So hey. i know i've not put any thing up in ages so this is just like a little chapter. i'll upload another one today or tommorow. sorry. just been like pretty hectic. this is probably a really bad chapter but enjoy anyway. x
We drove in silence most of the way. I kept my eyes glued to the road, unwilling to look at her as I contemplated how to tell her that we couldn't be a couple. I felt her gaze on me a lot of the time. Finally I spoke.
"I don't think it's gonna be possible to be together at the caves," I said, eyes fixed on the road.
"Why?" she asked in a desperate pleading voice. I can't tell her the truth…my mind grasped around for any excuse.
"My friend, well my sister's boyfriend doesn't like that sort of thing happening, he's really protective and I don't think he'll accept you," I lied.
"Oh, okay. Well we can sneak around," she said reaching up to stroke the back of my neck. I let her, restraining my shivers.
"I'm not gonna go against him," I said.
"Come on, where's all your secretiveness gone?" She murmured seductively.
"Ashley, I'm not that type of guy," I said, subtly leaning away from her.
She recoiled, hurt. "Well you seemed to be in your bedroom!" she exclaimed. I shuddered.
"Look what happened back in my bedroom…I'm not exactly proud of that. And maybe if I'd been thinking properly like I am now, it wouldn't have happened because I'm really sorry, but I just really…I'm really not feeling any emotions for you right now," I explained.
Her eyes narrowed to slits like snakes eyes. Oh crap. Yeah, I knew that look. That was the look she got when she wasn't happy. The look just before she always got her way. Jeez, she really was just a bitch through and through. I can't remember what I ever saw in her. But, at the back of my mind, I did. I knew why. Because she was beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous. And, in the first few months that I knew her, she was the most caring, the kindest person I had ever met. After that, she changed. I blamed her changing down to the fact that she was growing up, and that she had needs that I just wasn't prepared to satisfy. I was prepared to satisfy those types of needs, but not for her. I sighed heavily.
"Look, I'm sorry. That was harsh," I began. I saw her cross her arms from the corner of my eye. I can't tell her the truth. The next thing I say or do is gonna determine whether she blabbers at the caves or not…think Jaim, think! There was only one solution. Oh Wanda, please forgive me. I whispered in my mind. I swerved over to the side of the road.
"Okay, Ashley, listen to me," I said. She'd turned her head away from me. Argh!
I grabbed her face gently and pulled it round so her eyes were locked on mine. I knew she couldn't look away because she always had trouble looking away from my eyes when they were focused on her. She told me they were the only things holding her to the earth and I didn't know if that was true or not but I was gonna use that to my advantage now.
"Look, what happened in my bedroom scared me," I was making this up as I went along, "I don't know what I would of done. Those emotions going through me, I wanted to hit something or…someone. And I can't risk you being there and hurting you when my emotions go overboard like that. It's true about my friend being protective about me but only coz he has experienced me having those emotions before," I remembered hitting Jared. This was a good angle I was coming from. The anger in her eyes seemed to be melting.
My face softened. "So do you understand? I need to just get a hold on my emotions before I do anything else or get involved with anyone else," I explained softly, "Okay?"
She nodded, mesmerized. Was I really that good looking? She was staring at me as if I was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Strange…Wanda looked at me like that too…huh…maybe I was handsome…I laughed internally at that and shook my head to get it out of my head. I'm not good looking. Haha. Anyway, distracted. Where was I? Oh yeah, break up with Ash. She was still staring at me through this whole mental babble.
"So can we try be friends?" I asked, softly.
She jumped as if startled from a trance and smiled. I didn't like that smile…
"For now," she said, seductively.
I sighed and released her face. She held out her arms for a hug. I watched her warily as I went in for it. I wasn't sure whether I was imagining it or not but it felt like her lips brushed against my neck. I coughed nervously and pulled away, leaning as far away as I could. She smiled and I could just imagine her going awwww. I could just imagine wringing out her neck just as clearly. My fingers flexed and I snapped out of it. I gave a hesitant smile and started up the car again.
yeah i know its really short, and you're gonna be really disappointed in me. which is why im not gonna ask a question or ask you to review or anything coz i feel guilty. im sorry. another one coming up soon! xx
Peace out! x