Best Friends

Rinna-chan: Oh my gosh! It's the last chapter! I can't believe it! We did it! It took a long time but we actually made it!

Hoshi Rene: Horray! It's finally done and we don't have to worry about any more threats about updating.

Disclaimer: We don't own Naruto, yeah!

From: SakuraUchiha - konohamail

To: TsunadeHatake - konohamail

Subject: Exciting news!





I have awesome news! Exclusive news that only Shizune and I know! And now I am sharing them with you!

Prepare yourself.




Now that I have said it, it took a weight out of shoulders. I plan on telling Itachi today, when he gets home. I am so nervous! That's why, if somehow we don't make it to dinner today, you will be able to guess the reason. If not you, your perverted husband of yours. Can you believe that he actually had the guts to lend his Icha Icha paradise collection to Itachi? Not that I'm complaining... I mean... He was already good... But now...



I just fear that Itachi is becoming a little bit perverted. Can you believe that the last time I visited him in his office; we ended up having sex on his desk? I mean... He's the chief of Konoha's Police! What if someone walked in on us? Sasori and Deidara are thinking of adopting a little girl. I got an email from them today. I'm so happy for them!

How is young Obito? I hope he is not giving you a lot of trouble. I'll see you tomorrow at work? I want you to be my kid's godmother like I am Obito's godmother.

I saw Anko-chi and Iruka-kun today. He seems to be suffering from Anko-chi's moods. She's huge! 6 months and she's that big! But I'm not surprised since she's having twins. I wonder how I'll be when I'm six months.

The phone is ringing. It's my beloved husband calling me. I'll see what he wants...

Sakura Uchiha.

P.S.: I love putting Uchiha as my surname. It makes me so giddy. It should have passed by now, since we've been married for over two years, but I can't help it!

From: TsunadeHatake – konohamail

To: SakuraUchiha - konohamail

Subject: More exciting news!




Sakuuuuuuu! Aaahhhh! I am soo happy for you.

It seems like Shizune is keeping all of our pregnancy secrets, because you are not the only one pregnant. I just found out today that I am pregnant again with twins. It looks like you and I will be due around the same time.

It's amazing how 4 years have past. It funny that even though we see each other at work everyday live across the street from each other, and we still find the time to email each other.

By the way I am so not surprised that my hubby gave Itachi his Icha Icha Paradise collection. Tell Itachi that he can keep those books, because Kashi will just get another set from Jiraya. Dan told me that Kashi gave a set to all of the guys for each of their weddings.

Speaking of Icha Icha, now that Kashi has found out there is a movie coming out for it he has been begging me non stop to take off and go with him to the midnight release. Genma said he was going to throw a huge office party and give everyone the day off with pay, just as long as they go see the movie and show their ticket stub as proof. He is the CEO of his P.I. Firm for crying out loud. Him and Genma's business has been booming since they opened it 3 years ago. Even your husband uses them for some of his cases. And yet my husband is still the same and he doesn't care what anyone thinks. Lol.

Now that you mention it, I think that having sex in my husband's office is fun. It's just an amazing feeling of being in control of his office. It's like this adventurous and daring side comes out. I think it would have been more fun if I worked there, then I could say I was screwing the boss in his office. Lol. Hey you have to have Itachi put a couch in his office; it is way more comfortable to have during your pregnancy.

My little Obito is the most wonderful 3 and a half-year-old son. My baby is so sweet, quiet and very respectful. He is the spitting image of Kashi, loves to follow him around and he wants to be just like him. He tried to ask me if he could wear a mask like his daddy. I told him to wait until he was older.

This morning he was really sick and Shizune said that he has a stomach virus so I won't be at work until he gets better.

I still find it funny how you became his godmother. Remember, after I lost my virginity to Kashi, I found out I was pregnant when you went back to Suna with Itachi. I told you I was pregnant, so you and Itachi flew back out here to congratulate me in person instead of over the phone. I told you, Anko, Kure and Shizune that I wanted all of you to be the godmother and you all demanded that it had to be one person. I said I was not going to choose and I let that up to all of you to choose. Then you all decided to have a Rock, Paper, and Scissors contest. And you won. Lol, that was so much fun. But from that contest the rest of the girls demanded I have 3 more kids so that they can each be a godmother to one.

Hey! I just remembered something. You never told me what happened after you returned to Suna 4 years ago. All you told me was that you and Itachi were together and then the next thing I know is he proposes to you at his prom. So now it's time to spill tell me what happened!

Tsunade Hatake

P.S. I know what you mean about the last name. I'll never get tired of putting that. It's such a wonderful and surreal feeling every time I write it.

