Ello peeps! OMG! I feel sooooo horrible for not uploading for ages. It's just school has been draining the life out of me! And I've been on writers block thanks to school stress and stuff. But Yah, I will make it up to you by uploading this chapter. Maybe if I have enough time, I'll try to type up chappie five and upload it. But... I have been off writers block thanks to a Naruto Sasuhina fanfic I've been writing. I've been meaning to upload it up here but school is in the way. SO anyways... here's Chappie FOUR!!

' ' Thoughts

" " Speaking

Disclaimer: I don't own IMAA. I own all my OC's only.

Chapter Four

"DAD, WHO ARE 'THEY'????" She demanded. Pepper never looked away from her dad.

Mr. Potts turned to look at Terrence who was leaning against Pepper's door. He tried to stay calm and not freak about 'THEY'. He hated it... he just wished he hadn't cost the family this much trouble. He was a freeloader.

"It's alright," Terrence spoke. "She should know."

Pepper looked at Terrence with soft eyes. She was slowly getting used to him.

"Alright than," Mr. Potts agreed. "Listen carefully Pepper, it's an earful."

Pepper smiled in success. 'YES! I WIN!'

"'THEY'.... is the reason Terrence is here, why he is suspicious." Her dad began. "They are a group of criminals who take the innocent lives of humans and forcefully mutate them for their evil deeds."

Pepper gasped in shock. "Forcefully....?"

Her dad nodded. "Terrence's parents, who were successful scientists, had a serum for mutation.... they were actually mutants themselves......"

"M-mutants... that means...." Pepper turned to Terrence.

"Not exactly," Terrence mumbled. "My parents found a way to take away my mutant powers.... but they kept my mutant powers in that serum."

"Terrence mutant power is extraordinarily overwhelming, so they didn't want him to suffer," Mr. Potts explained as he took a seat next to his daughter.

"But when I need it," Terrence looked up from the floor. "I can inject myself."

"Recently, 'THEY', which are for now called the ORGANIZATION, found out about Terrence's power in that serum." Mr. Potts stiffened. "They wanted the power so badly that... that"

"They killed my p-parents...." Terrence choked on his sentence, it was too sad.

"...Oh my......"Pepper began to tear up, she quickly wiped them away."Where's the serum now? Did they take it or something?"

"Luckily, Terrence's parents hid it a necklace for him." Her dad informed.

Pepper smiled in relief. "So where's the necklace?"

"Your full of questions aren't you?" Terrence forced a laugh.

Pepper stiffened from the sound.

"Don't laugh..... don't force yourself... please......" She mumbled.

"Pepper, I hope you understand now," Mr. Potts asked.

"Oh, I feel so bad for calling you a criminal Terrence!" Pepper apologized.

Terrence just stayed leaning onto her door. Pepper stood up and walked towards him. Her thin arms wrapped around Terrence for comfort.

"Terrence, if there is anything I could do to help, just say it." She explained.

"Thank you," He wrapped his arms round her too. "Pepper."

A chuckle was heard from Mr. Potts. "Now isn't this cute!"

The two teens blushed in realization of what he said. They pushed away and looked away from each other. A very awkward moment indeed.

"Dad!" Pepper bursted.

"Ahaha, sorry... soo..... I shall be leaving you two," Mr. Potts announced. "Lovebirds..."

Pepper literally chased her dad out the door. 'Jeesh, what a dad.' Pepper sighed.

Terrence looked at her. 'She sure looks cute when she's mad.'

He laughed. Pepper furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Well I better be going to sleep now," Terrence opened the door.

"'Night," Pepper happily whispered.

"Not without a kiss," He turned to face her and gently kissed her on the cheek.

"Wha....." Pepper was speechless. Before she could say anything else, Terrence left.

'Oh my god......' Pepper sprung onto her bed, a hand placed before her cheek.

"What a player...." Pepper insulted. "But he's mine."


"PEPPER WAKE UP!!!" Pepper heard her dad holler.

She rolled off her bed, falling flat on her face. She mumbled a few curse words before getting up off the floor. It was a Saturday, why would her dad be waking her up so early??! Thankfully showering last night, she slipped on a simple black pleated skirt, gray leggings, a white cami under a blue hoodie, and her high-tops.

