My Immortal
Chapter Three
By: Jecir
"You should not be here," Helios said, swiftly looking to make sure the Palace Guards were not near by.
"The Crystal called to me," Endymion countered boldly. Now that he had discovered the source of the calling, he refused to be separated from it.
A smile broke over the priest's face as he moved to block the child's view of pedestal. "It did, indeed," he whispered as if knowing that this would happen. "Quickly, Prince, away before the Guards arrive."
But Endymion did not move. "This is it, is it not?" he asked, gazing deep into the Crystal. "This is the Golden Crystal of legend."
The Crystal hummed and glowed in answer.
Helios sighed heavily and shook his head, the smile still in place. He knew not to fight destiny. "Yes," he said, moving aside. "This is the Golden Crystal of King Damien and all the magical kings before him."
"But I thought the Crystal disappeared at the beginning of the first Dark Age," Endymion inquired with a curious look up at the white-haired Priest.
Helios's smile brightened. "You have studied your legends."
Endymion nodded enthusiastically. "General Adama allowed me one Book of Legend."
The news did not seem to surprise Helios, for he whispered in a secretive tone, "Yes, I see. He could not give up his hope any more than you. Tell me, what else did the Book of Legend tell you?"
"That the Golden Crystal was the birthright of the Golden King," Endymion said as he gazed once more upon the object of myth and legend. His voice grew distant as he became lost in its beauty. "And that it was the heart of Terra's magic. The golden light of this Crystal was a beacon of peace seen throughout the universe. Even the Silver Queen's Imperial Crystal bowed in service to the Golden Crystal." He wanted so badly to touch it.
"No truth more spoken," Helios said. "But did you know that the Crystal chooses its master?" Endymion looked up at him in shock and wonder. "I thought you might not." The Priest reached forward as he spoke. "Only a king pure in heart can wield the Crystal. Such a king would be indicated at birth by the glowing of the Crystal. Throughout the ages, firstborn sons would be passed over if their brothers or even sisters were shown to have a purer heart." He lifted the Crystal from its resting place. "The First Dark Ages descended when Kind Damien's only son and heir was not chosen. He grew in resentment against magic, and, when his father died, he set out to destroy all magic on Terra." His voice was filled with great sorrow as he spoke. "For centuries, the Crystal lay dormant, waiting for a pure ruler to be born."
"But," Endymion whispered as he reached a tentative hand out. "It is glowing now."
Helios nodded, the smile returning to his face and a light sparking in his eyes. "Indeed," he said. He knelt down. "The Crystal glowed again on a very special day." He lifted the Crystal to Endymion as he said, "On the day of your birth."
The Prince's young eyes widened as hope rose in his heart. "You mean?"
Helios nodded. "You have a pure heart. And the Crystal has chosen you to usher in a new era of magical prosperity upon Terra. If you accept."
Endymion reached for the Crystal with trembling hands. "I accept."
"Prince Endymion!" It was Adama.
Helios withdrew the Crystal into the sleeve of his robe as the High General, breathless, pulled Endymion back. "I warned you!" the High General scolded. "This Temple is forbidden!"
"Adama," Helios intervened, but the High General would have none of it.
"You dare speak to me after what you have done!" Adama narrowed his eyes, anger and something more lacing his voice. Endymion almost thought it was…despair? "The King's decree was quite clear!"
Helios straightened. "I am aware of the King's wishes, but I do not abide by such a decree should it hinder Terra's destiny." He looked at Endymion. "The Crystal has chosen a new master."
Adama forced Endymion behind him. "That matters not! The King has decreed that Endymion remain untainted!"
Helios shook his head. "Adama, you know as well as I that that is not what will happen."
Adama's anger lost its edge as the High General looked down. "I will follow my King's command."
"Of course," the Priest soothed in a reminiscent tone. "You always have. But," Taking a step forward, Helios lowered his voice, "I still remember the boy who dreamed of one day being a Shittenou for the unchosen ruler of Terra."
Adama stiffened at his words. Endymion gazed up at him in astonishment. The High General looked lost for a moment before he squared his jaw. "Endymion is forbidden from entering this Temple. Is that clear?"
"If Endymion wishes to return on the nigh of his eighth solar cycle upon the rise of the full moon, that is his decision," Helios said with a wink to the future king. "But, as it is the wish of the King, I shall comply." He bowed low. "Good evening."
The rush of energy left Mamoru breathless as the memory concluded. The winds of Elysian swept past him in welcome. It was so rare of him to visit. Any other time, he would linger to breath in the smell of fresh wild flowers and watch the untouched land of dreams dance in the breeze. But not today. Nothing moved his heart today save one thing: truth. He would not leave until his memories were fully restored. Squaring his shoulders, he trotted across the green fields in search of the white-haired Priest who had introduced him to a destiny that still ruled his life even now.
