A/N: This chapter is dedicated to and inspired by Simon, Lil' Ben & Jordan for their 'singing' ability.

Marcus POV:

I felt like massaging my forehead of the impossible impending headache that I could feel occurring. I wanted to rip my eardrums out.

Aro and Caius, we not fighting today. Some might say WHOOPIE-DOO! I say;

Hell is better than this.

There is nothing worse than when they decide that they love each other.

My brothers were no more than a foot away from me with one arm slung around each other and were performing tongue twisters for the entire guard to watch. If that's not weird enough, they've decided to sing it… Opera style.

"Hoooooow much woooooood wooouuuld a woooooodchuck chuck if a wooooooooodchuck coooooould chooooop Wooood?!" They sang, sounding like a bunch of drunken men walking from a bar, slurring and tumbling all the way home.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chop wood? Why can't you just say it like that? Away from me? Away from Verona? Away from the country? The WORLD?

"Good one brother!" Caius complimented.

"Thank you, my jolly good friend!" Aro laughed.

"Let's do another one!"


"Miiiiiiiissssssssss Piiiiippppppppppplllllee Poooooppple Poooooppppeeedd a peeebbbbllllleee in poooooooooooooorr Poooollllllllllllllllly Peppppppppperrrrrrs Eyyyye!" they finished so high pitched even I visibly flinched.




I was sick of it already! "Enough!" I yelled. The room suddenly went dreary silent.

Aro looked at Caius. "My word! Did our dear brother Marcus just speak?!"

"I believe so!" Caius replied.

They both nodded their heads to each other and ran towards me.

"Can you say 'My favourite brother Aro'?" Aro cooed.

Caius glared at him. "I'm Marcus's favourite, not you!"

Aro gasped. "How dare you! Marcus just said his first words and you're sad it wasn't 'Caius'?"

"HE NEVER SAID CAIUS?!" Caius yelled.

Aro started dry sobbing. "Our darling brother just said his first words and you're denying it? Shouldn't we be happy he's talking at all?"

Caius looked slightly guilty. "Well, it's good he's talking-"

Aro cut him off poking his chest. "Did I not do the best I could when he was being turned?!"

"Well, you did-"

"Did I not nurse him when a loved one died?!"

"Of course you did! But I did too-"

"AND WAS I NOT THE ONE THAT PUT UP WITH YOU FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS FOR HIM?!" Aro, dry sobbed hysterically, mumbling about 'wasted time' and 'lost dreams'.

Caius looked heartbroken. "You mean… we're only together because of him…?"

Aro looked at him in what I assumed to be a vampires version on blood shot eyes. "Yes!"

"Home wrecking whore!" Caius yelled.

"Excuse me?!"

"You've led me on for how many centuries?! You bitch!"

Aro gasped. "How can you call me that?!"

"I have every right to!"

They continued arguing and the guard slowly went back to doing whatever they were forced to watch an 'opera' I wouldn't be paid to see.

I walked away smiling. At least it didn't feel as if my ears were bleeding anymore.