AN: Here is the Prequel to "Incomplete" and "Here Without You." I wrote this on a whim. I started it not too long after "Here Without You" but did not get very far. But, tonight, I left like finishing. So, I do hope you enjoy.

My Immortal

Chapter One

By: Jecir

"I'm worried," Usagi confessed. She stared into her steaming coffee, idly stirring in the cream and sugar as she pondered her predicament. Her confession was one she had been holding in since returning from her honeymoon. At first, she thought it was nothing. She and Mamoru were still getting used to living together. Strange and new quirks were bound to come up. But, as time passed, this quirk kept occurring, and unlike the other issues and nuisances that arose due to married life, this was something her Mamo-chan did not want to talk about.

And what made it worse was she was not entirely certain what it was she was so worried about. But she knew that there was something hurting him. So why wouldn't he tell her? "I don't know guys," she said finally. "I know something is wrong, but he just won't tell me."

"Maybe he's just coping," Makoto suggested. She took a sip of her latte and continued. "I mean, we've all had a lot to deal with lately, what with the resurfacing of these memories."

"But I haven't had that much trouble," Usagi countered.

"You wouldn't," Rei snorted. "Most of what was revealed had nothing really to do with you." There was a twinge of bitterness in her voice as she spoke. "I mean, you didn't know them very well."

"I knew them!" Usagi defended.

"How well?" Makoto asked.

Usagi fell silent, knowing the answer. Yes, they had recently received some new memories concerning the Silver Millennium, but most of it was still blurred and tangled. So little was revealed, at least to her. The others had told her a few things, like how they had known Beryl's Generals before they were evil and how they might have been allies at one point, but they said little else. Mamoru, on the other had, refused to speak of it at all. Whenever she or the others mention the Shittenou, he would go silent, distant, and would leave the conversation all together. It was that silence that was worrying her.

"Just give him some time," Makoto suggested. "I know I don't really have room to talk, since I wasn't a scout when…" She bit her lip, trying to say his name. "When Nephrite attacked, so I don't really know what you guys are feeling, but I'm sure he'll come around. Guys just need their space, right?" She looked to Rei for support.

"Yeah, space," the fire priests growled.

Makoto bit back a groan. It was times like these that she wished Ami had not opted to go abroad or that Minako was not an international success currently on tour. They would have known how to help Usagi. Blowing at her bangs, she squeezed Usagi's arm and smiled. "Just wait. Soon enough, he'll be back to his old self, you'll see."

Usagi mustered the energy to return her smile. "Thanks, Mako-chan."


Mamoru stood on the rooftop of his apartment complex, his eyes distant and sad as he gazed out over the city. Cars inched by in the midst of heavy afternoon traffic, honking loudly and breaking the peace of the coming evening. He closed his eyes, hoping to drown out the noise. Tonight was a full moon. He could feel it.

Oh, what he felt! Not the pull of the moon. Not the song of the stars. Not the call of the celestial to all the children of the millennium. No. He felt the call to run. He felt the earth pulsing around him. Wild. Untamed. Trapped. Like him. He wanted to run.

"Hurry up!" Tanzanite hissed from the ground. "Before Kunzite wakes up!"

Endymion swallowed hard, trying not the look at the ground two stories beneath him. He gripped the rope made from sheets nervously. "Why could we not sneak out through the palace?" he asked again.

"Because!" Jadeite insisted from the window. "The moment you step outside your room, Kunzite wakes up! You know that! This is the only way to get out without him knowing. Now," He grabbed the rope and shook it. "Hurry up!"

Endymion yelped as his grip slipped. He saw Jadeite's eyes widen just as he began to fall. He closed his eyes, waiting to hit.

A familiar magic wrapped around him, slowing his descent and placing him safely on the ground. Tanzanite helped him up. "That was close," he breathed as he checked the young Prince of any injuries.

Nephrite leaned out the window with slanted brows. "I only agreed to this because you said it would be safe," he said to Jadeite.

