Oh goodness! I'm feeling so terribly hot right now! Would you like to trade places for the chapter?

"Why?" Miila asked, staring suspiciously at the Narrator.

Duh! So I can screw Nnoitra like crazy!

"…Then no…"

Compiling her notes, Miila sighed obnoxiously. There just didn't seem to be anyway to make her report sound good. "Dammit! Aizen-sama is going to see right through this!" She had spent the better part of the last three days screwing the hell out of Nnoitra, but now she couldn't seem to come up with anything that made any sliver of sense to report to Sōsuke.

Palom picked up some of the papers, reading the nonsensical writings smeared across the pages. "What the hell is all this, Miila-sama?"

"It's nothing!" The seventh looked extremely flustered as she reached for the papers from her fracción. "I'm just…not sure what to tell Aizen-sama about the whole…human world…thing…" Stumbling over every word of that sentence, she continued feeling frustrated.

"Well, what did happened?" Porom inquired, nervously rubbing his arm.

That really was the dreaded question. What could she say to them? "Nnoitra and I spent a lot of our time…taking it easy. We didn't do all that much exploring." Unless you count each other. "I just can't find a way to tell Aizen-sama about that."

"So why not just tell him that?"

Miila stifled a small laugh; her fracción were so innocent! "I don't think Aizen-sama would appreciate a report saying we didn't do what was requested of us."

A small fist jabbed at the espada. "But don't you think he'd know if you're lying?" Palom stuck her tongue out at her master. "You're kinda screwed if you do and screwed if you don't, huh?"

"…Fuck, you're right." Miila had a very large desire pull her hair out. It was one slip up! One moment where passion overtook her senses and led her to do something she'd promised she'd never ever do! What's worse is how that one slip up caused her to slip again, and again, and again. Seventeen slip ups was the final count. "I'm such a despicable person!"

"Come on now, Miila-sama!" Porom placed a hand on her arm and tried to calm her down. "Slacking off isn't that bad."

"But doing the one thing you promised yourself you wouldn't is!" The table she'd been using was quickly thrown across the room. "Dammit! Screw this! Palom, Porom, we're gonna go do something that needs to be done!"

Palom hesitantly spoke up, "And what's that, Miila-sama?"

"You two are going to fight me. And I'm not going to hold back." Miila scrunched up her face as she picked up the two of them. It was so hard to believe that she was actually going to take Nnoitra's advice, but she had come to realize that he was right. They needed to be strong, and not just mentally.

Looking at his twin, Porom swallowed nervously. "O-okay, Miila-sama…"

Lazily sauntering through the halls of Las Noches, Nnoitra couldn't shake the boredom that seemed to plague him. Everything had been so dull lately. There was nothing to do! "Che, time to go make my own fun." He smirked, following the sound of Miila.

In one of the larger rooms of Las Noches he found her. "That's better!" Miila grinned, looking at the nicks and cuts she'd received from her little fracción. "You gotta move faster!" Swiftly she kicked the girl in the back and sent her flying into her brother.

Palom took hold of Porom. Using her own body for leverage, she launched her brother at their master, taking that chance to dart between her legs and slice from the back of Miila's thigh up to her shoulder blade.

Viuda Negra was finally released. Miila very quickly made light work of the two using her weapon. Even without using any paralyzing agent, she had the two down on their backs within seconds. "Alright, I'd say that's good for now." Returning her weapon to its holster, she helped up the twins. "I was very impressed by that double attack, you two."

"Thanks!" Palom grinned through her pain. "I just thought quickly."

"Without letting me know…" Porom frowned, rubbing his sore spots.

Laughing heartily, Miila wiped some blood from her cheek. "Practice that stuff! You guys could be unstoppable if you worked your attacks together."

"Do you really think so, Miila-sama?" The boy ignored his pain and smiled brightly at his master. "We'll definitely train very hard then!"

Palom smiled at her brother and placed her hands behind her head. "Damn straight!"

Looking down at the two Miila felt pride filling her. "But for now I want you to run off to the infirmary. Can't train very well if you're getting blood all over the arena."

"Yes, Miila-sama!" The two chimed together as they obeyed the order given by their master.

Lightness seemed to fill the room as Miila began ripping off the dangling shreds of clothing. She could feel certain wounds still bleeding, but she had no desire to go to the infirmary. Turning to return to her room, the seventh finally noticed the tall, lanky man watching her. "Finally doin' some good for your fracción, I see." He grinned widely while staring down at her.

"Just following some of your friendly advice." Miila smirked, walking past him, knowing he would follow.

"The hell're you talking about?" Nnoitra asked, enjoying the view of her one exposed ass cheek.

"You mean you don't remember?" She knew full and well that he couldn't remember anything that had occurred in the past week, but it was somewhat enjoyable to taunt him so. "And what about the human realm? What are you gonna tell Aizen-sama when you're supposed to recount our journey?"

Shoving his hands into his pockets, Nnoitra turned up his nose. "Like I have to tell him anything."

Miila opened the door to her suite and held it open for the fifth. "Oh, but all those memories. You really missed out on some real fun…"

The perverse espada stood behind the small woman and began groping her small chest. "We can always try a little recap…"

Damn, she knew she should have never opened up that stupid can of worms. It was okay, though. Now that she accepted her desire for him, maybe she'd be able to handle her feelings better. "Yeah, maybe in your dreams." She smirked, pulling herself from his grasps and pushing him down onto her couch.

"You keep saying that, but yer ass is shakin' an invitation." Perversely licking his lips, he watched Miila's exaggerated hip swaying as she walked.