Helios appeared from the Temple, still in tact after all these years, with a bow and a welcoming smile. "Master," he greeted.
Mamoru looked past him to the Temple that was now so familiar. The dawning of another memory rose before his eyes. "I came back," he whispered. "When I was eight, I came back."
He remembered that night. His father had declared his birthday a holiday and celebrated with a week of festivities leading up to a ball that was to last till midnight. If Endymion had chosen not to claim the Crystal that night, the magic growing inside of him would had vanished forever. That had been his father's hope.
Striding forward, Mamoru continued, "Adama tried to stop me, but…"
But he could not. The High General could not forget the dreams he had had as a child. He let Endymion go. A head start, he had called it, for he knew the King would send him after the boy.
And she had helped his escape. A girl with red hair and dark ruby eyes. A girl who understood his heart, his desire for magic, and wished him well on his journey ahead. A girl who would grow to betray him. A girl who would become the Queen who took it all away.
Coming back to himself, Mamoru climbed the stairs, pleading, "I need to know what happened next."
Helios stared in disbelief at his future king. He had sensed a releasing of memories through the flow of dreams and time, but he had not suspected that the past was advancing to this point. He had often wondered what he would do should Mamoru come to him for answers. Now, he had to be firm. "The memories," he said as he turned away. "need to grow on their own. To rush them would not be safe."
"Not safe?" Mamoru snapped. "How could it not be safe? Please, Helios, help me! I have these memories floating around in my head, bringing up unanswered questions that are driving me mad! Please! I need to know!" The heat left his voice as he said, "I need to know why they betrayed me."
Helios placed a comforting hand on his liege's shoulder. It pained him to see his master struggling so. But in time, he hoped the young man would understand. "I cannot help you," he whispered.
Mamoru refused to accept that answer. Pulling back, anger blazing in his eyes, he bellowed, "I order you to help me!"
Helios matched the strength of his anger with an equally strong calm. "I would if I were capable, sire, but it is not within my powers to aid you. The magic awaits you!"
"What?" Mamoru was taken aback by that.
He realized he had said too much. But it was not too late to rectify the situation. Perhaps if Mamoru knew, he would be less anxious to see the past restored. "The ability to restore your memories rests solely within you," he explained gently. "You have not fully awakened into your powers as King of Terra. When that happens, your memories will return in full."
Mamoru's shoulders sagged in despair. "Then I must wait for Crystal Tokyo? That is a full lifetime away!" He could not wait that long. He would lose himself. He would lose Usagi. The weight of his predicament sent him to his knees. He sat back against one of the columns, lost in frustration and despair. He could not make his powers grow any faster than they were. It was a lesson he had learned the hard way during the Silver Millennium. Had he been a fully realized King of Terra, his kingdom would not have fallen. Jadeite would not have been taken. His men would not have betrayed him! None of this would have happened if he had had the full might of his birthright. Tears burned in his eyes. He was losing everything again because he was not strong enough.
Helios watched Mamoru's mental anguish in silence. "Sire," he began, kneeling before the brooding young man. "If I may. You have a wonderful present and a glorious future. Why do you languish over the past?"
"My past is everything," Mamoru replied. "Everything I have done until now is because of the past. Searching for the Silver Imperial Crystal. Finding Usagi. Protecting the earth. I did it all because I was driven by my past." He looked up at his adviser and friend. "Through it all, I found it unfair. Usagi was rewarded for her bravery by regaining her dearest and closest friends. And though I will love her for the rest of my life and any other life granted me after, I cannot help lamenting my lack of companionship. Why was I the one chosen by Fate to suffer this destiny alone? Why did I lose so much and gain so little? That is all I ask of my past; an answer to my question. Why?"
His broken words pierced through the resolve in Helios's heart. He looked away from those sorrowful blue eyes, uncertain if he should speak. The consequences could be too great. And yet, he could not condemn his master to suffer. Placing a strong hand on Mamoru's shoulder, he said, "There is an alternative."
"There is?" The renewing of hope was visible on his face.
"But, I warn you," Helios continued with a raised hand. "It will be far more painful than allowing the memories to return on their own. You will relive every moment; body, soul, and spirit. The strain could kill you."
Helios's warning weighed heavily on his mind. Was he willing to risk his life for these memories? The image of Usagi's eyes, filled with sorrow and confusion and deep hurt floated through his mind. "Nothing could be more painful that this," he whispered.
Helios looked into the Temple and closed his eyes, as if not seeing what would happen next would allow him to deny it. Voice shaking, he said, "Then return the Crystal to the Temple." There, it was done. Breathing deep his fate, Helios continued. "The full moon rises as we speak. At its zenith, the earth's magic will peak, and the Crystal will grant your wish."
