AN: Welcome to my new story. This is a Harry Potter and X-men crossover. I gained the idea to start writing from a depressing song and after doing some research I found a plot for this short intro. The story takes place when Harry is seventeen and has come into his full magic inheritance, thus finally being able to defeat old moldy shorts. The cost of the war is high, as you'll soon find out, and I hope that I can keep the emotional integrity of this story up to par. At this moment in time I am leaning towards a Logan/Harry pairing, if anyone has other ideas on this topic feel free to tell me before I get too far.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter universe or the X-men universe.

Wolf Road

He cried. The tears flowed down his pale, gaunt, cheeks leaving a trail that told of the journey and its final conclusion. The wet tracks reflected the image of five large, burning, funeral pyres. Green eyes wouldn't waver from the horrible sight; somehow he felt it was his penance.

Hundreds had been killed in the war that had finally ended in the three-day battle that started on Halloween. Voldemort's attack wasn't unexpected. Harry had felt the Dark Lord growing restless in the days preceding his demise. Even though the light only had a few days to prepare, McGonagall had managed to call Order members, Aurors, parents of students, and as a last resort DA members, to help in the upcoming battle. Fighting side-by-side, the members of the light were overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of the Death Eaters. Despite the light having almost twice as many witches and wizards it was a tough fight. Light users hesitated to kill meaning that a muttered rennervate generally did the trick to bring any dark user back into the fray.

Two days had passed before anyone got a solid look at the evil behind the mayhem. Lord Voldemort appeared beside the great lake, his crimson eyes narrowed into slits at the destruction before him. Very few Death Eaters were still able to shoot spells, the light side having finally succumbed to the need to kill the enemy in order to survive. At the arrival of Voldemort Harry had been forced to confront the monster. Prophecy ringing in his mind, Harry had fought tooth and nail for victory, for revenge, for solace. Finally, in a last ditch effort to succeed, Harry's magic responded to his need and surged up from deep within his core to reach out and erase Voldemort from the known universe. In a bright flash of white power the dark lord burned to ash.

He was the only one left. The trio cut down to one. Moony clasped his shoulder tight, grounding him. Harry felt the world move around him as mourners slowly left the side of the lake to take refuge in the castle.

"I can't." The whisper was little more than a broken sob but the wolf made out his cub's words.

"Can't what, cub?" the wolf's eyes flashed with sympathy as he looked upon the face of the young savior.

"I can't stay here. I'll die, and, and I just can't do that to them. We… we made a pact that we would continue on, no matter what. 'Never give up, never surrender'." Harry's jaded eyes stared deeply into the flames that held his friends bodies. He felt that each for moment they were still apart of the earth he would be there for them. They had died to save him, it was the last thing he could do to honor their sacrifice.

Moony mentally flinched at the thought that his pack member didn't want to be on the earthly plane. His duty as alpha demanded that he protect his cub from harm. In that moment Remus made up his mind. "I vow, upon my magic and life, that I Remus Lupin, will find a place for Harry Potter where he will not be known as the savior, where he can heal. This I can do for you. The rest is up to you cub." The soft yellow light from Moony's vow glowed bright for a moment and then faded slowly into both men as the wolf-man's pact was accepted into their magical cores.

At his mentor's words Harry finally pulled his stinging eyes away from the burning mounds. Harry's mind was chaos; he was scared, angry, and overwhelmingly grateful. The fear came from the fact that Moony would die if he failed. The anger stemmed from Harry not wanting any more pity. Lastly, the gratefulness came from within; he knew that those words would be the beginning of the rest of his life. "Oh, Remus. You-"

The older man smiled thinly, holding a finger to Harry's lips, stopping the flow of words from his cub's mouth. "You deserve the world Harry, short of that, I can give you refuge. Ron and Hermione would want you to be happy, to not live your life in the shadows miserable."

Harry nodded and, with one last look at the now dying flames of the funeral pyres, turned his back to the castle. He walked resolutely into the woods where he changed into his inner beast as the shrubbery hid his form.

Moony followed closely behind his cub, lost in thought.

AN: So that is the end of the prologue. It's been awhile since I've written anything and so I am a little (a lot) insecure in my abilities. Any feedback is appreciated.