Disclaimer: I don't own the lads; I do own the ladies. If that sounds odd, chill out and nosh a sarnie.

This one's for Birgit, just because, with a tip o' the hat to Nik, also just because.

~ Pony

A Halloween Treat

By e-pony

"Oi, luv! You're not wearin' that lot, are you?" Doyle asked, surprised. "What happened to the other costume?"

"Too large," Bridget replied archly. "You really didn't think I'd wear a nun's habit to a masquerade ball? Hardly shows off my best assets."

"But a sarnie – with legs! Bodie will be drooling over you all evening. We won't have any time alone...."

Bridget laughed. "We girls thought of that, didn't we? Nicole has a costume Bodie will find even more delicious than a sexy sandwich."

"Bodie's date's going as a page-three girl?"

"No, you silly sod. Even better: chocolate Swiss roll."