Life and Death


Months had passed after the incident of Yang's death and all the consequences it had pulled with itself.

Yin was happily together with her family and her beloved boyfriend, Yuck, who had caused so much sadness, but in the end saved everything. Well partly, Yin helped a lot. The green rabbit was allowed to live at the dojo, since his own place wasn't anywhere near as good as the home of Yin, Yang and their parents. At first Yin tried to convince her father to let her and Yuck share a room, but both Yang and Master Yo weren't really happy with that wish, so Yuck got his own little room. From now on he studied with the twins and he was very useful to them, since he was a good enemy and was good training for them. If he wasn't training or studying, he was spending time with his lovely girlfriend, Yin. They went to do whatever she wanted to do, since the boy was ready to fulfill any dreams of the girl. He even went to hang out with her and her friends, even though it was kinda very boring.

The pink rabbit girl he was allowed to call his girlfriend couldn't complain about anything in her life right now. She finally had a real family, the one she had always wanted, the one the people who raised her had showed her in books and on pictures. And she even had a boyfriend now. One who cared about her and loved her with all her positive and all her negative sides. One, who could defend her from a foe if she wasn't able to fight by herself. She also got a lot closer with Yang since she realized that he meant even more to her than she had thought he would before this whole story happened. Yang, Yuck and her were a really strong trio. They never needed Master Yo's help, much to the elderly panda's enjoyment, because he was able to make up with Yane for all this time they had been apart. Yin had also grown a lot. Not physically, but mentally. The battle against the beast made her stronger and able to hurt more. Being able to kick more butt was something her big brother was very proud of.

Her older brother, Yang. The happenings had probably changed him the most. He wasn't being selfish or mean to his sister anymore, he had learned that alone him or her were useless, but together they were strong. The blue bunny had a really hard time accepting Yin's choice of boyfriend and he got into a verbal fight with his sister's lover very often. But they refused to go further than standing for hours in the backyard shouting at each other. They didn't hate each other, like someone would expect them to, no, they just … used each other to let out some aggression. Yang would often watch Yuck and his sister, to make sure the green rabbit wouldn't go too far or hurt his sister. But even he had to see: The green one was on his side now. It seemed to be unbelievable to everyone, even Yang himself, but the blue one could start to forgive his new ally. Forgive him for killing him and forgive him for dragging his sister out on a dangerous journey, only to kill her in the end. Even if it was the beast, Yang still blamed Yuck. Understandable. Maybe someday he could forgive the green rabbit completely and accept him being a part of the family now.

That was what everyone desired, also the aged panda, Yo. He had started becoming way more peaceful, thanks to his beloved one. Yane always kept him calm when the children broke something or made a lot of noise. His job as Master would soon be done and he could be all family father. His students were learning much better and faster themselves now, so he didn't have to shout at them to learn, anymore. He was also really shocked to find out who was the boy his one and only daughter was dating. He never wanted the two lovers to be alone somewhere and he wasn't planning on changing that anytime soon. He, as old man, knew that with the age of fifteen or sixteen some 'special needs and wantings' would start to develop between lovers. And he would be going to try to keep those special needs from happening, even though he knew: One day he would have to let his daughter go and give her into the arms of the one who wanted to share his life with her. And even though Yuck wasn't exactly the son-in-law he had wished to have someday, he would accept it... later.

More open-minded than her man was Yane. She was happy for Yin to find someone she loves and wants to be with and since Yuck was a gentleman as long as he was around Yin, there was nothing the mother could complain about. Sometimes she asked yo and And to give them some more privacy, but in vain. Her life was better than ever now. She was with Yo and her kids. She had a happy life. She loved to go on little trips with her family and her little girl's boyfriend to make the family bounding stronger. Yin and Yang were very happy to have her as mother. Not only because they could finally turn to someone and call her "Mom", but because she was the kind of "modern, cool" Mom, not the "old fashioned, boring" Mom. She was the opposite of Yo and sometimes the twins really wondered how it was able for him to steal her heart away.

Everything was perfect and normal now, the way it was meant to be.

And the way it was meant to be forever for a happy end.

Yin's happy end