From: SakuraUchiha - konohamail

To: TsunadeHatake - konohamail

Subject: Overprotective husbands and a tale.




I can't believe that I never told you what happened. I think it was because there were so many things happening, that I never had the time. From your pregnancy, to your marriage and then Itachi proposing and then moving to Konoha, I guess it just passed and I didn't even realize it. But now, that I have nothing to do for the next nine months, I guess I can just sit back and tell you everything. But before I start, I must say:

Itachi is the most overprotective husband ever!

Can you believe that he called the Mayor to call in a personal request to make the Mayor give me a year of leave of absence from work! I think that during that time he's going to try and convince me to leave my job and become a housewife for him. Not that I wouldn't mind, the idea of doing virtually nothing all day pleases me, but I like my job! It's that damned Uchiha blood. Mikoto-kaa was a successful lawyer, but Fugaku-tou-san had to turn her into a housewife.

Sigh. Such is the life of an Uchiha. But I'm not complaining. I love Itachi and I know that I'll always win in the end. Have you ever tried denying sex to your husband to get something? It's amazing! Almost immediate results!


4 years ago…

We had just returned to Suna, there were people waiting for us in the airport, Gaara, Matsuri, Tenten, Neji even Sasuke. As soon as Sasuke got close to his brother, he said:

"I told you she was lying, nii-san. She's a liar, a whore and a bitch."

Then Itachi did something I thought he would never do. He punched Sasuke on the face, sending his brother flying away.

"Don't offend Sakura, Sasuke. You are not worthy of the dirt beneath her shoes. You are an irresponsible, immature, selfish and inconsiderate. You are the whore here, not her."

He began to walk away and I followed. After us came all of our friends, leaving Sasuke alone. We ostracized him. School was funny. Deidara and Sasori were caught making out in the Janitor's closet by Naruto and Hinata. Naruto can't keep a secret so in a few days, everyone knew. Because of that, many others decided to become comfortable with their sexuality. Sai included. That shocked Ino. She spent a few days locked up in her house, traumatized. I think she was sad because she had chosen Sai over Shika and in the end lost both. Even I couldn't get to her. Then, Shikamaru went to her house, faced the Dragon and rescued the Princess from the tower as he put it later. I was surprised and so was Ino. Shikamaru never did troublesome things.

And, on his Senior prom, Itachi proposed. After the prom, he took me to this beautiful garden, with paper lanterns and got on one knee. The words he said were very laconic. "Marry me." To this day I still don't know if it was a question or an order, but truly, I don't care. My husband is possessive, stoic, laconic and brilliant. As you know, we spent two years engaged and then went to Konoha. Mikoto-kaa was very happy that he chose me. Even Fugaku-tou-san has warmed up to me.

I'm just a little bit worried. Fugaku-tou-san wants Itachi to take over Uchiha Co. I know Itahci doesn't want to. He's happy here in Konoha and he adores his job. But Itachi is the heir. And he still hasn't said anything to me. I only found out when I talked to Shisui.

Ino has just sent me an email! Shikamaru got a promotion! He's coming to Konoha! And I don't know if I already told you, but Naruto and Hinata are also moving here. I'm so happy! Apparently, Jiraya has chosen Naruto to take over his company.

I think that's it for news. I'll see you and Obito-kun at Shizune's tonight?

And I must say! I'm so happy for you! Maybe we can do our baby shower together! I am so looking forwards to it! Ugh! I need to puke.

I'm back. Itachi has just called. Apparently he too wants to go see the Icha Icha Paradise movie. I'll have you know that I'm going to beat your hubbie to a pulp! How dare he do this to my Itachi-kun?

Much love,

Sakura Uchiha.

P.S.: I just got a call from Hinata. Soon she's going to become Uzumaki Hinata! It's about time! She is the last one to get married! Well, Sasuke is still single, but I don't see him getting married any time soon.

From: TsunadeHatake – konohamail

To: SakuraUchiha - konohamail

Subject: More overprotective husbands and happy endings




So that's what happened when you returned home. It seems like Sasuke got his well-deserved dish of Karma served right to him. I'm glad things are working out for all of your friends. And having them come to Konoha is great.

I truly understand about overprotective husbands. Remember when I told Kashi I was pregnant with Obito. Two days later he borrowed money from Jiraya and bought a house. Thankfully he knew what I liked and I instantly fell in love with the house that we live in now. 7 beds, 6.5 baths, Living Room, Family Room, Large Kitchen, Laundry Room, Office, Huge Backyard for Pakkun, 3 car garage. Lol. I never get tired of saying what my house is like. Anyways, the problem wasn't with the house. It was what he did the following week. After I came home from work, I knew I had to feed Pakkun. So I go outside and 8 dogs tackle me. That damn husband of mine bought home 7 dogs and didn't have the decency to consult with me about it. He said they were there to protect me, while he is not at home. I was so pissed at him. I made him sleep in another room and I didn't have sex with him for a 2 weeks. Eventually, they all grew on me. They are like his mini special task force with Pakkun as their leader.

