Note: This takes place sometime during Chapter 13 before Claire comes home from school and Ray spends his first morning alone in the house. With the refrigerator ^^

Ray and the Refrigerator

Ray woke up feeling refreshed and well rested after his first night in the little almost non-existent reservation of La Push. He rolled out of bed, straightened the sheets, puffed the pillows and nicely smoothed down the blanket. Feeling painfully proud of his little handy work he ignored the rest of the messy room and quickly walked out before he started sorting through the piles of Embry's clothed that lay everywhere.

The house was quiet since no one was around. Claire was in school and Embry still hasn't returned from his shift, Quil, on the other hand, should be around somewhere. Ray took a peek out the kitchen window which was overlooking over the yard and the garage. The big garage doors were opened so he guessed Quil was working there.

He shrugged at the calmness and peace this remote place offered and vanished in the bathroom. He took note of the cleaning equipment this small household kept under the sink as he browsed through them to see if they were of any use. In the end he was satisfied. Not the best, but they would do. You never know when there might be an urgent cleaning emergency around here.

When he decided to make himself some breakfast he hopped to the kitchen and rummaged around the cabinets for plates and some bread. Upon opening the fridge he checked the jars and milk cartons for expired dates. And that's when he noticed the strange green substance in the very back of the fridge.

Ray moved some of the stuff around to take a better look. It was green and appeared to be sort of jelly-ish, it was also the size of plate but more thick. At best he would say it was some sort of a plant, but it looked too alien to be one.

He grabbed a spatula from one of the kitchen drawers and carefully approached the life form that appeared to live in the refrigerator. He nudged its side carefully to see if it was really sticking to the wall of fridge. When nothing happened and he still couldn't see quite clearly he nudged it again, this time more powerfully.

And this time it moved.

"Holly shit!" Ray dropped the spatula, closed the fridge shut and jumped on a chair as if the green jelly thing couldn't reach him there "Sweet mother of pearl! What was that thing?"

He later had to explain to Claire why there was a chair pushed against the fridge's door. And the table.

Gotta love Ray :)