Saving Jane

Chapter Ten: "Thank You."

A/N: I am so sorry for ignoring this story for so long. This is a short chapter but here it is anyway.


~ Jane


Jane's homecoming was a warm one. A variety of food had been made for her and the family, as well as pies and cakes and brownies, and other treats. The one thing Mia could cook without fail was sweets. Everything was set up like a birthday party, with candles on a "Get Well" cake, party hats and everything; even Letty was there, though not quite in the party spirit like the others were. Leon and Jesse got in battle with party whistles that uncurled and hit each other in the face.

"Knock it off, you two, or I'll throw ya out on your asses," he barked, though everyone could tell he was just teasing.

"Aw, don't be too hard on 'em, Dom," Janie said teasingly. "They're just kids."

"Kids, huh?" said Leon. "Funny coming from you, sweets."

They all laughed, but Janie started coughing a little, wincing at the pain in her chest where they'd opened her up to fix the internal damage done by her father's goons. Everyone glanced worriedly at her, even Letty.

"You okay, Janie?" Dom asked, a cold feeling of fear in his gut.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said with a forced smile. "Just hurts a little."

He could tell it hurt more than a little by the way she winced every time she moved.

"Can I get you anything, kid?" Vince asked worriedly, earning a sweet smile from Janie that was slightly less forced than the one she gave Dom, making that cold feeling in his gut turn red hot.

"No, I'm fine, Vince, thank you," she said.

"Are you sure?" Dom asked, not to be outdone by his friend.

"Yeah, you guys just worry too much," said Janie, laughing lightly through the obvious pain. "Though I could do with some of that cake Mia made; looks good."

The gang smiled, relieved, and the mood lifted somewhat. Dom stayed near her the whole time, waiting on her and doing everything he could to make her feel comfortable. He warded off anyone else who got too much in her space and seemed to know what she needed before she even did. He knew he was being overprotective, but he really couldn't help it, especially after Letty said what she had and Janie got put in the hospital. God knows what Letty's cruelty did to Jane's already fragile mind, and Jane, even on the pain meds the doc gave her, was still in pain. The doc said she'd have a scar on her stomach, but that wasn't a big deal compared to all the scars on her arms. The doc had been persuaded to not put any of the abuse signs in his report so that she didn't have to deal with a social worker. That was probably the last thing she needed.

It was some time after the cake and ice cream when Dom saw that Jane was getting tired. He hauled her upstairs, though she protested that she was fine.

As Dom walked her up the stairs he couldn't help noticing how loose Mia's jeans were on Jane, and how big her shirt was on her. They had to go shopping for this kid, get some decent stuff that fit her, that kinda shit. Mia had gotten a mass of stuff, but mostly food, and since she didn't know Jane's size, she'd skipped the clothes with the exception of a bathrobe in the smallest size they had, which was still huge on her. He hated that she was so small and emaciated. Even so, she looked better than she had when they first met her. He still wanted to know what had happened to her though.

He opened the door for her and she went into what was now her bedroom, permanently if Dom had his way. He walked in the room and shut the door behind him, though he didn't know why; he just wanted a minute alone with her.

"You don't have to tuck me in, Dom," Jane said, turning around to smile amusedly at him as she folded her arms and jutted her bony hip out. "I'm a big girl, you know."

"Actually, I just wanted a minute alone with you," Dom said, trying not to blush, though he didn't understand why.

Jane laughed and put her hands on her hips.

"Why?" she asked.

"Well, we haven't had much of a chance to talk since you got home," Dom said, rubbing the back of his neck as he felt heat creep into his cheeks. He didn't know why he was embarrassed; they were friends, weren't they? He had a right to want to spend a few minutes alone with her, didn't he?

"What did you want to talk about?" Jane asked, sitting on the full-sized bed.

"I don't know," he said, following her example and sitting on the bed. "About anything, I guess."

"So… you just wanted to spend time with me?" she asked slowly, as though not understanding; he nodded. "Why?"

"Well, because…" Dom began. "You're nice to be around, I guess. I just… feel comfortable with you, you know?"

Jane smiled sweetly at him and he swore his heart skipped at least five beats.

"I know exactly what you mean," she said, slowly laying her small hand on his, which rested on his knee, seeming unsure of how he would react to her touch. "I feel that way with you too."

A pleasant shiver went down his spine the second he touched her and traveled straight to his groin. He hated himself for it, but he felt something for her. God, he hated admitting it. He didn't know what it was about her. She wasn't something to look at in this condition, so it wasn't exactly physical but he had a physical reaction to it. His problem became worse when she started rubbing her thumb across his hand.

"Will you sit with me until I fall asleep?" she asked softly, not meeting his dark brown eyes. "I know it's childish, but it would mean a lot to me if you did."

"It's not childish to not want to be alone, Janie," Dom said, brushing her long black hair out of her lovely eyes. "Of course I'll stay."

"Thank you, Dominic," she said, smiling. He returned her smile, loving how his name sounded on her lips. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for everything."

Unable to control himself, Dom pulled her in and gently took her lips with his own. The move was so unexpected that she gasped, allowing him access to her mouth. He thrust his tongue inside her, tentatively caressing her tongue with his, unsure of how she would react. She uncertainly moved her tongue against his, making him groan.

"Hey, Dom, the game is on, brother-" Vince said bursting in but stopping short at the sight of Dom, one of his best friends' boyfriend, kissing sweet, innocent little Janie; they broke apart at the interruption. "Holy shit. S- Sorry to bust in without knocking, Jane, just wanted to tell Dom that the football game is on, and Letty is here, as in downstairs, as in now, buddy."