Once upon a time, there were three college students named Moolie, Ginny, and Aggie. Since they owned next to nothing, they snuck into their neighbor Dan's apartment and stole his VCR player (so outdated). Upon watching Lord of the Rings, they decided to steal his laptop as well and write a fanfiction. This is it…rock on  :D :D :) :E :O :I   :3 :P :} :] …

Aggie: Ginny, stop it! You're ruining our intro!

Ginny: But they're so awesome!

Moolie: Anywho, read and review!


Aggie: Ginny, I swear!

Disclaimer: We own nothing. Seriously. We're college students. Pleaze don't sue us.

Chapter One: The Die is Cast

"There's only one Lord of the Ring. Only one that can bind it to his will and he does not share power!" And with that, Gandalf threw himself from the tower and landed on a conveniently passing eagle. Gandalf muttered as the eagle flew away, "The die is cast."

Back in Rivendell, Elrond was eating a nutritious breakfast. He was just spreading marmalade on his morning toast when a large shadow passed overhead. Seeing as his breakfast table was outside, this was not unusual. It was the sheer size of the shadow that puzzled him.

Just then, a giant eagle landed on the table. Of course, this bemused Elrond greatly, but since the eagle had a message in its beak, he found it rude to stare. He awkwardly took the scroll from the great bird's beak and with a curt nod the bird departed. With a sudden creak, the table collapsed. "Oh bother."

After the mess had been cleaned up, Elrond retreated to his study and opened the letter.

Dear Lord Elrond:

I write to you in an utmost emergency. There is so much to explain. In short, the One Ring has been found. I went to speak with Saruman, but it seems that the Dark Lord has corrupted his mind. Unfortunately, we can expect no help from him. I'm asking you for the favor of bringing together a council. We must ask the many races of Middle Earth to come help us decide how to deal with this predicament. I myself must depart in search of a certain Sprite in question. This will be difficult, seeing as the Sprites hide deep in Fangorn Forest. After I retrieve the Sprite, we will venture back to Rivendell. Send notice to all the races that they must send representatives.

Lots of love,

Gandalf Greyhame


Elrond's ridiculous eyebrows rose to an unimaginable height. He then set to work with his quill and parchment.

End of Chaptah 1-

Moolie: That came out pretty well, and we learned a lot about each other in the process.

Aggie: Yes, quite the ideal bonding experience.

Ginny: Yeah, like Aggie is dyslexic.

Aggie: Silence, fool! I'm the fastest typer out of all of yalls!

Ginny: I'm no fool, you imbecile! 

Moolie: Heehee…graham crackers…