Tantalizingly Miila lowered the remaining sections of her garment from her shoulders and let it rest around her waist. Looking over her shoulder at Nnoitra she raised a finger to her lips and playfully nibbled on it in a sexy manner.

Unable to resist her teasing, Nnoitra got up to approach the woman…only to have the door slammed in his face. "You fuckin' tease…!" Despite the anger that he was feeling, he couldn't help feeling joy at the same time. There was something different about her now, and it only made him want it more.

Giggling lightly, Miila felt so good. She was the one torturing him now! Quickly she changed into a new uniform, placing bandages as needed. She then escaped using a hidden door in her closet. As she pondered what to do next, Tōsen approached her. "Aizen-sama wishes to see you now."

Ah, Tōsen. Miila enjoyed Tōsen. He was a real no nonsense person. It was so refreshing to find that in this world. "Thank you, Kaname-sama. I will go see him immediately."

Though she had no idea what she'd say, Miila didn't feel nervous about seeing Sōsuke. Calmly she walked to Sōsuke's throne room. Before she could even knock the doors opened for her. "Miila, I am surprised with you." Sōsuke spoke placing his chin on his hand. "And you're punctuality is usually so perfect."

"Pardon me, Aizen-sama." Miila waited for a moment, but the butterflies didn't come. Something was wrong, she knew it, and she knew just what that something was. "You see, the mission you ordered did not go about as planned. The majority of the time was spent seeing to more…personal matters. When Nnoitra and I finally did focus on our mission we were attacked, and I was forced to remove Nnoitra from the situation."

"Yes, I realize that Nnoitra has been influenced by your powers." The leader of Las Noches rose and approached the young woman, a cruel expression spread across his features. "And I am not speaking of Viuda Negra's toxin."

A dark look took over Miila. Inside she was screaming. "So we were being observed." Running her tongue along her teeth, she clenched her jaw in frustration. "You wanted us to be a distraction."

"Always a smart one." Sōsuke mentioned, brushing some of her hair out of her face as he circled her. "I suppose I should have been direct with you, Miila."

Jerking away from his touch, the seventh espada held up her hand. "You wanted Nnoitra and I to work together because you knew I'd fight him the hardest."

Forcefully he grabbed her wrist and forced her closer. "And you disappointed me. It took him less than ten minutes to get you out of your clothes, Miila. I thought your standards were higher than that."

"I don't give a shit about standards." Miila hissed, her muscles tensing all around her body. "At least he had the decency to be honest."

The reiatsu that filled the room was enough to bring the woman to her knees, and yet she still did not fear it. Watching his subordinate, Sōsuke noticed the lack of fear she showed. "You are a spirited one, Miila. I appreciate that. However, I will warn you: Remember your place."

As the power subsided, Miila rose once again. "Of course, Aizen-sama." One of Sōsuke's servant girls took hold of the seventh's forearm. Blinded by anger, Miila took hold the girl's arm and twisted it in a way that it should not have been twisted.

"Get the fuck off of me!" The girl screamed and cried, watching the blood that squirt from her arm where the bone protruded.

Silently Miila kicked the girl, causing her to crash through the wall of the throne room. Surprisingly, Sōsuke remained silent, allowing his espada to harm his servant. Walking away from the room, Miila finally let the rage filling her release. "God fucking dammit!" She shrieked, pounding the walls intensely.

The peak of her anger came as she fell down to her knees, hateful tears stung her eyes. Wiping away at any sign of weakness, she knew what she wanted to do. While she still felt in control, she made her way quickly through the halls of Las Noches. It was something she'd never done before, and a place she'd never been to, but she wanted him now. Fuck, she needed the release he offered now!

Once she'd found the correct door, she kicked the fucker down. Nnoitra took one look at her and knew what was about to happen. "Tesla, get out." He spat, standing to greet his favorite espada.

"Yes, Nnoitra-sama…" Tesla hesitated, eying the seventh as he left the suite.

"So, Miila, come fo-" Any snide comments Nnoitra had were quickly silenced as she tackled the much larger arrancar.

Intensely she bit down at the base of his neck, sinking into his flesh as deeply as she could. "Don't fucking say a thing." She snarled, ripping off her own clothes before he could react. Hastily she began to rip off his clothes as well.

A bony hand took hold of the smaller arrancar's neck as Nnoitra flipped Miila onto her back. Tighter he squeezed her, ceasing the air supply she desperately needed. In response she dug her nails as deeply into his back as she could, drawing ten lines of blood down his back. "Don't fucking order me around." He glowered, releasing his hold on her neck he took hold of her arm instead. Dragging her across the room and into his bedroom he threw her forcefully onto the bed.

Miila rested on her knees and her hands, gasping for breath still. Nnoitra's strong hand smacked her perky cheek once before he too kneeled on the bed. Taking hold of her hips he prepared himself for the sex he'd been waiting for. "Fuck me!" Miila groaned, pushing herself back against him.

How he loved to hear her crying for him. "As you wish, Miila…"

Is it odd that I'm feeling pissed as hell after writing that?

"Too angry; don't care." Miila growled, beating the snot out of the Narrators many pillows on her bed.

What did my bed ever do to you?

Okay, so I have a very serious question for all of you: Should I start a new story? Now, I know that I still have many ideas that many have told me to expand upon, however, I want to know if you guys would like more if I cannot assure you that I will update regularly. For my readers on I have a poll on my homepage asking about it, but you're all welcome to review and let me know.