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What happens when
The Kawaii Senshi Cuties
The Big Macho Z Warriors?

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"USAGI! USE YOUR WAND!" cried Rei.
"I-I can't. I'm-I'm scared" Usagi stumble.
Everyone screamed as the big fire ball blew up.
"Venus Love Me Chain!"
But that was no use.
"You guys! If we all combine powers than it could get us out of here" Ami screamed over the loud sound of the deadly battle.
"Jupiter Planet Thunder Soul Power"
"Mars Planet Fire Soul Power"
"Venus Planet Love Soul Power"
"Mercury Planet Water Soul Power"
"I want Darien!" Usagi cried.
"USAGI!!!" everyone screamed.
"Ok ok. Moon Comic Light Power!"
A light flashed and took them away.


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Authors note: hello minna!!! I want to say thank you for reading my fanfic!!! Do to the popular demand for a chapter two, I finished it! With chap 3 and 4.
This is what I am trying to do, first it's humor and you are suppose to laugh your @$$ off. Than comes war, you know, when they are training so if you are a dragon ball fan you won't get bored and enjoy the blood and stuff .
Than comes the...::kiss:: Romance!!! At the end it's going to be a sad :: sniff sniff:: ending. Why? You'll find out ::grin::
Please e-mail me any comments!!!