Summary: When he left his coat at her place, her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. Was it done purposely or completely accidental, she didn't know. All she knew was that she wanted to dance.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any relating plots and characters.

PS: I would highly recommend listening to Yiruma's My Memory while reading this. It's an amazing piece and this is the song I imagined playing for this story. I hope you all like it!

Maybe Tomorrow

By Ardent Ly

The plates stacked in Sakura's hands almost tumbled to the floor when she spotted it resting carelessly on the back of one of the dinner chairs. Simple gray wool, strung with the traditional buttons and void of any special accessories, and a high collar to appease the picky heir's specific style, it visibly wasn't anything special.

But to her, at this moment, it was her entire world.

It was Sasuke's coat.

She placed her load on the table, momentarily distracted from her task. In the kitchen, the rest of the dishes were piled in the sink, the tap dripping noisily. She reached for it with a trembling hand, disbelieving, and felt butterflies flutter in her stomach the moment she touched it.

Without planning to, her eyes shut dreamily and she stumbled into her living room, holding the end of one sleeve in her right hand as she smoothly led herself through the steps of a lonely waltz. Many would've questioned her sanity if they were to see her now, gliding across the room in her house slippers, loose lime apron and a coat pressed up against her body, but she couldn't have cared less. It was her night.

The music playing in the background was haunting, but strangely appropriate, and, step by step, she let her imagination run, almost being able to really feel as if she were in the arms of a willing partner – in the arms of the man who owned this scratchy gray coat.

Sakura sighed longingly, dejectedly, as the song faded to its end and she forced herself to wait patiently as the next track started up again. The ticking of the clock and the drip of her kitchen sink only made the wait more unbearable, and suddenly she was struck with the fear that her night was over and her fantasy dance along with it.

She buried her pink-capped head deep into the thick fabric, inhaling the musky, all too masculine scent. The image of his face came to mind, and despite his cool features, she still felt her heart melt at the thought. Her lithe body shuddered at the tingles that ran up her spine, and for the first time in years, she felt like a vulnerable, utterly in love twelve-year-old girl. Thankfully, before she could linger on her depressing thoughts, the dulcet tones of a piano and violin emerged once again and the whites of her teeth flashed. Her fear of the night bleeding into the morning was momentarily diminished and all regrets with it. Going back to routine, Sakura continued her box step, silently counting off in her head.

One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.

Lost in the moment, her mind wandered back to the many opportunities they had to dance, and lamented over each missed chance. She remembered Ino and Shikamaru's wedding reception, where everyone filed onto the dance floor, leaving just her and Sasuke sitting at the tables. She hadn't move all night, desperately praying that the next song would be her chance; that Sasuke would finally rise from his seat, place his hand before her and, with a wordless invitation, lead her out to the floor with everyone else. He would not smile, and neither would she, and the night would be perfect.

But that night, much like so many other nights, she left utterly disappointed and with her shoes not completely worn in.

Suddenly, Sakura was pulled out of her reverie by a soft grasp of her hand, and her eyes flew open in shock. Staring back at her were the dark, dark eyes she so admired, and the heat rose up to her roots. Behind him, the door rocked, still open and welcoming the chill. Despite it, she felt nothing but the tingling sensation his touch brought to her body and the intense pounding of her heart.

"You're doing it wrong," Sasuke said to her in a half-whisper, pulling her tighter towards him. Silently, he led her through a different pattern and together, they danced for the first time.

I hope you all liked it!
