This is Part Two of my fanfiction. This first chapter is a bit short, but I'll write more for the next one. Please Read and Review~
It was an unusually sunny day, for Forks anyway. The river was glistening like diamonds. This boulder has been our spot. It still was. Every weekend I visit Josephine. Four years and I still can't believe she's gone.
I swung my body off the boulder, landing without a sound. Julian appeared in front of me and slipped his arms around my waist.
"How are you feeling, my love?" he asked.
"I'm fine," I assured him.
"Are you ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." I smiled and he lifted me into his arms. He always insisted on carrying me.
Today was the big move. Julian and I were finally getting our own place. We decided to try living with just the two of us for a while. I was reluctant to agree. The Cullens are my family. I would miss them dearly, especially my Nessie.
She just reached full growth last year. Now that we could pass as the same age, we wanted to have fun together, but it was time for me to travel the world and expand my horizons. She completely understood, but she was avoiding me.
We reached the house within seconds. Julian set me down by the back door. Nessie opened the door and held it for us. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"Nessie, I..." She held up a hand to cut me off. I sighed and dropped on to the sofa. Julian was at my side putting his arm around me for comfort. Nessie sat on the armrest of the sofa. I looked up and saw the tears welling up in her eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but she put her right hand to my cheek.
She was showing me what she wanted. For me to visit as much as possible and for her to visit me as often as her parents allowed. As soon as the visions stopped she was running upstairs. I heard her bedroom door slam.
Julian caressed my arm, trying to calm me down. I hated hurting Ness this way.
"Don't worry, she'll be fine," Edward said entering the living room with Alice and Bella flanking him. I gave him a weak smile.
"I hope so," I replied, "you'll let her visit won't you?"
"Of course," assured Bella. I got up to give Bella a hug. She was like the mother I always wanted. Edward wrapped his arms around us. They let me go and Alice gave me hug, more like a death grip. Edward laughed and Alice kissed me on the cheek.
"You'll have a great time," she said, "I'll come see you as soon as you're settled." I was grateful for that. I don't know how long I could have gone without seeing Alice.
"We should get going," Julian said standing up. He gave Bella and Alice hugs. Julian and Edward shook hands briefly. We walked to the front door where Carlisle and Esme were waiting.
"You're always welcome here," Esme smiled.
"Yes, always," Carlisle agreed. They gave us a hugs good bye. Emmett and Rose weren't here to say good bye. I wish they were.
We opened the door and there they were. Standing next to a brand new bright red Lamborghini. I felt my mouth hanging open. Julian touched my chin slightly to remind me to close it. They guffawed at us.
"It's a good bye present," Rose told us.
"A beauty ain't it?" Emmett said admiring the car.
"You shouldn't have," I objected.
"Well, we already did," she teased and threw me the keys. I felt myself tearing up. Rose hugged me gently.
"You better visit munchkin."
"Of course." She released me and I gave Emmett a hug too.
"No problem, little sister," he said with a grin. They said good bye to Julian and we got in the car. I let Julian drive because I was getting emotional. I rolled the window down and blew kisses to my family. They pretended to catch them and put them in their pockets.
I stuck my head out the window and yelled for Nessie. She came out just as we disappeared down the driveway.
"Good bye!" I yelled. She waved at me and they were gone. Lost among the trees.
"We're actually doing this."
"Yes, a life together at last," Julian agreed. He grabbed my hand and held it to his lips, kissing it gently.