Besides the first story, I have hated doing this. I haven't been able to make my stories turn out right. So I want to make this final one perfect.

"Stop." I pushed Fang's head away.

"Why?" He laid his head on my shoulder.

"Because, you are distraction me."

"You're the one sitting in my lap." He mumbled against my shoulder.

"Yeah, 'cuz I'm bored. Let's go do something."

"Like what?"

I sighed. The kids were out, trick-or-treating and the going to spend the night somewhere. Mom was at a Halloween party, and Iggy and Ella were together, doing something. What were Fang and I doing? Absolutely nothing.

"I don't know. Let's go out."

Fang sighed. "We're supposed to stay here and pass out candy."

"We will…when we get back."

"But where do you want to go?"


"Yeah but where?" I could tell that I was pissing Fang off.

I shrugged. "Anywhere. Come on."

Fang sighed as we both stood up. We were walking to the door when he spoke. "Put a jacket on."

"Fang, it's not-"

"Just do it." He handed me his jacket that he had been wearing. "It might get cold later."

I sighed, putting it on. Fang's so annoying sometimes. We walked down the street silently. Fang was glaring at anyone that he thought looked at me too long. He's not only annoying but also overly possessive. Great. We continued to walk for about half an hour before I realized that we were lost.

"Uh Fang?"


"Where are we?"


"Fang." I warned. I was in no mood for him right now.

He rolled his eyes. "I know where we are Max."


"On the street behind Dr. Martinez's house."

"No we're not!"

Fang nodded. "Yeah we are. God, you're so stupid sometimes."

I was going to comment on that but I noticed for the first time that no one else seemed to be around. All the porch lights were off except for one. I looked at the house where the light was still on. It was big and old looking compared to the other houses. It had a sign out in front that read,

Haunted House

Two dollars per person

I looked at Fang. "Can we go into that haunted house?"

Fang noticed it for the first time. "Max, I really just want to go back-"

"Please? For me?"

Fang rolled his eyes causing me to smile. I won. Fang started walked towards the house. "Come on Max!"

I smiled, following. "Do you have money?"

Fang nodded. "Yeah."

"What were you going to use it for?"

Fang sighed. "I went out of the house with you. I know that somehow you're going to weasel me into buying or paying for something."

"Aw, you know me so well." I hugged him before we walked up to the door. I knocked and it was answered by an older looking woman. She smiled at me.

"Hi. I'm guessing that you two aren't here for candy." She said, still smiling. She was in her sixties or seventies and it was clear that she had no idea what a haunted house should be like. I knew, though, that walking away would be rude so I just smiled back.

"We're here for the haunted house." I told her.

Her smile got brighter. "Oh! You're actually our first customer of the night. In fact, I was about to have Albert take the sign down." She ushered us into the house as Fang started to pull his wallet out. She shook her head. "No need, young man. You can pay me after…if it's worth it."

Fang looked at me and I just shrugged. I knew that no matter how bad this place sucked, I would still make him pay her. I looked back at the woman. "Okay. We're ready."

"Good! Follow me." She headed up the stairs and Fang and I followed. We went into a bedroom that was pink and, besides the bed, was empty. A little girl, about five was sitting on the bed. She looked a little hazy and foggy. I looked closely, unsure what this girl had to do with anything. I turned to ask the woman but she was gone. I looked at Fang who just shrugged.

"Hi." I said, walking towards the girl. Suddenly, she opened her mouth to reveal two rows of razor like teeth. She ran at me and Fang, full speed. We both turned and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind us. I ran into another room and start laughing. Fang join in. We laughed for awhile. Fang was the first to speak.

"Those are some good effects."

"Yeah." I agreed. "Awesome."

I started to head for the door, to go find that lady but it closed. When I turned the knob, it just wouldn't move. We were stuck. I looked at Fang. He shrugged. "Part of the show maybe. Just wait."

I looked around and noticed that the closet door was starting to open. Okay…I hope this is good. A man walked out and tipped his hat at me. I smiled at him but then he did something that freaked me out. He put his hands in his mouth, one hand over the top of his jaw, the other over the bottom and pulled them apart. He continued to do it, even when his jaw snapped. He pulled the bottom off and threw it at us. I jumped and the door opened. We ran out and into the next room. It continued like that as we explored the whole house. It was the most real effects ever. As we finished and headed down stairs, we ran into the woman.

"Well?" She asked as Fang pulled out his wallet.

"Awesome." I told her.

She smiled, taking the four dollars. "I hope you come see us next year."

"We will." I assured her."


"And there was man who kept getting bigger and bigger. I thought he was going to burst!" I rambled on.

Fang nodded. "Yeah. And this one girl took off her head and threw it at us. It looked so real."

Mom smiled. We were in the kitchen, telling her about the haunted house. "Where did you say this was?"

"The big two story on the street behind yours." I told her.

Mom's eyebrows raised. "No one has lived there since before I worked for the School…"