Hello everyone thanks for sticking with me through Lizzys first two years! Third ear may take a bit because I'm going to go back and improve Collecting Shadows and The First Shadows. It shouldn't take me to long and then I`ll be moving on t Year three! As usual, any ideas welcome!


"Millie! Even Lizzy isn't up yet! Go back to sleep" Charlotte snapped, pink light from the sunrise illuminating her cheeks.

Millie bounced up and down on her bed "But its Saturday!"

Marlene rolled over and whined "I don't care"

Millie pouted "But I thought you wanted to get up early to do some revision?"

"Not this early" Lizzy growled "Go back to sleep!"

Millie sighed dramatically "But I can't sleep"

Marlene sighed "Why?"

"I had a nightmare" Millie admitted lowering her eyes.

Charlotte wasn't in the mood to be sympathetic "About what?!"

Millie glared at her "None of your business!"

"Was it about chipmunks?" Lizzy asked randomly.

The others looked at her, "No" Millie said slowly.

Lizzy crossed her arms defensively "No wait, once my parents took me and James to this muggle zoo and this chipmunk bit me! And that night I had this dream were a giant chipmunk ate me!"

Charlotte raised her eyebrows "You're scared of chipmunks?"

Marlene however nodded "Hey, I hate squirrels! Ever since I read Charlie and the Chocolate factory, they just creep me out!"

"What is Charlie and the chocolate factory?" Lizzy asked.

"Erm...Oh hang on" Marlene got up and rummaged in her trunk, eventually pulling out a battered book.

"Here" she tossed it over to Lizzy, who caught it neatly and started reading the blurb.

Charlotte turned to Marlene "What's it about?"

Marlene smiled "Erm, there's this boy who gets to visit a chocolate factory"

Millie interrupted "Imagine, visiting a Honeydukes factory!"

Lizzy laughed "Imagine the carnage if they gave out sugar quills?"

Millie blushed "Shut up!"

"So after breakfast we are all going to go up to the library and we will revise Charms in pairs for an hour. Then we will spend an hour on Transfiguration, then a short break for lunch and..." Charlotte announced loudly to her housemates as they ate there breakfast.

Fabien obviously thought she was joking "Are you kidding?! The Exams don't start for a week!"

Charlotte bristled indignantly "A week isn't very long you know!"

Millie rolled her eyes "Its ages, besides they aren't even important exams"

Charlotte turned on her "All exams are important!"

Marlene sighed "We really should revise you know"

Edgar nodded glumly but Gideon shook his head "Do we have to all morning though?"

Charlotte looked outraged "Of course we do!"

Millie groaned loudly "Why?"

Charlotte was going steadily red "Are any of you listening?! We have a week left until the exams!"

Lizzy looked up from her book "Yay, only three weeks until we break up!"

She noticed the look on Charlottes face "What?"

The other burst out laughing as Charlotte flounced around with her arms crossed.

Marlene recovered first and turned to Lizzy "So, where are you up to?"

Lizzy scanned the page "Erm, the little dudes are singing about the fat boy being struck in the pipe."

Fabien leaned forward "Hey Lizzy, when your done with that book can I borrow it?"

Millie glared at him "I'm next!"

Gideon laughed "Says who?"

She turned on him "Says me!"

He smirked and extended his arm "Bring it stick figure"

She bristled angrily "What did you just call me?!"

He was still smirking "A stick figure, like you draw with pencil..."

Charlotte interrupted the banter before a war broke out "If you two are done flirting..."

"Lizzy you are going to fail all your exams!" Charlotte said, angrily throwing her Charms book down.

Lizzy rolled her eyes and lowered Charlie and the Chocolate factory "Oh well, at least you`ll get to say I told you so"

The others sniggered slightly but Charlotte sniffed and went back to her book.

Edgar sighed "Omdanne"; the table turned a hot pink.

Fabien laughed "You trying to tell us something mate?"

Edgar thumped him "Shut up"

Marlene smiled "What are you trying to say?"

Millie made sure that she was out of reach "That you're a man obviously"

Edgar was a deep scarlet now "Will you please shut up?!"

Lizzy grinned and looked at her cousins significantly "Leave Edgar alone, at least he's had a girlfriend!"

The twins looked at each other and spoke simultaneously "Girls are yucky!"

Millie hit Gideon playfully "Not as yucky as boys!"

Charlotte rolled her eyes "What are you, five?"

Millie rolled her own eyes back "What are you, seventy?"

Charlotte sniffed snottily "You are so immature"

Millie stuck her tongue out "You are so boring!"

Marlene held her hands up "This is such a bad pantomime!"

Edgar nodded "Here, here shut up you two!"

Fabien winked at Charlotte "Yeah give it up, you`ll never be as good as us!"

Charlotte lost her temper, giving Fabien the finger she threw her charms book at his head with surprisingly good aim.

"Violent witch" muttered Fabien as he rubbed his head.

Lizzy laughed as she and Gideon dragged him down the corridor towards the hospital wing.

Fabien continued ranting "She is so moody and self centred and..."

Gideon grinned stepping behind Lizzy "Good looking?"

Fabien turned on his brother, his face going steadily red "What?! I don't..."

Lizzy stayed quiet, watching the interaction like a tennis match.

Gideon laughed "Come of it, it's a little obvious..."

Fabien seemed to have lost ability to speak "Oh really, well what about you and Millie?"

Gideon glared at him "That's just trying to pair people up!"

Fabien gritted his teeth "I do not fancy Charlotte! Or Millie, or Marlene while we're at it!"

Gideon laughed "I didn't even mention the other two! Guilty conscience?"

Fabien was seriously losing it with his brother "Shut the hell up!"

Lizzy intervened quickly, pushing her cousin's apart "Hey cool it gingers!"