When I told Kashi I was pregnant again I made him promise me that he wouldn't get any more dogs or else I will hide all of his Icha Icha books and I won't have sex with him for a whole month.

I really do hope that you guys stay in Konoha. Hey, maybe Itachi can have his dad build a Uchiha Co. here in Konoha and make it the new headquarters that way Itachi can still help run it and you guys can still stay out here. That way you can have your turn at beating my hubbie. He had turned all of the guys into Icha Icha Perverts. And even though you complain now about my hubbie, I bet you have no complaints when Itachi tries to use some of the material from it during sex.

I realized something. No matter how much we complain about our hubbies we will still love them regardless. I guess that what being married is all about. And I would change a bit of it. I'm happy being with the man that I love and I can't wait to see what the next 50 plus years have in store for us.

Well I have to go, Kashi just walked in. Would you believe that he is still a little jealous of me emailing you? Lol

Hugs and Kisses,

Tsunade Hatake.

P.S.: We should all go see the Icha Icha Paradise movie together.

From: ItachiUchiha - konohamail

To: KakashiHatake - konohamail






I am sure you must already know by now that Sakura is pregnant. I am very happy that I shall finally have an heir but I am also terrified by it. How did you withstand Tsunade? This morning I decided to go out and buy dango for me and Sakura. When I returned and presented her the dango, she cried. And when I tried to comfort her, telling her that it was useless to get worried over weight since pregnant women gain 20-50% more weight during pregnancy. She got angry, broke three different pieces of porcelain by attempting to kill me with them and has refused to speak with me since! I know pregnant women have mood swings, but I have never heard of attempted murder with hideous porcelain plates we got from her mother for Christmas.

Now, regarding business. Uchiha Co. is opening a firm here in Konoha, expanding business and I shall be taking care of it. For that, I need someone for the position of Konoha's Chief of Police. I know you and Genma have your P.I. firm, but I think that no one is more qualified for this position then you. What do you say, Kakashi? Pay is better and from what I heard, soon you will have two new additions to your family.

Jiraya will launch Icha Icha Violence soon. Do you think you can get a copy for me? My pride as an Uchiha will not allow me to buy it myself.

I shall see you and you wife tonight at the Icha Icha Paradise Movie. If I can get Sakura to talk to me until then.

I. Uchiha

P.S.: You were right. That position in page 54 is mind-blowing. And your plan of putting those Yoga pamphlets with the rest of the mail was pure genius.

From: KakashiHatake - konohamail

To: ItachiUchiha – konohamail

Subject: You should learn to put a subject on your emails, Itachi.





I know pregnant women are difficult. Nade and Sakura are even more difficult than the rest of them. My advice to you is this: never speak of weight, other women, sex, ankles and breasts. Agree with everything they say, even if they say the sky is red. And, I know this will be difficult for you, apologize. Apologize even if you're not at fault. Even if you don't need to. Also, saying that you love them at least three times per day can keep them reasonably happy. When Nade was carrying Obito, was the first time I realized how dangerous a plastic spoon can be.

About the Chief of Police position: I am not yet sure. Being Chief of Police sounds way too troublesome for me. I like my job as a P.I. However, being Chief of Police is much more stable than a P.I. and if I get another rich woman paying me to find her cat I just might kill myself.

And seriously, Itachi? Your pride won't let you buy Icha Icha Violence? Are you certain it's your pride and not a little pink haired devil that seems to live for the sole purpose of making the saying: size is no guarantee of power true. You are a masochist for simply loving that girl. Although I'm afraid that I can't say much, since Nade is also one of the scariest and most sadistic women that I know. Personally I blame Anko for corrupting Sakura and by extension, Nade.

Itachi, you are not letting Sakura stop you from going to that movie. Grow some balls, Uchiha!

Well, if you can't make it, I'll tell you everything. Genma is yelling whipped in my ear right now.

Kakashi H.

P.S.: Wait until you get to page 60. And the idea for the pamphlets came from the Nara boy. That boy is pure genius. Hey, on tomorrow's mail put the 68% off Lingerie coupons that I gave to you yesterday.

Rinna-chan: I wonder... Do you guys think they went to see the Icha Icha movie?

Rinna-chan and Hoshi Rene: Read and Review!