The plot is original, but the names are not. The two kingdoms: Montague and Capulet came from Romeo and Juliet. The names Max and Fang came from Maximum Ride.

Once upon on a time there were two kingdoms: Montague and Capulet. The rulers of those kingdoms were simply known as the King of Montague and the King of Capulet, but they were hated enemies.

The people of the two kingdoms did not get along as well, so when the King of Capulet's wife gave birth to a little baby girl, the people hid her identity from Montague; however, people did not like Max. She was quiet and though no common person knew, she was born with a pair of white wings. No one thought her fit to rule, but they were not going to betray Capulet.

On the same day, Fang from Montague was also born. He was also born with wings but they were dark and mysterious and was hidden from the Capulet.

The secret lasted for 16 years, but tragedy hit Capulet. They were attacked by the Western Kingdom which burned Capulet to the ground and left no one alive. The attempt was failed.

Yes Capulet was ruined and would cease to exist, but Max was left alive. The King of Capulet said in his dying words for Max to fly away as he was killed.

However, she was already found and 100 guards with spears and daggers had surrounded her. She ran. To where she didn't no, but the gaurds were in her way so she fought threw them. One of them stabbed her in the side, but she kicked him in the stomach and busted his head with her knee. After more scratches and bruised later, she opened her wings, which were a bit dented because someone had swung her into a tree, and flew.

Max opened her beautiful white/brown wings and flew like an angel. There were no more than 20 gaurds left. As they watched her escape into the sky, they pulled out bows and arrows and shot. Max with determination in her heart, dogded them all and disappeared into the clouds.

Though it was Capulet's enemy, Montague was the closest kingdom nearby, so as Max wept over the fire burning her home to ashes, she landed sloppily and without knowing it landed at the door of Fang's family.

Hey guys! Thanks for reviewing even if what you said was kind of rude. I still appreciate you for helping me make this story better. Yes i realize it's kind of cheesy, but all fairytales are! :P Anyways, someone mentioned that Fang's wings are black, so I changed that. My mistake, I apologize. Someone also said I may want to make the chapter's longer, and someone else told me to add spaces and "Enter". I adjusted that as well. In the summary, I also said there's a little action, so in the first chapter I added some action which kind of relates to the second chapter so it works out. Hope everything's good! Review and let me know if you'd like anymore changes and if it's horrible or awesome! Thank you guys!