"I used to always cry and give up... I nearly went the wrong way... but you... you showed me the right way... I was always chasing you... wanting to overtake you... I just wanted to walk with you... I wanted to be with you... you changed me! Your smile saved me! So I'm not afraid to die protecting you!! Because I - love you.. Hinata said.

"Run Naruto go save Sakura" She stood in front of him, in gentle fist stance. Byakugan activated.



Naruto did as he was told, looking back every once in a while.

Naruto lay in a soft bed. He smelled the scent of antibiotics and heard the sound of heart monitors beeping.

He opened his eyes. He was in the hospital. A pot of Cyclamens sat on his night stand. A card was attached to the pot.

Hope you get well soon.


Hinata, Naruto whispered.


"I used to always cry and give up... I nearly went the wrong way... but you... you showed me the right way... I was always chasing you... wanting to overtake you... I just wanted to walk with you... I wanted to be with you... you changed me! Your smile saved me! So I'm not afraid to die protecting you!! Because I - love you.

End Flash back

"What if I don't feel the same Hinata?"

----Earlier today In the Hokage's office

"Hinata, I'm proud of you. You defeated a powerful ninja and protected your friend."

"Thank you Tsunade-Sensei."

Tsunade looked at her favorite student.

Tsunade remembers the first time she offered to take Hinata under her wing.


"That's enough for today Sakura."

"But please Sensei I can do so much better."

"You don't have enough chakra to continue Sakura go home."

Sakura left in dismay. "Yes sensei."

Tsunade signed. She sensed another presence. She recognized the chakra signature.

"Is there something I can help you with Hinata?"

"Ano Tsunade-sama, would you train me?"

Tsunade looked at the young girl. She remembered the Bikochu mission she was on. She had a secret surveillance watching the team. She saw great chakra control. Also from what many of the hospital workers, Hinata made many salves and medicines for the hospital. She has much knowledge of medicine. She would be a great medic nin.

"Alright you will meet Shizune for poison study and basic medical nin training. I expect a lot out of you Hinata. We should keep this from you father. I know of his temper."

"Hai! Tsunade –sama. I will try my best and Thank you so very musch. Domo Arigatou gozaimasu."

"Alright make sure you're not late tomorrow."

From that point on Hinata has done nothing but exceeded and meet Tsunade's expectations. The two also became very close. Tsunade become a parental figure for Hinata along with Kurenai.

End Flashback

"Hinata" Tsunade whispered

She pushed a lock of hair from her face (it grew longer).

"Tomorrow you are to go to Suna. There you will help in the hospital. You will be part of our alliance with Suna. You will be doing a favor for the village. Hinata you don't have to do this I can always send Sakura -–

"I accept."

"You will leave in the morning. I will miss you so much Hinata"

Next Day:

Naruto had a lot of visitors come to see him. Sakura was grateful to him for saving her life. She even agreed to go on a date with him. He was happy. He laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. Something was different about today, something that he can't put his tongue on.

The flower pot next to him let off a herbal smell.

"Naruto-baka!!" a familiar voice called out.

A blob of pink and a blob of blonde hair came into his room.

"Sakura-chan, Ino-san"

"Don't you feel proud saving your crush and all" Ino said

Sakura blushed.

"Hey who gave you the pot of flowers Naruto?"

"Hinata did why?"

"No reason. Did you know Cyclamens men goodbye? I wonder what she means"

"She's leaving today remember? I heard Tsunade-sama talking about it."

"Did she leave yet?" Naruto asked

"I think they're at the gates now."

"I got to go Sakura" Naruto got up and started to run.

"Don't be late for our date Naruto-baka !" Sakura yelled after him.

"Do you think anything is going on between them Ino-pig?"

"I don't know forehead."

At the gates:

"Hinata, be careful."

"I know Sensei. I'm 16, a jounin and a medical nin now."

"I know HInata but please be careful."

Hinata hugged her sensei.

"It's time all of us moved on."

Hinata turned around and smiled to Naruto and waved goodbye

"Hinata watch out for Kankuro, he can be quiet a pervert."

Next Day:

Hinata stood in front of the gates of Suna. All the confidence that she mustered up to accept the mission suddenly drained away from her.

Hinata was face to face with a man clad in black with cat like ears and purple face makeup.

"You must Hinata Hyuuga. May I say you are quiet beautiful."

"Thank you Kankuro-san. And may I say you are a bigger pervert than people I thought you would be."

"Touché but I'm not a pervert right now just your guide through the village."

"Then I would very much appreciate it very much if you do your job."

He held his bent arm out to Hinata. And both of them started into the village

My only inspiration is your reviews. Please review for the next chap.