Mamoru gazed into the Temple. At the far end stood the pedestal, unmoved even after all these years. At the cost of great pain, he would get his wish. He could take pain. The future King of Earth pushed himself to his feet, his mind firm with resolve. "Thank you, Helios," he said before he stepped forward into memory.
The past and the present began to blur as he…
...hurried into the Temple. His legs burned from the run; his heart hammered with excitement. "Helios!"
Helios stood in the doorway, watching him as he approached the pedestal.
"Quickly, Endymion," the Priest urged. "The horses are ready. We must depart."
"Where are we going?" Endymion asked, noticing the Priest's clothing. He was dressed for travel.
Helios smiled a secretive sort of smile. "You will see. Claim the Crystal."
Endymion turned to the pedestal. The Crystal was his now. He could not help the smile that spread across his face at the thought. With shaking hands, he reached forward…
…to place the Crystal upon the plush pillow cushioning it against the stone. He stepped back and waited, sensing that the moon was nearly reaching its peak. Doubt assailed him. Helios's warning rang in his ears. But he did not back down. He would not.
The moon reached its zenith. A beam of light shot through the roof into the Crystal…
....and golden light flooded the Temple.
Power surged from his heart through his veins and into his mind. The walls he had built in his mind crashed around him as the power overwhelmed him, releasing the secrets stored within the Golden Crystal these many long years.
…A Tiger. A Tortuous. A Dragon. And a Phoenix. They bowed to him, and then, as one, they flew away, leaving sparkling trails in their wake. One to the South. One to the North. One to the West. And one to the horizon. The last pulled at his heart the hardest. He knew he needed to follow the Tiger first.
Memory after memory filled his mind, blurring his inner eye, and tearing at his soul. Emotions, thick and raw, raced through his veins. Joy at finding his Shittenou. Fear at possibly losing them upon his return home. And love, so much love, grown through days of endless adventure.
And then, there was despair.
It hit him the hardest, forcing him to his knees. He grasped his head, his chest, his heart as it filled every inch of his being. So much pain…
"Jadeite has disappeared!"
Arrows piercing Kunzite's back. A sword stealing Nephrite's life. Tanzanite dying upon his sister's blade.
Mamoru convulsed as the backlash hit him anew.
Jadeite standing before him, a puppet of Beryl.
Mamoru howled as the vortex culminated into agony. Agony of the soul. Agony of the body. The power raced through him. He could not breath. He could not see. He could not hear. All he could do was feel. And what he felt was despair.
Helios pushed through the howling whirlwind of power flooding the Temple. He needed to send Mamoru away, quickly, least this destroy him. Only one person could see him through. The Priest of Elysian ducked low against the wind, his lord's howls of pain ripping at his rapidly beating heart. He needed to end this. In one swift motion, he grabbed the Crystal and thrust it into Mamoru's hands. A rush of gold surged through the Temple, taking Mamoru away.
Usagi stared at her reflection in the cooling cup of tea. A tear dripped off her nose into the murky liquid, blurring her image. She wiped at her eyes, wishing the tears would stop. She had to be strong. This would turn out all right in the end. They always did. Mamoru would come back to her. They were eternal. Nothing could separate them. Right?
She sniffed against a fresh wave of tears.
A rush of golden power filled the apartment, causing furniture to overturn and pictures to fall. Usagi dropped her tea in shock at the intensity of the familiar magic. Just as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished, leaving an image behind that would be burned into her memory forever.
Mamoru collapsed onto the hardwood floor with an unearthly howl. His mental barriers were down; raw emotion flooded the room, memories surged in the atmosphere, and it all assaulted her as she stared with wide eyed horror at her husband. He was clutching the Golden Crystal to his chest as he sobbed brokenly. Moans of the soul, moans of his voice rang in her ears. Fear held her in place for eternal moments. In the kitchen, she was on the outer edge. Heavy were his emotions on her mind, but they were not consuming. Should she venture near…
He rolled onto his back and arched, a name breaking from his lips, one she never expected him to despair so painfully.
Usagi hurried to his side. Each step she took wracked her with fresh emotions and visions of the past. And with it came clarity. Why he had been so distant. Why he had been so cold. Why…
With a hiccupped sob, she sank to her knees at his head. His eyes—wild with loss—bored into her, begging her to understand what he could not put into words. She leaned down, eyes closing, fingers lacing through his sweaty hair, and pressed her forehead to his. Her tears flowed from her cheeks to mix with his. And together, they mourned the passing of four of the bravest men to ever walk the planet.
AN: And now, turn to "Incomplete" and continue reading. ^_^ Yes, the ending is designed to flow right into "Incomplete." Hope you liked it. Reviews are love.