Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Harry Potter.

Chapter 5:

Once we all got to the common room, we all sat around the fire. The common room still looked as pretty as ever, and then we heard someone say, "psst." It was the kids.

"So we did not get properly introduced, so we thought we could introduce ourselves."

"Sure." I smiled.

"Okay I am James Sirius Potter and I am a third year. And my dad says that I am like the people that I am named after, a prankster."

"I am Albus Severus Potter and I am a first year. My best friend is Scorpius Malfoy."

I was shocked," Did you say Malfoy?"



"Okay I am Rose Weasley, and am also friends with Scorpius."

"Okay well you obviously know that I am Bella, and that this is my family. And you guys should probably head up, we'll see you in the morning."

That morning I decided that I was going to have a little talk with Harry, because he had some explaining to do. I knocked on the door and he let me into his office. It was still weird to realize how much older he had gotten. I sat down and looked at him.

"So Harry, is their something you would like to tell me."

"No," He looked confused," why?"

"Oh well I met your kids last night, and found out about their choice in friends. A Malfoy! Your letting your son be friends with him?" I all but yelled at him.

"Bella it's not only them, the Malfoys are a family friend now."

"WHAT! How could this happen? Do you not remember him being our worst enemy? A Death Eater?"

"He's changed."

I stood up from my seat, said, "Once a death eater always a death eater in my book," and stormed out of his office. I was so angry. How could he do this, how could they all do this? Let Malfoy into their life? Did they Harry not remember him fighting on the other side in the final battle? Did Ron not remember him insult his family, more than I could count. Did Hermione not remember all the times that he called her a mudblood, or that when Bellatrix Lestrange was torturing her, that he was in the room and just watched it happen? (AN: Not sure if he saw it happen.) But no, they go and trust him. But at the same time I was jealous.

It should have been me, that was the family friend, which I was. It should be my kid who is best friends with theirs. But no it was Malfoy who did all that stuff. I had been gone for 19 years and they never even looked for me. No, instead they were hanging out with people like Malfoy. I began to think that it may have been a mistake coming here. For years I imagined seeing them again, and that things would be the same. But now that I am here I relize that things will never be the same. They were older and more mature. They had families that they had to take care of. And for the first time in years, I fell to my knees, and cried but no tears came, because of what I was, and that made me cry harder. Flashbacks began to come back to me, about the last time that the four of us had been together.


We were all sitting Ron's room.

"Will we always be friends, "Hermione suddenly asked," what it our friendship breaks up?"

My eyes went wide and I said, "We can't bread up, were the Golden Quartet."

Harry smiled, "Bella's right guys. We have been friends for seven years. Nothing can make us stop being friends."

Ron nodded and said," Ya, the day we stop being friends is the day that magic stops working. Which will never happen."

We all looked at each other and nodded. Then all of a sudden, Ron started laughing, then Harry joined, and so did Hermione. I looked at them as if they were all crazy, then started laughing. That was one of the great things about our friendship, we understand each other even without saying anything.

-End Flashback-

Was I being unfair? Maybe Malfoy had really changed, but still, that does not mean that he has to go and become, all chummy with him. But as I really thought about this, was I mad at Malfoy or Harry or even myself? I wished that I could go back to my first year, when things had been normal, well as normal is for me. I was sure that Harry had already told Hermione, Ginny, and Ron. When I came back here, I had expected things be like they were before, when Harry and Ron could just make me laugh, and when Hermione and Ron were in denial about liking each other. Things were so complicated now.

"Bella, you okay?" Jasper was behind me.

I turned and smiled at him, "Yea I'm fine. How long have you been there?"

"I was on my way to the library and heard you and saw what happened."

"Please don't tell Edward about my meltdown."

"Don't worry, I won't ell him. What happened? You seemed so happy to be coming here, and now you don't seem as happy."

This was one of my favorite things about Jasper, even though he was quiet at times, he was understanding about things and you felt good talking to him. "When we got here I was hoping that things would be the same that they had been, when I was here. But things will never be the same, they are older and far more mature. Even though I am their age, I still fell like an eighteen year old. At first I thought I was mad at Harry or Malfoy, but I may be mad at myself. I mean I can't blame them, they had cared for me so much and I just left. I don't understand how they don't hate me, I mean if I were them I would have be furious, but I bet they hate me now."

"They don't hate you, belive me I would know," By this time he had sat down on the ground with me and put a comforting arem around my shoulder, "they are worried. Harry told them what happened and they understand why you are upset."

"Thanks Jasper, you're a good brother. I should go find Harry and the others. Tell the others that I will see them later."

So we said our goodbyes and I went back to Harry's office. When I got there, they were all there. I closed my eyes and took a seat. "I think that we should all talk."

Ginny was the first to talk, "I think that I should leave this to you four." And she left. We all kind of stared at each other wondering what to say.

"Bella," Ron whispered, with sadness in his eyes, "we would have never become friends with Draco if we knew it would affect you like this."

"It's not that," I said without looking at them, "I don't care if your friends with him. It's the fact that things are different, your different."

"What do you mean different?"

I looked them all in the eye, "Look at yourselves, your adults, who have kids and a family. I still look like a teenager, and even though I have a daughter, she is all grown up. For years I thought that if I saw you again, that things would be the same, but there not. I just want it to be like old times when things were normal. When I was normal."

"You are normal Bella." Hermione said.

"Have you not seen me? I am a vampire. Do you call that normal?"

Harry looked at me and said, "Bell, we all may look different, but we are still the same. It's what's in the heart, that matters."

"Aw I am sorry I got mad at you! I was being an idiot, forgive me?"

We all hugged, and I changed into my normal way, into the Bella they knew me as. At that time someone came walking in. It was someone who I had not seen in years, but when they saw me they fainted.

End of chapter. Want to know who was at the door? Then review.