Scurrying down the stairs, she yelled, "Good Morning!"

"GOOD MORNING!!!!" A familiar voice yelled back. It wasn't Mr. Potts, nor Terrence. Who was it?

As soon as Pepper made it to the kitchen, she noticed someone sitting in the breakfast table. Yet again, it wasn't Mr. Potts, nor Terrence.

"N-No way..." Pepper stuttered.

The stranger turned to look at Pepper, her face lit up. She jumped off the chair and tackled Pepper.

"PEPPER!!!!" She yelled.

Pepper squeezed a hug back. "JANIE!!!!!"

They shrieked and jumped up and down together. It was a very wonderful reunion, it was sadly interrupted by Terrence.

"Will you guys peep down, I'm trying to sleep here!" Terrence sternly complained.

"Ooh... who is that hottie?" Janie whispered to Pepper.

"He is a...." Pepper thought hard of what to say. She couldn't just go ahead and say, 'He's just a kid of two scientist that had his mutant powers in hand. So we're keeping him in hiding from the Organization. So beside that, he's a close friend

Luckily, her dad saved her from the brain blasting "He's just a close family friend, he is staying with us while his parents are traveling the world for the year."

"A YEAR!" Janie bought it. "Wow! Too bad you couldn't come."

Terrence scratched his head, nervously laughing. "Aha, yah. Too bad."

"So," Pepper tried to change the subject. "Why didn't you call me that you were finally here??"

"Well, I wanted to surprise you!" Janie loudly explained. "Anyways, I was hoping you wanted to go shopping or something. Ya know, hang out."

Pepper mischievously grined, 'PERFECT! Janie is soo pretty and fashionable! She can help me transform so I can finally prove something to Tony!'

"So, what do you think?" Janie asked, trying to avoid Pepper's strange face expressions.

"SURE! Let's go now!!" Pepper yelled. She grabbed Janie's arm, grabbed her bag, and was out the door!

"Jeesh, she seems happy," Mr. Potts laughed.

"Gosh, she's soooo hot when she's all psyched about something!" Terrence drooled.

Mr. Potts twitched. "Excuse me?"

"Eh....." Terrence could just feel his glared.

"What's up with you Pepper??" Janie questioned her extra hyper friend.

"What?? I can't go shopping with a friend once in a while???" Pepper whined.

"That's it!" Janie pointed out. "Who hate shopping with me!"

"And you're point is....."

"You're either trying to impress a boy, or you changed your ways!"

"Eh...." Pepper nervously smiled.

"Tony is his name, right?" Janie asked.

"What the! How do you know???!!!"

"Well duh, it's obvious!!!" Janie hooked her arm with Pepper and began skipping. "I just can't wait! We're gonna change your wardrobe, your hair, everything!"

"E-everything....?" Pepper stuttered.

"EVERYTHING!" Janie gave her a devilish smile.

"B-but my h-hair...." Pepper whined.

"When I say everything, I mean everything!!!!!" Janie stated. "Even you're bras!"

Pepper brought her hands to cover her chest. "B-bra??"

"Yah! You need to get something sexy, maybe somthing with some lace!" She explained.

"What the...!!!?? It's not like someone is going to see it!!"


"You're mind is sick!!!!" Pepper claimed.

"Thanks, I love you too," Janie monotonously spoke.

"Just don't go overboard," Pepper begged her friend.

"Sweety, I don't know that meaning!" Janie devilishly chuckled.

What do you think? Love it, hate it?? I hope you don't hate it that much, It's pretty short in my opinion, but it's enough i guess. Now, I don't exactly know what 'flames' is, but I think it's bad. Ahaha, remember, still new at this. Anyways, I hoped you people are satistfied with my updating :) cause I'm gosh darn happy about it.

So review please!



Pepper slowly sat onto the chair, she could smell the chemicals, shampoo, conditioner, everything! It was all to overwhelming for her.

"So, I want her hair to be like this!" Janie told the stylist, pointing to the picture in the book.

"Good choice! I'll make her fabulous!" The stylist assured her.

"U-uh.... Janie....??" Pepper was so not ready for this.

"Pepper don't worry, nothing bad will happen," Janie assured her with a smile.

Pepper gulped.

'This better be worth it!' Pepper thought.