I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear…
That's his 'new' name, not like he can remember what it was before. Not like he can remember anything from before. The men in the black coats tell him they'll come back to him soon enough. One day.
But why risk it? Luxord knows from experience not to put all your eggs into one basket, unless you know the outcome.
He remembers the sea, the storms and a ship. He doesn't know why a ship is there but it brings comfort to remember the ship. Lady Luck, he believes it was called.
That's really the only thing that can bring him comfort, as they and he himself have not figured out what 'element' he has control over. Also brings him comfort because he knows he's different to them.
He doesn't know why and he doesn't know how but it's something to do with him. But what is it?
What is different about him?
Is it… the way he sounds? When he speaks, he doesn't sound like the rest of them. He sounds… He sounds Different.
The man with the strange hair and the sitar looks up at him and grins.
"You're the new guy? Cool, man, like your earrings."
Luxord looks puzzled at the man. Why is he being friendly to someone different like him?
"You're accent's pretty nifty too, wish I could talk all proper like you, man. Makes you sound all gentlemanly and cool. Bet all the ladies love you."
Luxord frowned, "What? I thought I sounded… different."
The man with the sitar laughs, "Oh, man, you're funny! Nah, you should of heard me when I got into the Organization…"
He grins again and clears his throat; the man begins to speak in a way Luxord has never heard before.
The man finishes, "See? The others could barely understand me so Zexion had me go do some English lessons. It was like being back at high school again… Least we can understand you, huh?"
Maybe being different isn't as bad as Luxord thought.
You can hear it in my accent when I talk; I'm an Englishman in New York.
All characters do not belong to me, but to Square Enix. Lyrics are from Sting and The Police, Englishman in New York. Oh, Demyx is speaking in a New Yorker accent, just so you know.