Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not live in Scotland and I'm not J.K. Rowling. I own Nothing!

This is my second fanfic and my first time travel fic...enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Chapter 1 - Live to Regret

Lily and James Potter walked through the door of their home in Godric's Hollow after a rare evening out. James's best friend Sirius Black had been babysitting their one year old son Harry while they went out to dinner magically disguised so they could evade the Death Eaters that were scouring the countryside for them and their son.

They bid a quick goodnight to Sirius since they just wanted to cap off a wonderful night by sitting close by the fire. When the door closed behind him, the Potters saw a bright flash of light surround their vision and they clung tight to each other fearing the worst. A moment later, the entryway of the cottage was deserted.

Ginny Potter was walking tiredly through her home in Godric's Hollow. She was still amazed that it was in one piece, even after all of this time. After the war, Minister Shacklebolt gathered some of the most powerful wizards in the world to reconstruct Harry's parents' cottage as a 'thank you' for saving the world from destruction by Voldemort. Harry had tried to refuse, but he was actually very touched by the gesture, and extremely happy to have the house restored to its former glory, before Voldemort ripped his world apart. It was into this home that Harry and Ginny moved after their marriage four years after the Battle of Hogwarts. That was five years ago, and everything was well since then.

Ginny loved her life. She had married the man of her dreams, and she had two beautiful children, James Sirius, two and a half, and Albus Severus, one. She was currently pregnant with her third child. And these three miracles were the cause for her exhaustion.

She had Albus trailing behind her as she searched for where James was hiding, when a bright light filled her foyer.

She quickly grabbed Albus from the floor and whipped out her wand, after all, war instincts did not just die and this could be someone out for revenge on Harry.

As the light faded, there stood two figures, a tall man with messy jet black hair and glasses surrounding brown eyes, and a slightly smaller woman with long red hair and bright emerald eyes. The fact that the two people looked like James and Lily Potter immediately angered Ginny. Whoever had sought to hurt Harry and her family by posing as the deceased couple would live to regret it.

James and Lily reappeared in their entryway, but something was off. They suddenly got out their wands, they were in wartime, and looked around. They were shocked and angered when they saw a young red headed woman holding their son with a wand pointed at them. They could not understand how this woman could have gotten through the Fidelus to kidnap Harry, but she would definitely live to regret it.

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