They both gave her the finger simultaneously; "Shut up" Fabien muttered.

Lizzy smiled cautiously at Fabien "How `bout I take Fabien to the Hospital Wing?"

Gideon nodded "I think that's a plan"

Fabien snorted "How I love being talked about like I'm not there!"

Lizzy grabbed his arm and started pulling him down the corridor again "Come on you grumpy git"

"Remus? Wow, you always seem to be in here for some reason" Lizzy said, perching on the empty bed next to him.

Remus looked up from his book and brightened considerably "Oh hello Lizzy, did you come to visit me?"

Lizzy pointed to Fabien who was having his head bandaged "Not really, Charlottes really tense about the exams coming up and Fabien was winding her up and well she threw a heavy book at his head..."

He laughed softly "You're family is slightly crazy"

Lizzy grinned "Yeah but that's why everyone love us!"

Fabien came over looking very sorry for himself "It still hurts"

Remus smiled sympathetically "Well it will do"

Fabien grinned "Well you're the expert, what was it this time?"

Remus`s smile vanished "Broken leg, fell down some stairs"

Fabien laughed "Man, were you cursed at an early age or something?"

Remus smiled bitterly "Sort of"

Fabien noticed that he`d upset Remus "I`d probably better go make up with Mardy bum, and Charlotte too"

Lizzy smiled but stayed sat down "Am I bugging you Remus?"

Remus looked up "No of course not, nice to have some company really."

Fabien waved thearetically "O.k then, back to lovely revision I go"

Lizzy smiled and waved half-heartedly "Bye, bye"

Remus suddenly laughed "Wow, you all actually revise"

Lizzy raised her eyebrows "Charlotte has a machete, why?"

He carried on smiling "No I just remember sitting James and Sirius down first year and trying to make them revise"

Lizzy winced "What happened?"

Remus sighed "Sirius accidently set fire to the desk and James started making paper aeroplanes out of The Standard book of spells. They`re still banned today..."

Lizzy laughed "James loves paper aeroplanes! You see my Dad keeps loads of old Prophets for some reason and when James was about nine he found them and had a wonderful time folding them all up and pelting Mum when she went to check why he was being quiet."

"Hey" Regulus wrapped his arms around Lizzy protectively "Where have you been?"

Lizzy kissed him and smiled airily "Oh I was in the Hospital Wing"

Regulus`s eyes widened "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice edging on panic.

Lizzy sighed inwardly "I'm fine, I was visiting Remus Lupin"

Regulus`s nose turned up automatically "What's he done this time?"

Lizzy frowned at him "Broken his leg, what's up with you?"

Regulus forced a smile "Nothing, do you want to go for a walk together?"

Lizzy shook her head "Sorry, I really need to do some revision"

Regulus`s smile faded and he looked away "I suppose, see you later"

Lizzy turned to her housemates as he walked away "Did I do something wrong?"

"You did sort of blow him of" Edgar said fairly.

Millie snorted "For a reason! Sorry Lizzy but he does sort of creep me out a bit."

Fabien nodded "Yeah, he came into the Library looking for you like five times!"

Lizzy bit her lip "He's, just a little protective"

Fabien shook his head through a mouthful of mashed potato "No, protective I could handle, he's a bit obsessed!"

Lizzy scowled at her cousin "Well this isn't about you is it!"

"Lizzy..." Marlene began, her eyes darting nervously around the table.

Charlotte scowled at Fabien "Yeah shut up, you're just an ego-centric idiot"

Millie snorted loudly "Says you!"

"Alright!" Marlene snapped before Charlotte could respond "Come on, we are all just a little tired..."

"Because Millie woke us up at the crack of dawn" muttered Charlotte.

Lizzy sighed "No Marlene's right you two, let's just all calm down."

They ate the rest of their dinners in a tense silence.

"Hey Evans!" James yelled, leaping up from his chair by the fire.

Lily, who had just come in to the common room, eyed him suspiciously "What Potter?"

James tried to lean on a chair but on succeeded in making it fall over, "I heard an interesting statistic today..."

Lily tried and failed to dodge past him, much to Alice's enjoyment "Really?!"

"Yeah, it said that girls did thirty percent better in exams when they had a boyfriend and I know how seriously you take your schoolwork" he puckered up his lips.

Lily`s face looked like she was sucking a lemon "Maybe your right, Peter you want to go on a date sometime?"

There was a shocked silence as the entire house, who had been eavesdropping, digested this turn of events.

Sirius burst out laughing; his bark like laugh reverberating through the silent room.

Lizzys foot collided with Remus`s as they both tried to kick Sirius at once; this set off the twins and soon the entire house was roaring with laughter.

Lizzy stopped giggling when she saw her brothers face; it was sulky, like he had just been scolded by their mother.

Peter, who also wasn't laughing seemed to be making himself as small as possible.

Lily, who was also red though Lizzy couldn't imagine why, quickly ran up to her own dormitory.

This left James to face Sirius; who had stolen his seat.

"Move" he growled kicking Sirius viciously on the shin.

Sirius grinned up at him "No chance, you move you lose"

James pulled out his wand "If you don't move Black, so help me..."

Sirius held up his hands "Alright calm down" he moved to squash Remus on his chair "It's only a bloody girl mate!"

Remus glared at him "Shut up Sirius!"

James looked blank "Maybe he's right, I honestly don't know why I bother at times..."

Lizzy grinned "Because you're a spoilt brat who always gets what he wants, and Lily Evans is no exception"

James smiled and ruffled Lizzys hair, causing her to scowl at him, "You aren't a bad little sister you know?"

Lizzy rolled her eyes "There are worse brothers I suppose..."

Gideon laughed "Yeah, him!"

Fabien playfully lunged for him and pretty soon they were rolling on the floor like five year olds.