There are two things I need to discuss, but this is mainly an update about the future of my two stories.
Ok so the first update. I have completely lost any muse to finish those stories, so I will probably put these up for adoption. For those of you who are reading this. Before you come and message me saying that you want to take up the stories, I have some rules for you to be able to take the stories and continue where I left off, or completely remake it.
You have to have written a story before, that is quite good, and a lot of people have reviewed it.
You also have to have good writing skills for when you write a story.
Now why do I have those two rules? Well it is simple really. While looking over the chapters I made for them, I have come to realize that quite frankly, I suck at writing stories. I put the chapters too short, and in the past, that had caused people to complain, wanting me to make them longer. Also I don't want the stories ending up being forgotten, and not liked by many people. I'm not saying that it has to be perfect, I just really don't want the story to be crappy, and have a lot of people saying that it is horrible.
Now that the first thing is over with, I need to talk about my second thing.
For quite a while now, I have had ideas for stories in my head, but I know I would suck at even writing a preview of it. So I have come to this conclusion.
I am better off writing the story ideas as challenges, Like the great challenger has been doing. That way, my story ideas will be off in good hands, and I now they won't just be idea's in my head. So far only two people have taken up a story from my challenges. So I advise to the people who are reading this. If you have wrote good stories, please contact me in regards for taking up the challenges, or message a fan fiction writer on this website that you know who would do a good job with one of my challenges, and ask them to look at my challenges.
I thank you all for taking some time to read this.