kratos: vexia does not own the rights to any of the characters or the game ' tales of symphonia ' she only owns this story line

The room was packed with people; almost all were nobles, chatting loudly about the latest gossip in Meltokio.

Lloyd Irving was trying to keep a low profile, keeping to the shadows of the party sitting in a corner and avoiding eye contacted with anyone but his friends; most of which were doing the same as he was, Lloyd knew he really wasn't cut out for this high and mighty noble life, and the parties and such that Zelos went on about. Luckily though, all the nobles cared about was the Chosen, unluckily said Chosen was strutting Lloyds way, a big cheesy grin on his face.

"Hey bud!" Zelos called, Lloyd attempted to hide himself in his jacket like a turtle would its shell.

"Aww, don't be shy now beautiful!" Zelos grabbed Lloyds arm pulling him into a head lock

"Beautiful?" Lloyd blushed "yeah, beautiful" Zelos grinned

"Agh Zelos I'm not one of your hunnies so don't call me that! now let go of my head!" Lloyd pulled himself free, Zelos pouted making his eyes get larger, and unbelievably cute.

"Hey bud, what's got into you?" a small army of women was surrounding its self around Zelos and Lloyd, "I don't like this party Zelos, it's too stuffy and cramped" Lloyd huffed. getting bumped into by girls attempting to get to Zelos.

"But you said you like parties bud"

"Not THIS kind of party" Zelos smiled at Lloyd and nodded

"It'll be over in a few hours bud, relax and have some fun" Zelos turned back to his hunnies, flirting and dancing with them completely oblivious to Lloyds glare, something about seeing Zelos with those girls made Lloyd mad but he couldn't pinpoint why.

"How..?" Lloyd kicked at the floor "how am I supposed to have fun at a place like this?" Lloyd sighed,

"Well you can join me and my hunnies, bud" Lloyd looked up to see Zelos bright blue eyes mere inches from his face, Lloyd blushed madly and backed into the wall.

"n-no thanks Zelos I'm fine" more girls appeared around Zelos, Lloyd gritted his teeth "I do have a question though…" Lloyd straitened himself, while Zelos' grin some how got bigger "ask away bud" Zelos waved his hand in the air signalling Lloyd to continue "the great Zelos wilder is listening"

"Yeah…well where do they-" Lloyd waved his arms franticly in the air pointing at all the girls "-come from, really Zelos there's millions of them, I hate them following you around it makes my skin crawl and some of them don't even look nice why do you surround your self with them?" Lloyd directed his gaze to a woman who had a huge mole-thing on the end of her nose and big bushy eye brows that met almost in the middle, and another whose eyes were far too close together for his liking, Zelos shook his head, luckily the women around them didn't hear Lloyd statement.

"now, now bud don't be like that, if you wanted me to yourself you could've asked and yeah some of them may have-" Zelos coughed "- but it's what inside that counts to me, you just have to spend time with them, their all really kind and gentle" The sides of Lloyd's mouth twitched "what do you mean 'have you to my self' I don't want you! stop talking out your ass Zelos" Lloyd folded his arms across his chest, some of the women behind Zelos were getting impatient.

"Master Zelos who's this simpleton you're talking to!?" one girl screeched

"EW he's from the disgusting land of Sylvarant isn't he?!" another one said in alarm

Zelos rubbed his temples, and sighed

"Yes he is my hunnies" Zelos' expression changed dramatically and turned to the women "and he's my best bud, so you all be nice, now run along we have things to talk about" Zelos grinned and shooed the women away "sorry hunnies but is private"

Zelos turned back round after they had all left, only Lloyd wasn't there anymore, Zelos looked round the party with eagle like eyes, noticing two ribbons fly out the exit door, he giggled to himself and followed suit.

Outside Lloyd slumped himself on a bench leaning back facing the stars and moon, he sighed, he closed his eyes and breathed in the fresh air around him, yep, he really wasn't cut out for all that stuff. It was just too much for him to take, his thoughts went back to the red head, why had he blushed like that when Zelos got close? It wasn't the first time either, he blushed or felt uneasy whenever Zelos got too close, it made his stomach do summersaults and his head spin, every time he wanted to reached out a caress those soft pale cheeks-

Lloyd opened his eyes "whoa, why am I thinking like that?"

"Thinking like what hunny?" Lloyd jumped; Zelos was sitting next to him leaning over his face, long red hair falling freely over Lloyd.

"Uh..." Lloyd was blushing; his face the same colour as Zelos' hair, Lloyd was captivated by Zelos' eyes.

"Well…?" Zelos' voice brought him back to reality; Zelos grinned and moved away from Lloyd leaning back too look at the stars.

"Y'know but you got me thinking" Lloyd shook his head lightly to rid himself of his blush "'bout what?" He looked over at Zelos.

"Bout my hunnies, your right, some of them aren't pleasant for the eyes, most are just not pleasant, they only really like me 'cos I'm the Chosen…" Zelos had a look on his face that Lloyd had never seen before, but in the light of the moon it made the red head look extremely attractive at that moment, and Lloyd couldn't help himself move closer so that their legs were touching. Zelos looked at Lloyd his expression soft and content. Lloyd felt butterflies in his stomach, and his face growing hot.

