Secrets are Born

Calleigh looked at her watch. Two-o'clock. She turned to Eric. "Hey, I've got to go," she said. "He pulled off his gloves, backing away from the two bodies in front of them. "Where to?" "Just a doctor visit. Nothing big," she said. He nodded. "Alright. I'll let Horatio know where you went." Calleigh nodded, then headed back to her car, driving off for the doctor.

"Alright Calleigh, just waiting on those last few tests and you can get out of here." Calleigh smiled at Dr. Joyce Clyde, or, as Calleigh had known her for the last several yeas, Joy. The two were close friends now. Dr. Clyde's pager beeped. "I'll be back shortly," she said. Calleigh nodded. As Dr. Clyde raced off, Calleigh began to flip through a magazine.

Calleigh just stared at Dr. Clyde, zoning out as the doctor continued to talk. She buried her hands in her face, groaning to herself. "Calleigh, did you hear me?" Calleigh looked up. "What? Joy, I'm sorry, I just....." "Calleigh, this is only the fourth or fifth time I've ever seen this. I really don't know what to tell you. The trauma of your miscarriage, followed so soon by the birth of your daughter-" "What caused it in the first place?" "Well, I would say definitely the rape and the fall that caused the miscarriage," Dr. Clyde said. "Then when your daughter was born, that just finished the job and put the actual hole in the uterine wall. I'm very surprised they didn't notice this when the child was born." "Ok, so... what does this actually mean?" Calleigh asked. "Well.... first, I would recommend.... not to have any more children," Dr. Clyde said, hesitating as she spoke. "That wasn't what you were going to say," Calleigh said. "Well, I still wouldn't recommend more children. But... I would recommend.... a hysterectomy." Calleigh stood up. "I have to go. I can't talk about this now. Eric is going to have to work late tonight and someone needs to go get Emily. Thanks Joy, and I'll call you back soon about what we're going to do." "Calleigh, this isn't one of those things you can push aside. You need to not think about anyone but yourself right now." "Bye Joy." "Calleigh, I'm serious!" But Calleigh had already left. Dr. Clyde sighed, but shook her head and turned around.

Calleigh turned the music on her radio up, trying to push the thoughts from her head. She couldn't tell Eric. She was afraid to. Afraid of how he might react. She knew he said she could tell him anything, but right now, she couldn't. She just turned the music up a bit louder, going to get Emily.

That night, Eric walked into Emily's room. He smiled as he saw her asleep in her crib. Calleigh was also asleep in the chair next to the crib. Eric smiled, then gently kissed his wife's forehead. "Eric?" Calleigh asked, slowly blinking her eyes open. "Come on babe, come to bed," he whispered. She looked around, taking a moment to realize where she was. She quietly nodded, then followed him to the bedroom silently.

"How'd the doctor go?" Eric asked Calleigh as they both climbed into bed. "Fine. Just ran some tests," Calleigh partly-lied. "Oh," Eric said. Calleigh then smiled, leaning in and kissing his cheek. "I love you Eric," she whispered. "I love you too Cal," he said softly, placing a kiss on her cheek. She smiled, then cuddled close against him, the thoughts from the day dissolving as she felt herself against his body, and it didn't take long for either of them to fall asleep.

Author's Note: This is the end of "Can Two Bads Make a Right?". However, don't think I'm going to leave you hanging like that! I'm gonna pass some time, so I decided to instead of skipping time in chapters, I'm writing a sequel. Hope you enjoy!