to find our most special person and then we shall all come back together to talk of our accomplishments!
"Hey! What was that for?" The ever-so-youthful blonde rubbed his head, turning and looking at Sakura with puppy-dog eyes. "I didn't do anything! Fuzzy-brows started it!" Sakura humphed.
"Naruto, we were right here! You started it and you know it! Now, we have to get out of here; Beta-Tsunade is looking at us, and we're the last ones here. Honestly, Naruto; can't you control yourself?" She turned to me; I guess I had not been hiding my snickering well enough… "And you, this is still partly your fault!" In turn, I was hit upside the head as well; but took it with more grace than Naruto.
"Hm." My rival finally spoke up. "What can you expect when two idiots get together?" I gasped, looking at Neji with pain.
"Neji! Calling your friends idiots is un-youthful!" He snorted.
"Any more time with Gai, and you'll be insane." Before I could defend my uncle, Neji was stripping of his shirt, Sasuke already down to his pants and Naruto grumbling as he stood in his boxers. I instantly shed off every article of clothing I wore, leaving only my underwear behind; there were women here, after all. Both Tenten and Sakura were bared to their lingerie, but I only gave them a cursory glance to assure myself that we were all at the same stage of undress. We were, indeed, the last ones in the area; we had been arguing so long.
"Would you kids just leave already!?" I jumped, as did everyone else. We did not bother shedding of our last pieces of clothing; we will be fine with one less set of underwear.
We ran into the woods, uncaring of our lack of clothing. Naruto ran up the length of a fallen tree, following behind Sasuke; he leaped only a moment after him; and in that moment, the blonde boy was left behind, and replaced by reddish fox. As the Fire tribe, we did not judge all that often; though he was the only stray we had allowed into the pack. In front of him, Sasuke had already became one with his spirit, the large, dominant black wolf not even pausing in his running as he touched the ground. Sakura ran behind Naruto, leaping and becoming the gray wolf she was, her gray back almost silver in the fraying moonlight. I ran side by side with Neji and Tenten; my playmates since I was 11. We came to a sudden drop of the hill we were running on; and then, we too, leaped: no longer were we humans, we were animals.
Deep within myself; a feminine voice howled in the enjoyment of freedom. Her words reaching me as I released my body and took hers in place of my own: 'Wind, I race you!'
My laughter was the last sound I uttered as a human, and then I was running beside two other wolves; one a crème-color and a brown back (Neji), and another entirely brown and with a black muzzle (Tenten). When our paws touched the grounds, we split directions into the West and North; they were the ones that turned towards the north, I kept straight ahead. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke having disappeared into the East. This part of the journey, only mates and those who could not imagine themselves apart continued together. I seek my destiny alone… and I can hardly wait until I encounter it!
--------------------------------Third P.O.V.------------------------------
Entirely black eyes watched the last group of youths run into the woods with a far-away expression. A scarred hand rubbed at a weathered cheek; darkly tan by birth and sun, beaten by the elements. He had been one of the guardians of his pack for many years, and had always enjoyed his position! He showed the utmost optimism in all things, and never had a depressing word to say about anything!…but he was worried; very deeply worried…
"You worry to much, Gai." He turned slightly so that he could look to his silver-haired companion.
When their time of exploration had occurred, they had spent it with their own people, not having even known each other. Years later, they entrusted each other with things that no one thought either of them could possibly think. They were the closest of friends! And the bowl-cut man could only hope that the silver-haired man could finally gain the courage to finally ask (not molest, for once) the man he hoped to mate! And yes, he had said man. Mates were known to pop up in anyone. Any little thing could be the sign that something had come across the wolf they would spend the rest of their lives with: a scent, an emotion, a color, appearance, a personality. He had yet to find his own mate, was not sure if he would in the near-future, but he was fine with that! There were so many youths who looked to his opinion and many who respected him…but he was worried…
"I know, Kakashi… But can you truly blame me?" He looked back to the brooding woods, and sighed. "He is all I have left as a family; and he is so…special…Kakashi, if anyone were to realize that he is different, do you know what would happen to him? Not many people are pleased with a mate who is a human man, but a female wolf. They could think it was a, a…" His companion raised a fine, white eyebrow.
"A deformity?" Gai choked.
"Yes!" Kakashi nodded.
"Yes, I do know what they would do. It would definitely be unpleasant." He looked away from his terrified man to his porn book. He cared what his companion thought and feared, but he showed it in his own way. "But you have raised him to be strong enough to deal with such advances. I doubt he will be forced to do anything against his own will." He turned and walked away, casting one last glance to the woods for a thought about his own charge and his playmates; Sasuke had been his adopted pup ever since he had been alone. Naruto had been his playmate, the adopted kit of Iruka. Sakura had been with them just as long as Naruto, but mostly out of adoration of Sasuke. He was going to let them do what they needed to do, and try to ignore it if they did anything stupid. They had to learn on their own now… "We have to let them do this alone. If we hold their hands throughout their lives, then they won't learn anything. I know you understand." He left Gai to think about that, following behind the finally leaving Iruka, who had been watching after his own charge.
Hours later, Gai sighed again, casting one last sad glance to the woods. He turned away, his own spirit-wolf leaving behind a wish for the stars to hear as he leaped and changed: 'And may they live happily ever after…'