"…but y'know there's one hunny I can't get out my mind bud, one that so beautiful in heart and body that it hurts to be around him I feel like I can do anything when I'm around him. The moment I see his smile…it just makes everything we're doing seem worth while"

Zelos smiled, slipping his arm around Lloyd, who was too deeply entranced by Zelos' eyes to notice

"…him?" Lloyd asked tilting his head "yeah, him" Lloyds breath got court in his throat and he felt himself leaning in toward the other man, Zelos got closer, their noses where touching. "…you" Zelos gentle brushed his lips to Lloyd's it was so soft Lloyd shivered Zelos did it again and again and again getting closer and closer with each soft touch, they seemed to melt into each other as one, Zelos held Lloyd's sides while Lloyd tangled one hand in Zelos' hair the other resting on his leg. They pulled each other closer deepening the kiss.

They broke for air, pulling apart enough to look in each others eyes

"Smile for me Lloyd…" Zelos' husky voice rang through the air like music; he moved one hand to Lloyds face caressing his cheek "please…" Lloyd smiled with pure joy Zelos' touch was so soft every touch sent a shiver like lightning through Lloyds body to the pit of his stomach, Zelos smiled as well resting his forehead against Lloyds, they sat there like that a moment, everything seemed to disappear around them.

Lloyd shifted his weight so he was slightly sitting on Zelos lap,

It was Lloyd who broke the blissful silence "so how are we going to explain this to the others" he said moving his hand to Zelos' chest resting it over his heart.

"Well…" Zelos thought for a moment "lets not think about that now….but I do think it may be better to keep it a secret a while" Lloyd nodded in agreement, Zelos pressed a light kiss on Lloyd head smiling as he did, he then moved down over his eyes, nose cheeks leaving a trail of soft kisses as he went, Zelos then kissed Lloyds mouth lightly, Lloyd kissed back more enthusiastically this time than the first, eager to taste Zelos again, Zelos smiled into the kiss, deepening it, holding Lloyd tightly in his arms and never letting go.

Zelos ran his tongue over Lloyd's lower lip begging for entrance which was given instantly, they met, fighting for dominance in the wet heat.

Their kisses became frantic and passionate; they reached out for one another. Zelos' were exploring Lloyds body, pulling open his jacket slightly to have better access, Zelos ran his hands up Lloyds stomach then his chest his thumb caressing Lloyds left nipple earning him self a low moan, Lloyd tangled his hands in Zelos hair pulling him closer. He was now sitting fully on Zelos' lap his legs round Zelos' waste their aroused bodies rubbing against one another creating hot friction between them.

Unfortunately they had to break apart, their breathing ragged, eyes glazed over with lust. Lloyd ran his hands through Zelos' hair

"Wow..." he breathed, Zelos laughed

"…That's all you have to say, the great Zelos is pulling out all the stops here and that's all you have to say?" Lloyd laughed this time, a beautiful laugh that made Zelos' heart stop. "'pulling out all the stops' you say that all you got then Zelos" Lloyd giggled more, Zelos pouted "oh, dear, sweet, innocent Lloyd you have no idea what I can do, but sadly its too open out here and if we want to keep this a secret we'll have to express our love somewhere more private don't you agree" Zelos moved his hips making Lloyd gasp.

"We'll have to go back in y'know the others will be looking for us" Lloyd sighed and got off of Zelos' lap, Zelos pouted and stuck out his lower lip while Lloyd sorted out his hair and cloths , he looked so beautiful, Lloyd really was a true angel.

"Tomorrow we're going to the tower and we're gonna stop Cruxis!" Lloyd muttered looking out at the horizon, the tower of salvation was easily seen over the roof tops of the city.

"What?" Zelos snapped out of his daze,

"Tomorrow…altessa's on the mend, and Colette's better, we only came to Meltokio because we save the Hilda, right. So tomorrow we're gonna go to the tower and stop Yggdrasil" Lloyd smiled at Zelos, Zelos paled "then everything will be all right and no one will be sacrificed anymore…" even though Lloyd was smiling, there was a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Oh…oh right, Y-yeah! We're gonna give that Yggdrasil whooping of a life time ha ha! Show him who's boss" Zelos felt like he was gonna be sick, how could he have forgotten damn it what had he done!

"Well I'm going in, you coming" Lloyd held out his hand to Zelos helping him up.

"…I'll be with you in a bit beautiful, I gotta sort my hair out wouldn't want any one to get idea's now" Zelos grinned. Lloyd shrugged and kissed Zelos long and passionately before disappearing back into the party hall, Zelos stood there alone.

"You've really screwed up this time Zelos…." He spoke to him self, low and sad. He put his finger to his lip,

"Now he'll never love me….after tomorrow this will only be a dream, but even if he doesn't love me after tomorrow even…even if he has to kill me …I have to do it, or he'll never be able to save the worlds and everything will be lost, Lloyd I'm sorry please find it in your heart to forgive me someday" Zelos closed his eyes and walked back into the hall, a new sense of dread filling his gut.