"And it will be," Jadeite said as he grabbed the rope. "Endymion is fine because you were here to save him. So, do not worry, great seer, we are all safe with you around." With that, he repelled down the palace wall.

Nephrite rolled his eyes and jumped after them. He landed softly as if he had been psychically flying all of his life instead of the one day. The four friends stealthfully made their way to the stables. Tonight was going to be a great night! Riding out into the woods under the full moon with no guards and no advisers and no Kunzite to put a damper on their fun. Tonight was their night.

They hurried into the stable where their horses were already saddled and waiting for them.

"Good thinking, Jadeite!" Endymion said as he grabbed the reins of his stead.

Jadeite was not so eager. "I did not plan this. Neph?"

Nephrite shook his head.

"I know Tanzanite would not think this far ahead," Jadeite continued.

"Hey!" The youngest among them pouted in indignation.

"Then who?" Endymion asked, suddenly not so excited to get into the saddle.


The four froze at the sound of the voice.

Kunzite stepped out of the shadows; arms crossed and a frown darkening his face, he studied the four with hard eyes. "Where do you think you are going?" he inquired lightly.

None wanted to answer.

Kunzite shook his head, sighed heavily, and then shot a reprimanding look to Jadeite. "Next time you plan to sneak out, do not be so obvious. I could tell you were planning something for days. And you," he turned onto Tanzanite, "Should not have encouraged him."

"Kunzite," Nephrite said, trying to intervene.

"And you," Kunzite cut him off. "I expected better from my second."

The three future Generals shrank under the young man's rebuke. He may only be twelve, but he sounded like an adult.

"Please, Kunzite," Endymion began. "We were just going for a ride."

"I know," Kunzite said as he disappeared back into the shadows. A moment later, he emerged sitting on a storm grey Arabian. "But you did not invite me. How rude." A smirk lit his face as they realized what he had done. Soon, they were all laughing. "Now, come. The night will not wait."

And ride, they did. That night and every full moon afterward was theirs to play. It became a tradition they kept until…

Mamoru dropped his head, tears burning in his eyes as he remembered.

….until Jadeite disappeared.

He clutched his chest. It hurt so bad. Jadeite disappeared. He had not seen his friend again until this life, where they were enemies. He had tried to kill his dear friend. The tears carved familiar trails down his pale face as the guilt assaulted him. He had promised to keep him safe. He had promised! He had sworn not to let the darkness take his heart, and yet he had failed! He did not save Jadeite.

And Sailor Moon…

He bit his lip at the bitterness of his thoughts. Yes, Sailor Moon, Usagi, his Princess and wife, had killed Jadeite. It had been for the safety of the world. It had been! But it did not stop the pain nor did it stop the anger he felt when he looked at her. It did not stop the dark rage that burned at the edges of his mind when the Senshi would begin to reminisce about their lengthy battles against the Shittenou. The way they talked, as if the deaths of these great warriors were something to celebrate, drove him mad.

Mamoru turned away from the city and slumped to the rooftop. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his elbows upon them. He wished he could remember everything. There were so many things missing from his mind, so many things that did not make sense. Jadeite fell, yes, but what of the others? Kunzite had sworn never to leave his side. Nephrite would never have killed so recklessly. And Tanzanite…how did he become a girl? It did not make sense. None of it made sense.

As the sun began to set, Mamoru felt a loneliness descend that he had not felt since childhood. It was becoming a constant companion these days. And it drudged up memories that went even further back than the last days of Terra and the Moon, to a time when the Golden Throne still feared magic and the legend of the Shittenou was just that, a legend; one that was feared not loved. He remembered well the days he had spent wandering the palace halls alone wondering why he was not allowed to leave. His father had said it was for his own good. If he was to be a good king, he was to use his time wisely. Wisely meant studying politics, history, and law. He was not allowed to play, nor was he allowed to train as a warrior. That had been his life until his seventh year, when he ran from his tutors…

Endymion laughed. He was free! Finally! He ran through the garden path leading away from the Palace. He had always wanted to explore the forest at the edge of the grounds. Now he could! Adama was in a meeting with his father. It would take hours before the Tutors could inform the High General of the Prince's escape.

