(Okey, another bad thing from me... Oh, I didn't say who of us that have written the other stories... I'm Ine, and I have written one story alone(before this one); Tobi Baked a Cake^^ Hope people liked that one, and will enjoy this one too^^
Sasori watched Deidara leave the room, he frowned. Lately the blond artist hadn't been, Deidara. Normally the blond artist would blow stuff up, and annoy the crap out of everyone. Now he didn't even want to discuss his art with Sasori, he didn't want to commit that he was worried, but he was. Sasori sighted as he got up from his work disk, and followed the blond.
Deidara walked out of the hide-out, and walked towards the high cliff. Sasori walked a few hundred feet behind him, watching him carefully. He had left Hiruko back in the hide-out, and was thankful to that... He would never-ever be able to keep up with Deidara, if he still had been wearing Hiruko! Deidara stopped at the edge of the cliff, "Why did you follow me, Sasori-Danna, un?" he asked, his voice husky. Sasori looked at Deidara, "You are my partner, brat. I have to make sure you don't do anything stupid" Sasori regretted using such a harsh voice, the boy sure looked broken! "Why do everyone think I'll just fuck up! Why can't you just trust me, un! I want to be alone, leave, un!" Deidara yelled, and Sasori was taken aback. "No, brat. I won't leave" Sasori said, and looked at his partner. "Leave, please just leave, un... Please... I just want to be alone..." Deidara whispered, before he yelled. "Just leave me alone! No one cares about me, un! I'm easy to replace, I'm just trash! No one would even spare me a thought if I died, un! I'm just a worthless piece of shit, a pain in the ass, annoying, un! I should just do you all a favor, and kill myself, un!" Deidara looked down. Sasori didn't know what to say, he just looked at the broken blond artist. He himself hadn't felt any human emotion for so long, but he could imagine how it felt for the blond. Deidara was the newest member, only being there for a week, he all ready fitted in greatly. Maybe the blond didn't see it, but all the Akatsuki member's was enjoying having Deidara there."That's not true, brat" Sasori said. 'Damn, I used that harsh voice again' he yelled at himself. Deidara looked up, tears streaming down from his eye. Deidara looked at Sasori for a long time, before he turned around and walked even closer to the edge. Sasori started to panic, he didn't know why, I mean, it wasn't like he cared for the stupid brat or anything! "I know you don't like me, Sasori-danna, un... But I want you to know... That I... I think I'm in love with you, un!" Deidara yelled, and jumped outside the cliff. Sasori rushed forward, never being a fast runner, he was surprised he made it in time to grab a piece of Deidara's cloak. He pulled him up, and hugged him. "Don't you dare die, brat!" Sasori said, and pulled Deidara closer. Deidara closed his eyes, and leaned into his danna, and if it hadn't been his danna, he would been damn sure he heard a faint; I love you too.
(Yeah, I know, I'm not the best writer, but I like it, and if you have a problem... I don't give a damn:D Hope you liked^^)