Perhaps he would meet other boys his age in the woods. Perhaps they would teach him some games. Perhaps they would be his friends! He desperately hoped so.

The forest welcomed him with open arms. He ran off the beaten path. Branches slapped across his heaving chest as he ran and jumped and danced through the brush. It was all so new, so exciting, so…magical! He could almost hear the forest singing around him! This was, of course, ridiculous, because trees did not sing. But, he pretended that they could. And he listened well.

Something pulled him to the right. He followed the feeling. He wanted to get lost and never be found. Let someone else be the future king. He wanted friendship and grand adventures that would be recorded in the Books of Legend in the library. His Tutors and his Father had thought it a waste of time for him to read the tales of Kings of old, but Adama had let him barrow one once, saying that it was healthy for a boy to have an imagination to balance the knowledge. He said it would help him understand the Witches of the Sky, the mysterious neighbors of Terra. His Father called them the Enemy. Adama called them a legend. Endymion called them wonderful.

The Book had told him of a time before time when all magic was born of Terra and where the King held that power in a mythical Crystal that represented the purity of Magic on Terra. And surrounding the Kings were the Shittenou, four warriors chosen at birth by the Crystal and gifted with one-fifth of Terra's strongest magic. Their destiny was to protect the Golden King. Endymion wished upon every star that he could have Shittenou. But he would have to have magic in order to do that, and legend and history both assured him that magic had disappeared from Terra with the last great King during the Last Great Magical War, when King Damien lost his Shittenou and his life in order to defeat the Demon Lord Tulpa. Legend said that that was the day that Terra broke all relations with the rest of the planets and entered the first Age of Darkness.

The feeling pulled him forward, through a thick grove of trees and into a small courtyard filled with roses. A marble fountain bubbled in the center of the small, round courtyard. Endymion gasped in air, not realizing how tired he was until now. He trudged to the fountain, cupped his hands, and drank deeply of the crystal clear water. Once refreshed, he looked around, wondering where he was.

A small temple stood before him. It was made of white marble. Four columns guarded the front, and ancient script marked the entrance. Endymion stared at it in wonder.

The feeling urged him in.

He swallowed against the sudden lump of fear forming in his throat. The sweat chilled on his skin as he took a tentative step forward.

"Prince!" General Adama grabbed his arm, breaking the spell.

"Adama!" Endymion cried. A wave of anger grabbed him. He struggled against the iron grip of his father's guard. "Let go!"

"No." He pulled Endymion back into the woods. "You should not be here. It is not safe."

Endymion pulled harder the further they went. That feeling begged him to go back and see what was in the Temple. "Let go!" he pleaded.

"No!" Adama said again, this time forcing the boy around to face him. "That Temple is forbidden!" he said firmly. "None are allowed entrance. Ever. You understand me?"

Endymion looked away, his heart breaking though he did not know why.

Adama straightened. "You are to come back to the palace without fuse. Your father is worried."

"Yes sir," Endymion whispered. He obediently followed the General away, but in the back of his mind, he swore to come back.

"Mamoru?" Usagi's voice drew him out of his memories. "Are you up here?" She peered through the door leading onto the roof. She smiled in relief when she saw him. "There you are." Holding the door open, she said, "Dinner is ready."

Mamoru looked up at her. She looked so beautiful in the dying light of the sun. His heart ached with a mix of love and loathing. She had killed one of his closest friends. Did she realize that? The innocent worry in her eyes said that she did not, and a new wave of loathing took him, one aimed at himself for thinking so ill of such an innocent creature. She did not know the grave sin she had committed against him. And he vowed once more to never let her know.

Pushing off the ground, he followed her back to their apartment, hoping that for one more night, he could persuade her that he was all right.